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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. There are small differences, I will check that right now..., IN RQ 2, STR x 1.5 is the upper limit of things that can be carried while in RQ G there does not seem to be an upper limit. Mistake? Although, seeing as MOV takes a one point penalty per things over Maximum ENC I would imagine humans can only carry 7 things over MAX ENC and  hope to move at a blistering 1 MOV/SR. 8 and they are dead in the water, as a duck might t say.

    As RQ 2 did not have dodge, the dodge rules are new to RQ RiG. So correct, just about the same.

  2. I count four of us,  oops make that three (splitter!).

    That being considered  numerous reminds me of a joke I once heard of a Yelmalian patrol spotting a trollkin disappearing over a hill, and sending a young lad to go after it for a spot of training in the field. The patrol stood down to await the young victor's return when horrifying screams were heard followed by sobs and then... nothing! The leader sends a couple of larger lads to follow, with similar results. Pissed, the leader sends his 4 best men. After a long and agonizing period of time rent by sounds of desperate combat, screams, flashes of light from a blizzard of spells—when finally one battered, bloodied and bruised soldier staggers back, collapses at the leader's sandals and croaks...

    "It were an ambush, yer lordship! Twas two o' them".

  3. 2 minutes ago, jps said:

    You are not alone, I too liked RQIII and I used ENC rules. I might use them again if the need arises.

    True, I might end up bringing them back with the right players...

  4. 4 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    In one iteration of RQ, Kolat was an associated cult of Orlanth. Thus, yes.

    Was that RQ or HQ?  Never played HQ and I can not remember seeing it mentioned in any RQ I have played.

  5. Hmm, I was going to post this in What the Heck... Check that out but this is not really a whizz bang earthshaking, What the heck, check that out… pat pend ™ thing , or even a really new and groundbreaking rule so I thought it worth another thread.

    I have seen it mentioned that RQ G lacks an Encumbrance system on a few threads now, or a little confusion on others. Seems that they kinda have ENC rules or really near option/suggestions with rules tacked on. 

    Back in RQ2 days they had a common sense approach to encumbrance. Don’t carry more than you can…. but if you do and need a measuring stick they offered a neat idea of things weighing either one thing or two (depending on the number of hands required to carry the thing, I believe) . This has been brought back with either CON or STR setting the upper limit on the number of things one could carry (kinda), It is  (only a little) more complicated than this so I think rather than quoting the whole skill I will send interested parties to the RQ RiG book page 150 and 15. In short it reads

    ENC Penalties 
    Every point of ENC an adventurer carries over their maximum ENC causes them to suffer the following penalties: 
    –1 from Movement (MOV) 
    –5% from all skills in the Agility, Manipulation, Stealth, and Weapon skill categories 
    and more follows…

    I believe i might be the only human on the planet that liked RQ 3 ENC rules and even used them (gasp) and I did not mind the thing approach of RQ 2 so really I think I will be using the rules in the future for RQ RiG but it's early games at the moment so I told the players to set phasers on ignore when it came to ENC, for the moment anyway.

    How about the Chaosium agora and its literati: comments, hates, likes, comments about ducks...


  6. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    BRP is f'ing ROBUST, both in the "lots of options available" sense and the "easily tweaking in any direction without breaking" sense.


    Yeah, you got that right. I am not even sure the new kids can break it... <grin>

    ... aw c'mon... I said grin! Hey, gimmee back my access...

  7. 8 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Yeah, I apologize, that was unfair of me to paint that in such a broad brush. I started roleplaying at the age of 12, by my later teens I was more mature. Apologies also for derailing this thread!


    As the creator of the thread I have always been a little lenient about this kind of thang (derailments and all) and honestly I even encourage it. I hope no one minds that my joints are a bit looser than the norm (hey Norm, do you mind... Nah, it's cool Bill... See?) 

    The gems that come out are still there and the sidetracks give the thread breath and give the mind a rest (a sherbet between courses to please the palette, if you will). The comment was a definite what the heck, type, (that those who create the rules might well play fast and loose with said rules is almost up there with finding out you parents have and had lives without you). and you were simply responding to it. Hell, you even apologized for hijacking the  thread and painting a whole group of folk with a broad brush. How Canadian of ya, eh? I am not sure I can agree that an apology is needed but having to work with americans all the time I realize that we canadians apologize an awful lot.


  8. 12 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Perhaps there should be a line in the rules saying that SOI can be skipped if your group is comfortable with a more free-flowing combat system.


    I truly enjoyed Nash and Whitaker's take on, take-it-or-leave-it, modularity in RQ6. Don't like it, remove it wholesale, like it—slide it right in. Very refreshing. AND VERY EASILY DONE (built right into the rules it seems)!

    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, hkokko said:

    <CONCERN> I feel a bit odd and even censored if I need to start thinking every word I write whether it is clear for a newcomer which I think I have not been for awhile or whether it holds true to some particular book which I might not have studied or followed in depth or have already extrapolated to some direction. Should I refrain from helping or saying something because I am not sure whether it is strictly according to a certain book - this sounds weird.


    Another gentleman who is capable of articulating very will what I mean, and I do appreciate your abilities to be even handed hook  hook. *  hkokko. Everything you said and in the way you said it oh child of Finland with english as your 2nd language, I support, stand behind and wish I had said. Oh and as for the curmudgeon, I will loan you my talents for curmudgeonliness anytime.

    That having been said, hi Ellie and a very barbarian welcome to you. I hope you bring joy, thought and good cheer here.

    *arghh mutant demon spawn of a spellchekr begone! 


    • Like 1
  10. Purloined from a variety of people in the thread RQ with Less Theism, Thanks fro finding this Kloster!

    RQG p 418 Power Gain Roll through Spirit Combat

    Yes, in addition to the (new) gains with worship and battle.

       10 hours ago,  Kloster said: 

    Yes, in addition to the (new) gains with worship and battle.

    Battle? I can't find that!

       8 hours ago,  PhilHibbs said: 

    Battle? I can't find that!

    Special and critical results on Battle Results table p176

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, klecser said:

    I think the key is that there is space for everyone in gaming so long as everyone is welcoming to everyone. :D

    Yeah, that would make sense. A Webpage lacking in grognardly material would hold my interest for all of a couple of strike ranks. And then I would be seeking to disengage but lacking the in-depth  thread on how to disengage I would not know how? Ah well, as long as a bad sense of humour does not equal banishment, I should be around for a while.


    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Ellie said:

    And to be clear, everyone here has always been so very friendly. This is a community to be really proud of. We do not want to tell anyone they can't post passionate tomes about the setting they love. We just want to keep those wonderful academic posts where they can best be appreciated, and make it easier to get started in Glorantha.

    Thank you for your clarification Ellie.
    In honesty your first post scared to the old/new gorgnard here (that's me:) that there was to be a regime change away from what I loved to something very new and scary. Good to see that you will be as welcoming to us old long winded long in the tooth and very unlikely to change old farts as well as the newcomers that you will want to carry the games forward.



  13. Contribution to the thread time again:

    The Chalana Arroy cult never asks for payment. However, it is a custom enforced by the gods themselves that if a healer revives a person, the beneficiary must immediately pay a sum equal to their Ransom to the healer’s temple. The cults enforce this among their followers. Rune levels have this amount paid by their own temples. 

    Page 150 RQ RiG

    Not a rule per se, but I like how it gives a real world flavour to my Dragon Pass experiences; the trade of a life for a life's worth (weregild) . It seems to have its etymology in HQ and in specific Sartar Kingdom of Heroes, and there it expands this to all curing and rich folk even building a temple to Chalana in return for major healing or resurrection.

  14. 8 hours ago, Joerg said:

    I actually prefer the Anglo-Saxonism/Icelandic form godi to acolyte. Easier to spell and to pronounce, too.


    me too. not being germanic it sounds exotic yet familiar as well


    8 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Yes, each spell traded requires 2 Rune Points from the Issaries priest, and it has to be done at a sanctified Market. If two non-Issaries want to swap spells, that's 4 RP from an Issaries that have to be paid for.


    Damn, I will have to go to the books again. I am afraid I am not seeing the advantage you have mentioned here. Too much work not enough sleep or it is just to slick for me to comprehend. Let me give it a read and I have a feeing I will be getting back to you with questions after.


  15. 3 hours ago, Pentallion said:

    One beginning character dived into a pool of POT 20 acid to get a crystal.  He was special.  Another walked into a cave full of trolls.  Everyone thought he was special too.


    On our world we have an award for such "special" individuals: the Darwin Award!

    3 hours ago, RHW said:

    Joking aside, I do think starting RQG characters are a cut above your average Gloranthan, even your average veteran. They're on the cusp of noteworthiness, if not quite greatness. They've caught the eyes of the big movers-and-shakers. They promising.

    Or as I was calling them last year after rolling a couple... near superheroes. A wee exaggeration but... they are not granddad's adventures.

  16. 6 hours ago, Crel said:

    Another piece of info to keep in mind is that, RAW, any time you have a Rune or Passion over 80%, the GM can dictate your actions, or otherwise reduce your rating. (I don't think I've ever seen someone on here say they actually plan to play that strictly.) In order to become a Rune Lord, you must have one of your cult Runes at 90%!


    I certainly do plan to, but with many caveats.

    A warning to the player that the 80% will make augmenting and casting spells easier but it will also have influence in their life. So, the choice of 80% or above is on them. When they do decide to buck their inclinations I will again warn them (actually give them a choice) that they while they can go against hard felt passions in their runic choices their might be ramifications. Again their choice.


  17. I have no problems with soltakss but every now and again the so-called spl chckr (A foul demon from some vague and unwholesome lunar hell) goes berserk when I type to in. Ah well... Thanks for giving me the idea soltakss, so I should contribute p'raps...

    Loving the new 2nd attempt at skills rolls...

    Reattempting Ability Rolls
    An adventurer failing an ability roll may still be in a situation where they could potentially try again. The gamemaster may permit a follow-up attempt if it is justified, but at a –25% penalty.
    If this second attempt fails, the adventurer cannot make any further reattempts without the passage of time or change in circumstances.

    • Like 2
  18. 4 hours ago, Byll said:

    While no civilised person would dream of wearing boots (boots!) to visit their grandmother, we are all us, and must remember that thieving Vanchites and two faced Carmanians are our brothers and sisters at the bosom of the Goddess.

    Not only does my grandma wear boots so does me ma!

  19. Digging deep and have yet to find anything as earthshaking as the expanded resistance table but thought I better take a break and put a caveat on this discussion.

    Let's leave the obvious combat notes on skills over 100% and other well discussed topics for the other places they're being discussed. If the topic is well taken care of elsewhere leave it there. Let's try to keep the new factor here. Like the resistance table (I can't believe I missed that).


  20. Time to create a new thread and this time I blame soltakks and PhilHibbs for it. A while back in another thread a couple of comments caught my attention and made me go, " huh, I did not see that at all. Wow, this needs to be further explored".The thread is not relevant— the following...

    2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:
    6 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Ooh, thank you for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed that the Resistance Table stopped capping out at 95, but has chances above 95. That is a big, big improvement.

    In which case, the spell is not poorly written and works just fine. Either +5 POW or +25 chance, both work just as well on the modified Resistance Table.

    I wonder what other vast improvements they have slipped in without me noticing. 

    No kidding, mind if I make a new thread..?

    The table that made  soltakss* so excited that I quote him and start a new thread was

    11 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:


    and damn, it got me excited and wondering else what I have missed as well.You know, forest for the trees and all that.

    Time to hit the books to see what I can find, but first to the Forums to post this bad boy! So what of it? Anything catch your eye and make you take a 2nd look like soltakss** did? Post it here for us all to marvel over. Remember, tell them Soltak soltakk Tell them Frank sent ya.


    * (all right I officially hat the spel chekr monster thingie... try to type soltakss I dare ya)
    ** Arghh!!!!

  21. 3 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Ooh, thank you for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed that the Resistance Table stopped capping out at 95, but has chances above 95. That is a big, big improvement.

    In which case, the spell is not poorly written and works just fine. Either +5 POW or +25 chance, both work just as well on the modified Resistance Table.

    I wonder what other vast improvements they have slipped in without me noticing. 

    No kidding, mind if I make a new thread..?

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