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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I coitainly hope you noted the comedy inherent in my lack of sympathy or even the old skool thingy i tacked onto my comment. Nah, step one ask for a road map and then rather then take our word for it (though that's a start) have a look around. The research I was referring to was knowing the type of grognards we are and that like vultures we would swarm down on innocent questioners like yourself. (and as to whether to take me seriously or not). Cheers
  2. Aye but try to tell the kids that now a days. When I was their age I had to march 25 miles on expedition uphill to Griffin Mountain, and 25 miles back uphill to Trilius when the adventure was all done and all for half an experience roll. And be damn glad of it!
  3. Chalana Arroy, vegetarain pacifists only need apply. Issaries Merchant; one could duplicate the voyages of Marco Polo with this cult and occupation.
  4. All too true, but I imagine that will change in time. Boldhome was not built in a da... never mind. You don't spit into the windYou don't pull the mask off that old Lone RangerAnd you don't mess around with Jim What nobody warned him, he did not do a little research, no sympathy here. ;) okay a bit more sympathy here. I have been treating it like a new game and in someways it is (the eighties were a long f'ing time ago)... but yeah, I to wish it was closer to done than it is. Having waited since the nineties for this I might be too forgiving.
  5. Seeing as we posted at almost the same time (just finishing my reply off when I heard your reply chiming in) G33 I did not get a chance to read your reply to OP until now. Yeah, figured I would leave the mechanics alone and that you would nail them. The only thing I cannot see in your missive is the thing that really sold me on RQ; the experience system and it's elegance. If you should succeed at using a skill, you put a check beside it and at the end of an adventure you try to roll over the skill used. Success indicates that you have learned from the experience and you may take a dice roll increase in percentiles to add to the skill or a guaranteed (lower) number in place of chance. That is the harder the skill is to succeed at, the easier it is to learn from and visa versa. And there are many instances of such elegance buried in the rules.
  6. Recycled from elsewhere Firstly: The world is myth personified. The sun is a god who died in a great conflagration and was brought back to life and thus can only exist for half of time and travels the cestestial sphere by day and enters and travels hell by night, We worship the gods of air, storm and middle sky and thus we are willful and free— these gods took life from the sun and realizing their error they set forth on the Lightbringers' Quest to retrieve him from hell and place him back in the sky. All over a flat earth that reaches down to the roots of mountains into hell an floats on all the world's waters. All is god, spirit, and rune, The conflagration known as the God's War unmade reality it was so great—all who survived created the great compromise woven into a mystical web called time by the spider. The gods and the dead would leave the mortal realms to those who hold the elemental and form runes especially the beast and man runes. Thus the creek that sustains us, our crops and animals—is a great spirit with the power of the rune of elemental water We make treaty with her once a year at a sacred time.Via communication and worship of gods we gain control of Runes and thus magics, simple and complex that alter the world a little; to fix a wheel or make an arrow fly true to great magics which will help the fertility of your crops, families ands animals. Once a year we hold great rituals that remake the Great Compromise and reset time for the next year. Our magics are both great and small but all come from the runes. As to kid friendly. Depends on the kid. The combat is unapologetically brutal and the themes are mythology in the raw, not Disnified. So, have a look at the free rules take a wander through the forums, do your due diligence and Bob's your bison's uncle. A little easier than taxes, harder than D&D, I'm a war gamer (WW III micro armour is my first love) so, I am not one to ask... Cheers
  7. Oops, another drunk has wandered out of Alastor's Skull Inn! Quick, call the trollkin watch...
  8. Looks like $46.41 for shipping to Canada is the 2nd place winner (so to speak) after the <quote> pretty steep 37.83 Euros <unquote>.. And damn, it was in this country three weeks ago!
  9. Good luck Dustin, here's hoping you have a great week! (or at lest a survivable one, remember the Guide to Glorantha (the two volume set in it's slipcase)should be useful if pitchfork bearing villagers and shoppers break through the door. Aim for head shots!
  10. I know, when you see the heading it scares ya.
  11. Well done all, I have read ideas that have piqued my interest but of course my budget has to survive tomorrow without exploding into a million pieces. We will have to wait and see what the gnomes of Chaosium have to say.
  12. Jerry Cornelius, time traveler, mod circa 1960's London, Eternal Champion, who lives in a abandoned Nazi Pillbox on the WW II impregnable Atlantic wall. Now I am intrigued.
  13. I was thinking that might be a solution. From hand wavery to timey whimey to quote the good doctor. Pray, tell me more good sir.
  14. Hmm, so a bit (lot) of hand wavery would be required to use the 3 together?
  15. Thanx folks for answers and as to the offers on helping with RQ in Glorantaha using the Mytrras rules, I have a feeling that if I am going to use RQ 6 it will be for mythic Europe, I already have three ways to play RQ in Glorantha that all work quite fine. (and 4 ways to play in Glorantha , with the inclusion of Dragon Pass). Cheers
  16. Hey guys, I am a proud owner of RQ 6 the leatherbound slip cover and found it a very good rule book and a very interesting take on BRP. I decided I would wait for AiG to be released before playing it and well... So my question is; how far removed is Mythras 3ed from RQ 6 (it is built on the RQ 6 engine right?)? Cheers
  17. never did like Greg's take on the Mostali but this I can seriously get behind. Cyber bizarreness of a whole new order, brilliant RHW!
  18. And might I recommend for your head disabling pleasure; The 2 volume Guide to Glorantha in handy blood resistant slip cover. Doubles as a great way to inflict head hits on those inflicted with zombieism in the real world as well! Comes with the amazing Ronco "turnip twaddler" ™. this week only, act now, operators are standing by!
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