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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Remind me, Lay worshippers in RQ G can sacrifice for Rune Spells, yes?
  2. I would say we are. Yay! (and there was much rejoicing) Sweet... alas, that's the problem. I found a couple of notes on the Egyptians but I did not get the sense of when. They seemed to have pumps and water engines, but not getting dates I could not say if this was .bronze or iron age, (I am betting Iron age.). Of course they have the Nile but the only fire I can think of is well within the common era, Alexandria. More devastating then many other conflagrations for the loss of the library. The point I was making using Rome is that in the real world it would be another age before organized fire elimination. Now I know the analogy of bronze age Glorantha and Iron age Earth breaks down vey easily but bear with me, The point I was making is one could assume something like Rome would be a pre-requisite for organized fire fighting.. Notchet, Glamour, an eastern metropolis or a western metropolis might qualify, perhaps? True, but another tool in any case. Mahome and her (?) gifts are of major importance so there will be some devotees of low rank taking this blessing.
  3. I am definitely of the opinion that one would have to roll a world lore or cult lore (fire knowledgeable cults) or the Insight skill to be able to grasp the paradox (again that modern man has no probs with but a Gloranthan..?) of fighting fire with fire as opposed to the obvious earth or water. Perhaps a forester might get it automatically or with a very easy idea roll INT x5 Or even a Battle roll cou;d be used here as someone pointed out—I really like that idea of using Battle skill to take the fight to the fire, sorry for not remembering and giving proper credit? Ahh there he is, Ian Absentia. Great call! What do you all think, is this wrong to think fighting fire with fire is not obvious? Good call. Hmm, Joerg, would you in this case assume one need a passion roll to stand firm and not run or go fetal... Honour for instance, or Love (stead) if it's in danger of being burnt or some such appropriate passion. I could see wild fire being like a Dragon and HR such a thing. Love hospitality! Though Pavis never struck me as a city of enlightened self interest. I could see Old side not really caring (to understate it, I believe the language might be a little more colourful) if Rich Hill was alight, but it the wind shifted... "to the buckets Our bothers (freudian slip?) need us," might be heard. Meow! Cool, very cool! Wowsie, wowsie woo woo Pebbles Schlepprock Jinkies. Velma Pretty darn cool dood me As to Eurmal, I am going with Bootse's comment and everything thing RHW says on Oakfed sounds pretty good! (you try to argue with the mis...nothing) Cheers
  4. Now where would you find this? I had thought that Adventures in Glorantha was abandoned when RQ 6 became Mythos (and long before that when the RQ 4 Adventures in Glorantha was abandoned). Cheers
  5. Sounds kind of like the earth rune imitating homes of the Sartarites and kin. And really most of the buildings of Pavis.
  6. Oh you didn't. I do hope you are ashamed of yourself I truly do. To your room young warrior! :)
  7. I am loving BRP central, myself This Page is honestly some of the best experiences in the cyber realms I have had since pre-net days of Stadtel BBSs run on the fabled atari 1040st-—Sherman, set the way back machine to the 80s. The Rrrock, and oh damn can't remember the name of the BBS (citadel?) but it was the best ever and the SYSOP was King of the Popes (Hey Bald Dwarf, are you out there? C'com Dimitrius, I know your here). The conversations were long, short, airy, eriudite, hilarious... and now a massage from the swedish prime minister... slap itty slap itty slap... heated and often helpful. Especially if help was asked for! And best of all from around the world (often on the SYSOPs and his slow friend's dime). Hell there was a thread about super-string theory was easily as long as the Pavis and the three billion questions thread found in the Glorantha Forum! Anyway should a praise thread be needed why doesn't some one do so and begin this anew there... You can quote me on that. Oh hell I think I will do that anyway...
  8. I am loving BRP central, myself This Page is honestly some of the best experiences in the cyber realms I have had since pre-net days of Stadtel BBSs run on the fabled atari 1040st-—Sherman, set the way back machine to the 80s. The Rrrock, and oh damn can't remember the name of the BBS (citadel?) but it was the best ever and the SYSOP was King of the Popes (Hey Bald Dwarf, are you out there? C'com Dimitrius, I know your here). The conversations were long, short, airy, eriudite, hilarious... and now a massage from the swedish prime minister... slap itty slap itty slap... heated and often helpful. Especially if help was asked for! And best of all from around the world (often on the SYSOPs and his slow friend's dime). Hell there was a thread about super-string theory was easily as long as the Pavis and the three billion questions thread found in the Glorantha Forum! Anyway should a praise thread be needed why doesn't some one do so and begin this anew there... You can quote me on that. Oh hell I think I will do that anyway... Done, a new thread has been created and it's meant to praise BRP central, head to the tavern, you can ask anyone here for directions. Cheers
  9. Refreshing to see senior management owning that. I also appreciate that you all have been taking concrete steps to improve the situation. Yay, go Rick! almost as storied as the poor edits... most before you I am sure, Rick:) Sorry boys door was open, barbarians ya know... just wandered in. loving this thread cheers
  10. I do try my best to create good threads and then watch folk have at 'em! I learned some of the secrets to thread creation by having watched (read lurked) the best for a couple of years with very few posts to begin. Really, throw a good question in front of this lot, fan the flames ( ;vo ) a little and stand back and watch 'em go. It's quite entertaining, Really! Cheers
  11. Goldberry Thank you. True but note their next opponents are not ones that should be met early in the journey; 3 of the nine riders and I believe their king. Could they have survived with out the ritual rebirth?
  12. but the ones that do buy beer!
  13. Hmm, glad you would have been okay to see him there. I saw the Tom Bombadil Lady Blueberry (?) story as a bit of a heroquest myself. After being ate by Old Man Willow (and a trip to Bullfinches Mythologies or a google should pull up an incredible amount on Old Man Willow IRW) not to mention the forced and assisted birth at the hands of Tom to the Hobbits when he free them from OMW's maw and then brought them kicking and screaming into a new world in many ways. The child like simplicity for me had a nice celtic depth to it In fact I have always said that Peter Jackson boosted the Sex by taking a one sentence mention in the book and making it a continuing love scene with Liv Ulman. and removing the ancient celtic spirituality by removing Tom. So I guess I could be included in that ilk myself. Cheers
  14. Yes it does and you can bet I will be inflicting it upon PCs at some point in time.
  15. A quick tip of the hat and a moment of silence if your into that kind of thing for the poor folk of Paradise. (was going to insert a sad emoji but the tears on my face will have to suffice)
  16. Ooh ,ooh I just went to the Runequest Forun Index and saw that Putting Out Fires thread is (insert rimshot here!) HOT!
  17. and I would expand that to include a very disorganized auxiliary force of citizens (neighbours worried the fire will spread to them, altruists, press ganged individuals, passer-by hired by a shop owner) Nor have I, but when listening to the Ideas show on the radio of fires raging for four year, fires wiping out 2/3 of a city and fires requiring 40 years to rebuild or even causing collapses of states... heroic and epic in spades! Glad you got where I was going with this. And no, though off topic (or genre or something) do tell about the new york firefighters
  18. In my defence I did say similar:) extortion by any other name would smell as sweet (or at least smoky) But a very fair point in any case. but would they share?
  19. Considering Rome had the very first "real"* fire department and I use the term very loosely, I am not sure there is such a thing commonly found in Glorantha. Perhaps in the east? * this is run by the gent I mentioned from the Triumvirate in fact which would make it about 1st century BCE Most interesting, this is similar to the gent I mentioned early who would rush his crew to a fire and then stand his men down while he negotiated with the anxious owner the price of the service.
  20. Fire is an interesting thought. And makes perfect sense to a modern man. Now yer average govmint boorocrat who gets approached by this crazed looking (Oakfed shaman, or?) who is spouting some nonsense about how a salamander (fire elemental) is the solution to his fire problem could lead to interesting role playing.
  21. Yeah, this looks perfectly fine, elegant even. And I get the ease you mention, that the RQ slipcase currently lacks (or at least the GM's screen pack.
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