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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Interesting I always gave folk in my RQ 3 campaigns who travelled for a week in new territory a World Lore practice gain roll (same 1D6-2 roll as training but only 1% if you took the guaranteed advancement in place of the roll). I wonder if I got that by noticing the week of riding giving a check but missing the rest. I vaguely recall giving either a practice gain roll or an experience roll for the first week of riding the one and only time it happened in Balazar. Actually, anything intense for a first week was considered and possible checked in my games if it made sense to do so (again I seem to recall using practise rolls not training for this HR). But the rest, that really was a What the heck moment for me. I finally got the full gist of this rule when reading the core rules for material for this thread. Until then I have done just as PhilHibb's, check and go. In fact, doing this thread and the others as well have been great for my understanding of the rules. Cheers all.
  2. Yay. give that boy a biscuit, when asked if he had ever made a mistake after a life-time of almost making it big and failing in oh so many ways, the founder said, and I quote... " Firing me fookin' bass player!"
  3. hmm, in Family history one can roll a magic item on the family heirloom table—let me check... here we go if you roll a 12 you get: An awakened small animal (SIZ 2 or less, such as a cat, a lizard, a bird, etc.) with 3D6 INT and 3D6 POW. Otherwise it is normal for its species. The animal knows 3 points of spirit magic of the player’s choice. It can speak the adventurer’s language and serves as a loyal companion, but is otherwise independent. See the Glorantha Bestiary for additional information on such creatures.
  4. I truly apologize, but I am sure that when you hit play and listen and then do a little research as to the authorship not only will you agree it belongs here but many of you will look it up and possibly start being fans as well. I would have put up only the first song which is germane to this discussion of music, cyberpunk and M-space. But the rest of the album works too. Parental Warning Hate censorship, love info.. Be warned that the lyrics on Sonic Attack are a little risqué. I am sure the rest of the album will be the same. Spoiler For those who can not wait, the author is a certain Michael Moorcock! Not a spoiler Who was the original bassist for this band? Do not know if he played on Sonic Attack. Cheers!
  5. "In yer face!" Camera pans back to reveal what can only be called a barbarian doing what might be described (loosely) as a victory dance.
  6. So I eat 12 geese, (if I am understanding this correctly) and I get a DEX of 25? BONUS! How's that for Egregious munchkinnery? Huh, punk!
  7. One of the most famous temples here is the Cave of Serpents, where the Sibyls of Enervi interpret the visions of Kev. The priestesses receive gifts both great and small from supplicants from all over Glorantha. and this is the only quote I can find in the GTG after searching electronically. Thirteen great temples, each with orders of priests and priestesses, are dug deep into the earth. One of the most famous temples of Ezel is the Temple of the Cave of Serpents where the Sibyls of Enervi interpret the visions of Kev. They receive gifts both great and small from supplicants all over the world. At any given time thousands – sometimes tens of thousands – of pilgrims worship the Great Goddess at Ezel Obviously there is a rabbit hole asking me to dive in...
  8. Careful Gustaf, you may be accused of being a striking grognard (I hear they are as popular as ducks in these parts). Hmm, query. Where would I go to find a beginning to ponder this question; the Stafford Library, KoS, or? citations are your friend!
  9. I seem to recall liking them, noting them for later retrieval and then finding out RQ G was coming and put them on a back burner. Might have to have a relook, Cheers
  10. 12 geases (no idea of the plural)! That poor individual would be so regimented he wouldn't know whether to sh** or go blind.
  11. It felt like it... and I was losing, badly! But then which time.
  12. The heat rash sure does. I speak from experience...
  13. Quite the review, I think if I read you right, you are still on the fence but are warming to it... Only had time for half of it and will read the rest tomorrow. Cheers And thanks Pentallion, I think I will put this in line (and get to it soon!)... RQ has all my attention and possibly all my next years allowance right now. Zounds, the GaGoG and GM's book will be coming out soon (ish), if my wallet takes one more hit and rolls one more fumble it won't be pretty... sigh. Brother can you spare a blog?
  14. I almost call this great show cyber-noir for it's first season.
  15. I believe it has been written and even given one hell of a soundtrack by canada's best export! enjoy!
  16. there is a setting begging to be written. I agree...
  17. Okay, this qualifies. How many of you know that Ride (___) 5% handles experience gain rolls in it's own unique way and did so back way in RQ 2 (I have not checked RQ 3)? Not me, but there it is in glorious colour in the RQ RiG book page 167 or b&w in RQ 2 page 52: An adventurer may attempt an experience increase roll for Ride only when the gamemaster allows it. One or more of the following conditions should be met: • The adventurer has lived through a melee in which they at least started riding (they may realize why they fell off ).
 • The adventurer has made a riding animal do something they never made it do before.
 • The adventurer has completed a mostly mounted journey of at least a week through difficult terrain. • The adventurer has successfully trained a riding animal to saddle and bridle. Some explanation for this comes in the paragraph before: The percentage ability to ride is also the rider’s chance to make a mount do something it hasn’t done before, such as jumping a barrier... etc. emphasis in the quoted rules to draw out points are mine.
  18. Have not had the pleasure of trying RQ RiG ENC yet but carrying a bunch and wearing armour was a pretty effective way of gaining fatigue penalties in RQ3, I imagine it is a bit less of an issue in RQ RiG but I do note that Armour weighs more things than weapons for the most part so it might just push you into encumbrance faster. Hopefully we will be getting news back from folks who have used the ENC rules as written in their games and can therefore comment.with experience. Alas, if your disappointed, seeing as people generally hate the nitty gritty of RQ3 Encumbrance rolls don't expect them to get more complicated any time soon in RQ RiG.
  19. There are small differences, I will check that right now..., IN RQ 2, STR x 1.5 is the upper limit of things that can be carried while in RQ G there does not seem to be an upper limit. Mistake? Although, seeing as MOV takes a one point penalty per things over Maximum ENC I would imagine humans can only carry 7 things over MAX ENC and hope to move at a blistering 1 MOV/SR. 8 and they are dead in the water, as a duck might t say. As RQ 2 did not have dodge, the dodge rules are new to RQ RiG. So correct, just about the same.
  20. I count four of us, oops make that three (splitter!). That being considered numerous reminds me of a joke I once heard of a Yelmalian patrol spotting a trollkin disappearing over a hill, and sending a young lad to go after it for a spot of training in the field. The patrol stood down to await the young victor's return when horrifying screams were heard followed by sobs and then... nothing! The leader sends a couple of larger lads to follow, with similar results. Pissed, the leader sends his 4 best men. After a long and agonizing period of time rent by sounds of desperate combat, screams, flashes of light from a blizzard of spells—when finally one battered, bloodied and bruised soldier staggers back, collapses at the leader's sandals and croaks... "It were an ambush, yer lordship! Twas two o' them".
  21. Hmm, some hits, some misses, some explorations down rabbit holes to the profit of all and a few yuks, Great thread all, thanx! Doesn't mean you get to stop yet! I bet we can still find some items that cause jaws to drop! Cheers
  22. True, I might end up bringing them back with the right players...
  23. Was that RQ or HQ? Never played HQ and I can not remember seeing it mentioned in any RQ I have played.
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