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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 7 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I'm considering Durulz, and Newtling; also Lutroi, and Morokanth (they love marshes & rivers).
    I leaning toward doing more than one non-human in his crew.

    Maybe make him a Long-John-Silver type 1st Mate, with his own cadre of river-thieves within a larger crew of more-or-less legit sailors...

    <edit:  I just realized I need to include a renegade Lhankor Mhy in the crew.  Wearing a beard, of course; and thus named... Spock>

    The Merman are great example of considering oddities! I was also thinking undead... blame disney!


  2. 5 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Does anyone see anything I'm missing (other than the upcoming Cults book, with the Lanbril entry)?

    One could even consider oddities to go with this. Obvious would be a Druluz but hey, a Newtling... a Dragonewt, a steam punk Mostali... an intelligent salmon... 

    Sounds fantastic, and oh.. by the by... YOINK!


  3. 20 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    Probably much over 100. We had about 2 to 3 adventures per season (so 10 to 15 per year), with between 10 and 30 checks per adventure. Counting an average of 20, that means an average of 200 to 300 checks per year, and 100 if you adventure only once per season. Current rate of progress is much slower than previously.

    A quick perusal of my numbers and they add up to 51 minimum and 91 ticks max.

  4. Rumour has it we are simply waiting for it to be rebranded as a QW product now that Chaosium has relinquished the copyright to HQ. Great book so get it when it does become available again. Patience might be required though, I think it is far back in the chute


    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Jose Luis said:

    This means that the PCs now grow 8 times slower than in the old rules.  Why this massive change?  Does it get compensated with something?  Is it acceptable to use the old rule in the new ruleset?


    That depends, did you actually get 40 increases (time x) per year in the old way of playing RQ? I bring this up a few times a year but it still seems relevant. In Rules As Written one can still get 20 occupation ticks a year, 5 training or practice ticks a year 6 POW gain ticks a year and... what... let’s say an adventure every season... 4-12 possible experience ticks per season (Your mileage will vary) for a total of 20 to 60 adventuring checks a year. 

    seems good to me


    1 hour ago, Jose Luis said:

    2) Do all the new characters start with some Honor?  The rules do not seem to say so, but the character sheet includes it by default, thus my doubt.

    There are many skills on the sheet (by default) that one does not have at the start of the game. The skill being on the sheet does not mean you have it at all. All skills with a 00% base are at nil percentage (no modifiers) until trained.

    Oh, and nice to meet you Jose Luis, welcome to BRP.

    Small point to @Rodney Dangerduck... I believe there have always been mods added to a skill tick check. INT in RQ 2 was the Mod I think, and Category Mods in RQ 3 added to the chance of an experience check. RQ 1, I do not know.

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/7/2022 at 4:16 AM, yojimbo said:

    Drogarsi the Skald, a sub-cult of Donandar and Orlanth. In RQ, you want the Donandar cult.

    Actually playing a Vingan Skald of the Drogarsi sub-cult now. Not much to detail yet. Early Days.

  7. On 1/13/2022 at 11:12 PM, brionl said:

    Kinda sorta proto GURPS. Melee was designed by Steve Jackson and published by Metagaming. When Metagaming went under, SJ was able to pry loose the rights for Ogre/GEV but not Melee/TFT. So he implemented a new design of GURPS that coincidently looked  a bit like Melee. It came out in ~76 or maybe a little after, because the aforementioned "Chess Club" I was in played it between games of D&D sometimes.


    Very cool, a bit of thought and the SJ connection might have clicked for me. Thanks for the reminder, brionl!


    30 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I had thought it was just out in time for one of the big gaming conventions, and mostly sold there...?

    I had heard this as well. But thanks Rick for the info.

  8. Yep, I do not feel bad about getting facts wrong when the source is not available to me (or over 90% of it’s potential customers). I don’t consider it a rule until it has passed three retcons...

    Thanks Martin!


    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Bill, that is simply incorrect.  Companies issue policy statements, as do governments, about what constitutes the expected standard of conduct for their representatives are.  The clergy have literal libraries full of what constitutes breaches of priestly and monastic codes and the legal reasoning as to why. 

    The operative word here is work. To my mind none of these work. Worse they try to. Ergo, libraries of useless info... again, I am not telling you what to do... is it possible you may wish to tell me what to do.  

    • Like 2
  10. 19 hours ago, Darius West said:

    If you want perverse outcomes it is just great.

    Darius, our world does not come with code like this so, assuming you wish, you can institute it. Perhaps this is one thing about our world ya figure can be better. Why have your game be like reality. Anyone for Advanced Attorneys and Accountants (2nd Ed. Blue Cover)? Me, I tone down slavery and women abuse. Have it your way. Of course soltakss, moi and the horses we rode in on (hell all members if this website for that matter... and their horses) can have it their way. They paid for the game after all!

    If you do want an exacting simulation, go for it. Hell, skies the limits. (See Role Master and Chivalry and Sorcery for proof)! Me, I prefer a looser and wildly inconstant world like ours but that is just me. "The rules don’t make sense, they are inconsistent and very illogical", I can relate. You should try the marble I live on.


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  11. On 12/11/2021 at 11:20 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    yes absolutly, that why I don't consider it as a "proof" for any gloranthan scientist- well... is there any scientist in glorantha 😛 ?



    Leonardo, p’raps, and others of his land. In the West, I imagine many such folk.

    On 12/11/2021 at 6:22 PM, Shiningbrow said:

    Surely the God Learners were the archetype of scientists... Theorizing, testing, modifying, experimenting...



    On 12/10/2021 at 5:47 AM, simonh said:

    In-world there are rumours of "The Wild Healer of the Rockwoods", who's apparently a pacifist broo that worships Chalana Arroy and is a healer. Cults of Prax says that chaos creatures have been known to join the cult and that the wild healer is an example.


    Thanks, forgot the details, but yes.

    On 12/10/2021 at 5:47 AM, simonh said:

    That doesn't mean that everyone in Glorantha believes this broo exists, or that they are a legitimate Chalana Arroy worshiper, or that they all agree on all the facts, or what it means is any of it is true

    Vey, very very very pertinent to this thread! Thanks simon!

    On 12/11/2021 at 1:30 PM, AndrewTBP said:

    Leonardo the Scientist: 

    Arrgh , ya beat me too is. Someone had to!

    On 12/14/2021 at 7:06 AM, Dragon said:

    And it makes a good scenario hook. The CA did something a bit wrong, though not intended. And now needs to 'heal' things. Things like that can happen and what matters is making it right again.


    Free scenarios, just begging to be ran!

    On 12/18/2021 at 8:31 AM, Bohemond said:

    I'm a fan of trying to get players out of the contemporary mindset as much as possible.



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  12. On 12/9/2021 at 6:08 PM, Ian_W said:

    If it's weird, it's probably Chaos.


    I have read this from more than one knowledgeable Chaosium writer (staff and other). Too hard to get cites for this so, trust me.

    On 12/9/2021 at 6:08 PM, Ian_W said:

    If you're a chaos-hating barbarian, it's pretty simple.


    Life and mortality is pretty simple in this circumstance.

    On 12/9/2021 at 6:08 PM, Ian_W said:

    Do the Holy Senses of the Bull make it smell like chaos ? If no, then are there behaviors that indicate it might be of Gbaji the Deceiver, who Inner Storm Bull cult secrets whisper can make what is of Chaos smell pure ... asking weird questions, stuff like that ?


    Yep, according to Cults/Lords of Terror, the bull is capable of failure. 

    Nicely put together Ian!

  13. 27 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    I know you posted this as an illustration of what a mammoth task and huge document this would be.....but that's exactly the sort of thing I was asking about and I think would be well worth the effort, maybe as a group community project given the size of the task.

    I'd be happy to give the project my efforts, I can edit, proof or enter data. The real trick will be finding a coordinator for the task. You in Brent? This could and should be a multi person effort. Hey @Crel one more time? Then all we need is the blessing of Chaosium to allow it to happen, like Austin's last reference doc mentioned above. 

    27 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    the Bumper Book of Cults

    The BBoC... does not sing to me...

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