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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Well this is good news, according to Wikipedia we have not missed celebrating Newton Day (unless you are still using the Julian Calendar). We have at least 3 shopping days remaining until Newton’s birthday, alas only a couple hours remain in my timezone to get your Azimov gifts (Gregorian Calendar natch).

    • Haha 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    What I was asking about may not be a possibility until the Cult Compendium comes out and the cult homes of these spells are clearly identified.

    Yes, the Cults of Glorantha or the Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha or... the Cult Compendium... one of ‘em, eh? That will make the job a lot easier. But again, Austin is simply a JC author (I suppose that is the wrong way to put it... JC authors rock!). It was Chaosium folk who took that great work and and made it look very official... (do I have the right of it @Crel). 

    22 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    It might be possible to compile by trawling the various RQ II publications but we can't be sure that those legacy cult affiliations will be exactly the same in RQG.

    Yes, starting now would be a crap shoot.

    22 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    s it stands, the Red Book feels like a reference for other books, including unreleased ones like the Cult Compendium. It's awesome and its utility will obviously increase when the Cult Compendium is released but at the moment it feels a bit disconnected, at least as far as the Rune spells are concerned.

    And the way this will probably (just a guess, so we will have to wait and see) play out is starting as a fan piece, like the above mentioned thang... but as you sagely say, that can wait until we have all of our ducks (whether they are in a row or not is immaterial).

    It is looking more compleat as we go along anyway. I seem to recall you are an old hat at this RQ stuff. Ya gotta admit that it has not looked this good since the brief renaissance of the 90s.

  3. 24 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    Does anything like this exist out there for the Red Book?


    The only thing I know about is a doc compiled by Austin Conrad and available at chaosium.com. Its breaks spells down by runes required to cast em.
    https://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/RuneQuest/CHA4034 - Red Book of Magic/RuneQuest - Rune Spell Reference.pdf

    This being a fan item, it might just take a fan to put together what you are looking for Brent.





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  4. 14 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    I'd like to think we also have "low-art" kind of theatre/stage entertainment (actual stage optional). Skit-like things, poetic improv duels, singsong gatherings, possibly even something resembling stand-up (but probably more over-the-top and jester-like). Displaying weird talents.

    Me too, and busking would have to be a thing! And leave us not forget my favourite band! Although is this high or low art, good Sir_Godspeed?

    Bundalini and His Band


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  5. 41 minutes ago, sufiazafran said:

    ¿Is theater a thing in glorantha?

    And quite religious (obviously) as well. The Puppeteer Troupe come to mind.... as do any sacred time/holy day/ceremonies in general, as well.

    The Puppeteers have not made a mark in the new RQ as of yet but are mentioned in some detail on page 20 of the Gloranthan Sourcebook (ETA and a brief mention on RQ RiG page 14. I am not sure I feel comfortable posting it here (if someone else wishes spoilers would be cool), but I will mention they have hands in low entertaining and... <snip>... so have a boo.


    41 minutes ago, sufiazafran said:

    are there any theaters in Glorantha?

    I would assume there are found in the best clan house in a central local or in a natural amphitheatre near a stead... Would love to hear about other ideas as well!


    41 minutes ago, sufiazafran said:

    Are there any theater contests anywhere?

    There will be in my games from now on!

    Later ETA

    this is small enough I can copy it and it being in the core rule book I did not add spoilers...

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

    May your year's end be joyous, and your New Year a hell of a lot better than this one😇

    Some of us our having a horrible time this year (and last) in this season when we are supposed to be filled with the milk of human kindness and joy. Thankfully Joni gets it... and she shares the first official music video for “River,” her wistful contribution to the Christmas songbook, taken from her landmark 1971 album Blue just in time for Christmas. It is sad, and it is abut loneliness, but there is something else here. Hope it lifts your spirits same as it always has mine!


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  7. 13 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    So I wondered: Could you make the Characteristic x5 roll a standard alternative to a skill roll for a "crude" approach? Some things are crude in themselves, of course, like breaking stuff with sheer force, so it would make sense that that would be a STRx5 roll, anyway.

    Sure why not, it already is to a lesser or greater degree. Lifting a rock, comes to mind. Keeping ones footing on a patch of ice. 


    15 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    A lock would be broken if you open it with DEXx5 instead of the Lockpicking skill, or you'd make a lot of noise,

    This might slide away from “crude” to a little more sophisticated and perhaps requires an opposed roll. Skill of locksmith vs skill of picker... either Characteristic times 5 or skill divided by 5 which ever is easier. Bashing down doors... the same.


    17 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    You could even say that, after failing a skilled approach, you could re-try with the crude approach in some cases (if you have enough time, if the task is repeatable); that would be a bit like pushing a roll in CoC7, because it would entail a negative consequence.


    Not had the pleasure of CoC 7 so no opinion...


    18 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    To me, it seems like a nice way of keeping specific skill largely separate from your characteristics (so you can be a good climber even with DEX and STR at 6, because you just have learned it and know exactly how to do it right), but still give a siginficant role to characteristics (the guy who knows nohting about climling but has DEX of 16 will probably do well as well, but leave some equipment in the wall because he doesn't really know what steps to take in what order).

    This requires a bit of bookwork but sounds plausible.

    All my opinion...

  8. So I says to myself what does a Post-Weimar Republic retelling of ribald poetry from the beginning of Terra's 2nd millennium CE have to do with the Gloranthan Moon and then I looks, and then I finds....

    O Fortuna
    Velut luna
    Statu variabilis
    Semper crescis
    Aut decrescis;
    Vita detestabilis
    Nunc obdurat
    Et tunc curat
    Ludo mentis aciem,

    O Fortune,
    like the moon
    you are changeable,
    ever waxing,
    ever waning,
    hateful life
    first oppresses
    and then soothes
    as fancy takes it;

    Well played @Akhôrahil, well played!


    Any excuse to listen and post this great tune!


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  9. Two thoughts come to mind. 

    1/ it seems like the player is browbeating you to go with his will. Having had players like this just let him know (whilst continuing to negotiate in good faith) that you have to  plan out adventures to entertain and challenge the players and if you have an overpowered being entering the game, the job of GMing has just got harder... Point out that as a GM you are allowed to be in error (though the rumour of possessing human limits are still in question) and it is up to the table to help you to make it right. You’re all friends after all, just out to enjoy a game.

    2/ Snakepipe Hollow is incredibly over powered as a dungeon. (see, see! I managed to get both dungeons and dragons into this thread...) Maybe a dream dragon (this is a dream dragon, yes? Please do not tell this is an immature True Dragon (is there such a thing?)) as a reward is not going too far. 

    Please accept my greetings to you as a new poster here about (Hello) and also do me a favour and edit that first post and include tags warning of spoilers for SPH as well as putting it into the title as well, maybe. 



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  10. On 12/9/2021 at 3:29 PM, g33k said:

    (edit -- it's probably worth thinking about any other similar issues that might come up, and having an out-of-game conversation with the group to get everyone more on the same page)


    I have found myself doing this for decades. One can come up with a fiat ruling (and this must happen on occasion) but I trust a group ruling more.


    On 12/11/2021 at 3:24 PM, soltakss said:

    Seriously, when I am GMing a game, I don't spend more than a second on this kind of thing. Something is an enemy or isn't an enemy.


    As above, during game, no, after...


    On 12/11/2021 at 3:48 PM, Jaque Elle said:

    And normally, I wouldn't have spent more than a second on this kind of thing either; I made the judgement <snip




    On 12/11/2021 at 3:48 PM, Jaque Elle said:

    Oh well, snakes - why did it have to be snakes?  I guess you have to be prepared for this kind of thing when you try to run a "Snakes on a Moonboat" episode!

    Totally F’ing missed that f’ing reference... got it now!

    1 hour ago, Alex said:

    Wait, what?  Why was I not informed?! 😄

    2 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Note to self, update rolodex so we do not miss people when sending out memorandum!

    • Haha 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Darius West said:

    She would be pretty weird for a XU priestess (or maybe she didn't like the party much).  Xiola Umbar priestesses have no restrictions on killing after all

    Hmm, well I am not sure if you should take your disagreements up with the authors of Trollpak than, or with my interpretations of their fine work... The notes I have say they might well battle (to protect their charges) but the behaviour I describe is not beyond the pale.
     The following quotes are from RQ2 (classic) Trollpak’s Xiola Umbar’s Rune levels on page 92 all emphasis on these quotes and the following spoilers quotes from the Munrooms are mine.



    Xiola Umbar is no warrior, nor is she a whimpering maid. Rune Lords are primarily protectors and healers, and must fight to defend their charges.


    Rune lords are expected to aid the helpless and weak, both by battling for them and by healing and comforting them. They have few restrictions, but they must give 90% of their income to the cult


    Xiola Umbar is a not-so-gentle goddess of healing, and her priestesses behave accordingly. They do not heal everyone, just those worthy to be saved or those that can be saved cheaply.


    Now, I think I am fine on all points but one can question the cost of the healing or the worthiness (where it says saved cheaply and  worthy at the end). Mind you, the trolls had to get to her... so that saves some effort and may prove worthiness (the real costs in question) or am I reaching.

    This quote is from the Munchrooms on page page 193 form the classic reissue of Trollpak.


    Darna Farneeba is a Xiola Umbar priestess, the only full troll left in the colony. She represents a minor segment of troll society which feels pity rather than contempt for their misshapen spawn. She is well-versed in her arts, but is unaggressive and has pledged to never kill any intelligent nonchaos being.

    Yep, I think I am okay on my readings. Your mileage will vary.


  12. On 11/29/2021 at 5:08 AM, AndreJarosch said:

    But birthdays a thing in Glorantha?

    After near a lifetime of reading about Glorantha and having thought on this for a couple of days... Sadly I must say I do not think Birthdays are much of a thing in Glorantha. Seriously, should an adventurer of mine walk into a house to find a table filled with loud and oddly attired folk (finery with paper hats) playing kazoos around a cake made to look like a cutesy dragon all while singing “You look like a monkey and smell like one too!” I might suffer an odd break with irreality! 


    On 11/29/2021 at 9:36 AM, jajagappa said:

    In a world of omens, gods, etc. I tend to think that people are aware of the days so-and-so was born, particularly in close-knit clans.  (E.g. Hendrik was blessed by the warmth of Yelm, but the shadows of the world were always around him being born upon a Freezeday)


    This sounds plausible.

    On 11/29/2021 at 8:47 AM, David Scott said:

    I like the connection to the adventurer's runes.

    Me too!

    On 11/29/2021 at 3:05 PM, Sir_Godspeed said:

    If this were the RW, I'd argue that birthday celebrations would be rare, as very high infant mortality might work against viewing the birth as the most significant moment in a person's life.

    This was may first thought, but I have seen infant mortality argued a few times here on BRP now, and consensus says CA and Ernalda alleviate the worst of it... not wanting the game to be mean, I am happy with this.

    On 11/29/2021 at 3:08 PM, Ladygolem said:

    Theory: people know their birthdays, but don't celebrate them or even acknowledge them publicly. This is because knowledge of a person's birth runes can be used by enemies to strengthen curses or hostile magic against that person - similar to IRL superstitions around leaving hair or nail clippings.


    This is not only plausible but implied by the rules. GREAT! Thanks, I will be yoinking that!

    On 11/29/2021 at 5:48 PM, jajagappa said:

    Personally, I don't feel that the birth date necessarily coincides with their cult runes.  Are all Orlanthi really born on Windsday, Movementweek, Stormseason?  No

    That’s funny, good one.




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