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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. On 6/16/2020 at 6:53 PM, RQStaffan said:

    Since the next year seems to be in a mostly virtual mode, I've gone ahead and created Roll20 versions of the RQ:RiG pre-gen characters. I'm not sure how easy they would be to share, but I'm guessing that if you create an empty game with the right character sheet template, and enable the "players can bring characters" setting, that I could possibly upload them into your space from where you could then transmogrify them to where-ever they're needed.


    I have started some edits and have a few more to do on ones I got from @MarcI assume he might have got them from you. Interested in having a look at my edits RQS?


  2. A quick dive back into nitpickery here, alas. soltakss raises good issues which actually do weigh on the question and if we do not volley this back and forth ad anuseum without setting up a new thread I think we are safe. Also I like the points.

    29 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Yes, it is a gross breach of hospitality. But, what will be steadholder do about it? Whinge and moan to his clan chief? Face up to the armed Adventurers and potentially be harmed or bring harm to his family? Spread the word about how rude the Adventurers are? Bring down cult spirits of retribution upon them?

    This was where I was going, you have rights. But do you exercise the rights you have or not. And I do not believe one would have extra rights because he owns the land. Especially seeing as he does not. One might need be good in arms, a good solid legal clan helps, as does knowledge (use imagination here)... but a good clan champion goes a long way...


    31 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Your house, your rules.


    Yes, but having the right does not mean you have the might. 


    32 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Unfortunately, not having stated laws of hospitality in the game, and having a difference between clan rules that are known to clansfolk but not to Players, is very unrewarding.


    Agreed, yet still a few decades on we still lack said rules. This would be a great Splat book, Chaosium... JC contributors...


    33 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Sure, we can mimic them by using the Culture skill, but  what happens on a Failure?

    Of course a GM who is good and knows his table is perfect here.


    34 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    For me, the general laws of hospitality are well known, but the specific rules that apply to a certain clan, bloodline or stead might not be as well known.

    This is quite good for two reasons.... 1/ It makes sense and is historically and literarily accurate and 2/ it supplies scenario seeds!


    35 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    There really isn't a lot to nitpick here. In general, Orlanth initiates carry arms freely. Why would you require they not display their status and rank?

    Agreed, and excuse my dive back in... originally my only problems with question was knowing where that status and rank began and you answered that. All good. Free and above may carry swords and daggers...

    Huzzah! Let’s party! 

  3. 39 minutes ago, glassneedles said:

    I won't go into details but a quick google should help out. It is a shame as I would quite like to pick up their Runequest duck books but really don't want to give them money at all and they seem pretty pricey on ebay.

    Aw, that ruins an already sucky day. You have good sense so I will definitely look at this, as JG products made a young hobbyist quite happy many decades ago!

  4. 14 minutes ago, Alex said:

    So if your chief (or the like) turns up in person, your position to keep him out is...  weak.  Very weak.  As a steadholder your rights extend not just to your Big House but to the surrounding farmland, etc.  But they're the rights to use those.  It's not like you have to issue and respond to the Greeting to your cousins when they cross from their stead's pasturelands to yours -- that'd be ridonculous.  OTOH, I don't think you can just wander into someone else's home and start snacking on cheese and carrots out of their food store with no by-your-leave either.  "Mrrmmm, nice.  What about some fresh bread to go with, huh-huh?  Any danger of some stew?!"  Conversely, if you kin need to be fed, and you refuse, it'd be great shame on your -- or the sign of great inter-bloodline pettiness, at the least.  So it's not a Soviet Collectivised Farm, but it's not suburban picket fences either.

    Yes. that is why there is are codified and quite static Laws of Hospitality. We as players and GMs may not know them all or very well but the inhabitants of Sartar know them and their variations quite well and some will stand or die on such Laws.

  5. On 10/22/2021 at 2:35 AM, simonh said:

    Everything I could ever want in a Dune movie.


    Took a while but, yeah, this is as good as that stellar British miniseries of Children of Dune from a few years back. Definitely gets the horror of Patrick Steward playing Gurney and Sting, no, I can’t say it... the horror, the horror!

    On 10/22/2021 at 4:58 AM, simonh said:

    I've not read any of the prequel books, only the Frank Herbert stuff.

    Alas, Brian did not get the writing gene!

    On 10/24/2021 at 1:35 AM, metcalph said:

    For example I find it difficult to believe one of the best armies in the Imperium can be caught sleeping by a surprise attack

    This is a result of both the Guild Monopoly and the remains of Imperial Power. The Guild Monopoly was so complete that with enough cash, 3 (?) divisions of Sardaukar could be secreted away on Guild Transports. Now arguments could be made as to whether the House Atreides armies or the Sardaukar were the better but a surprise attack of three divisions did indeed tell the tale. The surprise was not that the Emperor would be involved but that there would be the wherewithal for 3 divisions. The cost of this was to beggar the Harkonnen's coffers for quite some time, meaning the unleashing of Beast Rabban was an economic necessity after the removal of House Atreides. Throw in a fair amount of betrayal, wringing of hands and of standing by and down goes the Duke. 

    On 10/24/2021 at 10:14 PM, metcalph said:

    The Atreides were surprised, not overwhelmed, in the books and both films.  To bring out this point:


    This sounds fair, but add in otherwise insignificant incidents and mix them in with the surprise... I believe there was enough there for me to suspend any disbelief.

    On 10/24/2021 at 10:14 PM, metcalph said:

    See the difference?  I can accept iverwhelming but that's not what is depicted in the novels and the films.  It's even more mind-boggling when we are told that the Atreides have one of the best armies and that there have been known problems with Harkonnen saboteurs (the hunter-killer incident).  Yet we are supposed to believe that why the army slept, a single doctor without military training develops ninjujitsu skills and brings down the sentries, the shields and the communications?  Not buying it


    True, I add in the indifference of the other Great Houses, CHOAM, the actual attack of the Bene Geseret, the Imperium and the Harkonnen, the manipulations of the Ixians, as more weight to bring down the Atreides.

    On 10/24/2021 at 10:14 PM, metcalph said:
    On 10/24/2021 at 9:42 AM, simonh said:

    Herbert consciously wrote Dune as a deconstruction and criticism of the white saviour trope, and a warning of the dangers and costs of saviour dynamics generally.

    Frank Herbet may have believed such a thing but the novel does not bear that out.  We are only told once (in a sequel) where in the "Did Hitler use a Lasgun?" conversation, Paul recounts the destruction that has occurred off-screen.  We are merely told about it, have not seen it.  Even worse, the awareness that Paul exhibits is quickly forgotten and does not come up again in any shape or form (as too the destruction).

    Interesting, I thought it started as an ecological treatise.. Yep found it...

    On 10/24/2021 at 10:23 PM, metcalph said:

    He has the leadership practically gifted to him in the books doing nothing but passaing a few vague tests and killing someone in a knifefight.  He doesn't do anything *for* the Fremen to make him become their leader.

    On 10/24/2021 at 10:10 PM, svensson said:

    Yes, the Bene Geseret had laid the foundation of myths (HeroQuesting) for 100s of years before the book. Paul was a/ taught this my mom b/ got this intuitively once he got the “memories”.

    On 10/25/2021 at 2:47 AM, simonh said:

    I concede the point on the Atreides getting caught flat footed, you're right, it doesn't make sense that a doctor could bring the whole defence system down like that.


    No, but add in all the other weight... well, works for me anyway. 

    On 10/25/2021 at 2:47 AM, simonh said:

    But in any case, the criticism of messiahship is inherent in the fact that the ascent of the messiah is plotted and engineered long before he's even born. The whole thing is a BG manipulation he cynically exploits.


    On 10/25/2021 at 2:47 AM, simonh said:

    Contrast with regular white messiah stories like Tarzan, The Last Sammurai or Avatar where whitey learns the native's culture better than they themselves, and wins due to his innate greatness. Paul's greatness is bred into him by the BG, and he understands Fremen culture so well because he was given the handbook on it by the people that manipulated it into existence in the first place. It's a sham from start to finish.

    Nice insight, did not see it at first dozen blushes but I do now, good call!

    On 11/7/2021 at 4:49 PM, Dominic said:
    • The big surprise was the scale, which overwhelmed them.  Thufir had predicted 1 legion (30,000 troops), but the Barron landed 10.  The Barron stated it took 60 years income from Dune to pay the Guild shipping costs at hazard rates.

    Thanks, those numbers look better.



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  6. 23 minutes ago, Alex said:

    I dunno quite how the boundaries between "general clan property" and "property granted to a steadholder" work, both physically and in terms of particular rights.  But on the face of it, if Bob forbids entrance to his dwelling to armed individuals (from his own clan or not), and they forced their way inside anyway, that seems like a gross breach of hospitality.  OTOH in terms of social, economic and political leverage, no doubt this is the case in general terms.

    There is the rub, you do not own property. The clan or really the cults (earth only?) own it. The rights of hospitality you have are just that... not the rights of a landowner

     I believe that is the right to stand on your stead’s meeting place in a nightshirt yelling “Get Off My Lawn!”, but please do not quote me.

    50 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    At a Colymar feast, it would be perfectly acceptable for a Humakt initiate or any free member of the tribe to bring a sword. Guests typically are granted the same rights under the rules of hospitality.

    Thanks. I boot that up a level in my game, as I said above, but it is nice to get a game ruling on that.


  7. I am thinking a noble could carry a sword or a religious GodTalker would carry ceremonial weapons as would Thanes and guards. 

    27 minutes ago, Bren said:
    • Would the protocol be the same for something hosted by a clan chieftain

    I think so... depends on other circumstances of course.

  8. On 11/23/2021 at 6:49 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    Ooo Ooo Ooo bought a copy of BGB so, I finally have a copy of the BRP rules for the first time since they came in a 8 (?) page booklet in the RQ3 Deluxe Box Set. Add to that the Starter Set and I am done my RQ oriented shopping until Dec. 10th! Unless...

    Unless I happen to see the complete Red Cow Saga and the RboM in hard cover while picking up the Starter.... D’oh!

    ETA Oh heck, support your FLGS!

    • Haha 1
  9. There is a Thing/Moot/Wapentake (not sure of the terminology) in late spring for the Tribe. Sorry not perfectly clear. Saw it a long time ago here on BRP.  I would imagine Summer Solstice and Yule are marked though I wonder about the Equinoxes.


  10. 2 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    but note that a single copy of the original Dorastor book, Dorastor - Land of Doom (RuneQuest (Avalon Hill)) is now listed by an on line bookseller for $175.


    Wish I had never used mine, but it got taken down off the shelf often, alas. Value... a beer or three!


  11. Yep!

    On 11/2/2021 at 5:22 AM, David Scott said:

    We played a troll group using RQ3, and played through Snakepipe Hollow

    We had a

    • Annilla / Jakaleel shaman
    • Zong hunter 
    • Zorak Zoran Death Lord
    • I played a Mistress race Kyger Kitor shaman priestess sorcerer

    Now that sounds like a wonder, I would love to try the KL s/p/s but I am not sure if that is because of the power play possibilities or the truly steep learning curve challenge on roleplaying this bad Mama!

    On 11/2/2021 at 10:08 AM, soltakss said:

    I had great fun with Shergar Sunhoof, Centaur Extraordinaire, a Yelmalian Centaur Rune Lord. He ended up with five legs (Due to Jake's Amulet, diddle-iddle-iddle-um), which gave him an extra free attack, and a Spider Mask that meant he could turn his head into that of a giant spider, so he was a veritable windmill who would rip apart crowds of NPCs, leaving the other PCs to attack the major beasties. His failing was being really bad at climbing, so he carried a block & tackle in case he had to be pulled up a cliff.

    Not knowing where to begin I will simply repeat this one and let it speak for itself...

    On 11/2/2021 at 11:20 AM, ffilz said:

    Oh, and the player seemed to have no interest in actually engaging the setting. So here was this uber-elf priest slum murder hobo adventuring with humans and baboons with no obvious reason why the Aldryami would give two hoots about what was going on.

    That sounds incredibly tough!

    On 11/2/2021 at 4:10 PM, PhilHibbs said:

    I played am agoraphobic duck sorcerer who tapped his own SIZ and lived in his familiar's backpack.

    A friend of mine has played a wind child and a trollkin.

    Of course ya did! Ya munchkin!

    On 11/3/2021 at 5:31 AM, AndreJarosch said:

    My wife is currently playing a Green Elf from the Elder Wilds on a mission to search for remaining seeds of the burnt Rist forest. 

    Nice, tying it into the world!


  12. On 11/1/2021 at 9:02 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    Posted this in response to a question on Discord about whether Wind Children are playable and it dawned on me, what odd... ducks or baboons (once played a great film noire inspired baboon detective! "Names Monk, no, just Monk. What’s that? A similarity, no, never noticed... are ya trying to be funny?") or runners... or even odder have you played back in the cool ol’ daze? Anyone play a Maidstone Archer level weird beastie?

    Remarkable, for the most part this here little thread stayed on topic. For one of my joints that is truly amazing! Some truly great ideas, but we missed some of my faves from over the years. @soltakss tells of a truly bizarre pixie, if prompted. @MOB has my favourite oddball of all times and then the fan collective got ahold of it and the Spike exploded all over again. Melo Yelo might be one of the truly great RQ and HQ and MGF characters! That’s a hill I would be willing to lose a limb on! 


    Last I heard he was bucking for Emperor, or was that a hallucination..?

    His sad sack tale of trial and aspiration and his stick-to-it-ness despite the odds! Truly a hero for all times! 

    May I introduce my very fave illustration in most RQ and HW and HQ products... The Pic says it all!


    Lisa Free drew this sartorially splendid individual, but I often wonder who played him.

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