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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 25 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    Slave, unless she becomes a clan member.

    Further than that, it's an area that I would avoid in my group, as it veers sharply into Lines & Veils (slavery may well be beyond some groups line's). 

    Thanks you for that timely reminder about Lines & Veils David, I once had a player tell me I was not playing the game correctly as I did not feel comfortable with slavery or other unmentionable forms of violence. I very much reject such unprogressive thinking and it is nice to see I have some support at Chaosium for my views on this. 

    I sincerely hope those who disagree with this opinion do not hijack this needed thread to disagree with me and let me know that I AM NOT PLAYING THE ONE TRUE GLORANTHA!


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  2. 4 minutes ago, Alex said:

    Does it?  Why?  That's the section I just cited myself, and it doesn't cover that case.  (And in fact if you read it excessively literally, would preclude any 'SR-modified' use at all.)  But I'd play it that way, at ant rate.


    Let’s see... it is in a table called Strike Rank Mods not Strike Ranks... that says it all to me.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Alex said:

    "Prepared" magic is noted as being a SR 0 thing, though that's on the table of SR modifiers (p193), while RM specifically "always" takes effect at SR 1 (p314). The distinction is fairly moot as there is no SR 0 "impulse", so only comes up if you change your statement of intent and your GM allows this (oops, Harmast's HPs are negative what?, time for a Heal Body!), or if you're having to move, or prep something else first #becausereasons.  So arguably there's a question of whether this happens at (current/as determined by movement, etc) SR +0, or +1.


    No, that means that there is a zero SR mod... 

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  4. So a few of you posted having these incredible critters, but did not mention what shenanigans they got up to. Pixies

    5 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    In RQ:G, with Shield readily available to initiates, they might fare better.

    This spell is not uncommon, granted, but is it not a Common Rune Spell. So I am not sure I follow, is it more common than any other Rune Spell which, I must say, I find quite common these RQG daze? Not so much in daze of yore when Rune Spells cost initiates dearly!

    6 hours ago, ffilz said:

    Elf (one - allowing this was a mistake on my part), Pixie (one), Dwarf (one), Newtling (one).

    Come on, dish! What happened, man?

    4 hours ago, Darius West said:

    I have played
    I have also played a Yanafal Ta'arnils ogre called Furius Rumpus, who resisted the urge to eat people (repeatedly) and rose through the ranks of the Tarsh Provinical Army into the Lunar military proper as an officer, and died at the Dragon Rise.  

    Ye gods and goddesses man, Have you ever played a normal character?

    3 hours ago, Crel said:

    An important point to remember for making trollkins fit into a group of human adventurers is that their lot is almost always better with humans than with trolls. After all, most humans aren't too keen on eating a scrawny, foul-smelling little monster. This "No, I won't eat you" promise can earn you the trollkin's loyalty for the rest of its (short) life.


    You raise some good points, so let’s just single this out and say, yep!

    3 hours ago, Crel said:

    We also had a morokanth, once. He was entertaining because the player decided that his Hate (newtlings) Passion was fixated on how tasty they are. So he was smacking his lips alot, and kept teasing the trollkin about being dinner.

    I was waiting to hear about a Morakanth. The least odd of the odd ducks!

    1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    I did not but I would like to play a windchild, without wings (for some sad background I have in my head)


    C'est trop triste mon viuex!

    1 hour ago, Kloster said:

    I was not the player, but in RQ3 time, we had a Maidstone Archer and a Centaur

    There we go, now we got to some Maidtone madness. This is one beast that would be as much fun as playing a trebuchet! Had the centaur for a touch of hellenic class on top of the Glorantha madness?

    1 hour ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    I was put off playing dwarfs and elves by the old Avalon hill supplement Elder Secrets. It still hurts.


    I feel your pain!

    4 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Great Troll twins, which, technically, classified them as trollkin.

    I have pulled this one myself, but I wonder if I got it from you or Austin?

    I am doing a few cameo one shots these days and am truly enjoying playing Vishi, an odd duck of another feather. I was thinking playing his boon companion, Cousin Monkey could be fun. He is a unrepentant coward who says nothing of import according to VIshi.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    I had great fun playing minotaurs in RQ2, but their lifespans were short.

    Anything you want to share?

    23 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Mostly humans, myself.  A baboon once.  A newtling once.  A trollkin & Dark-Troll once each.  All those (except the humans) were short-term or one-shot, no extended campaigns.

    Humans, ducks and baboons for myself. Would have loved to play a troll or a trollkin and just heard someone (@Eff?) mention a troll Babeestor Gori (truly scary!) Seeing as I was playing in the 80s, I figure a sorcerer back then would qualify as odd... it would be a few years before the first Gloranthan playable sorcerers were mounted in Strangers in Prax (was this the last module?).


    23 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Have come close to playing in a "Beastman Campaign" (Beast Valley -- all minotaurs & centaurs & satyrs & elurae & such), but it never happened.


    23 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I've got a Lunur-Durulz concept brewing, un-played.

    An odd duck!

    23 minutes ago, g33k said:

    We had a dragonnewt in the party, once.  In addition to the player intentionally doing random & off-the-wall stuff, he (and the GM) had produced a table-of-randomness that the player & GM each would occasionally demand a roll from.

    Think I read this a while back.

  6. Quote

    Define a playable race.

    In the days of RQ 2 all races were playable (wink wink) though chaos and Dragonewt were not recommended. In the days of RQ 3, chaos and few other truly evil races were offically moved to being frowned on and not recommended as "Player Races" to the NPC ghettos, but this was the 80s and satanic panics were in all the papers in (gasp) even your hometown.  I have yet to see an official ruling that says "Thou Mayest Not" and many other signs about MFG and YGMV... Of course some races will require a fair amount of work and others will make some queasy (remember to always check with what passes at your table). 
    That said, I seem to recall many tales of odd races being played in the goo ol' daze!

    Posted this in response to a question on Discord about whether Wind Children are playable and it dawned on me, what odd... ducks or baboons (once played a great film noire inspired baboon detective! "Names Monk, no, just Monk. What’s that? A similarity, no, never noticed... are ya trying to be funny?") or runners... or even odder have you played back in the cool ol’ daze? Anyone play a Maidstone Archer level weird beastie?

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Monty Lovering said:

    Can water elementals fit through tiny gaps? As they can be damaged I feel they have more substance than water itself and therefore cannot fit in through as tiny a space as water can.


    The best idea is to decide how long it would take for the water to move safely through. I would imagine that forcing an elemental through a tight gap would cause damage but assuming time permits a slow and safe passage...

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Andrew Bean said:

    If you click on the Warhorn link in the blog post it takes you to the sign up page for the event. There are over 100 registrations so far:

    It did, but I have been corresponding with  Brian Moseley (It’s his site) about this and he says there is a known bug with some Macs and in my case I just could not use Safari 14.1.2, while Firefox 93.0 (64-bit) seems fine. Signed up for a game tomorrow!

  9. 1 hour ago, svensson said:

    Firstly, let me thank everyone for being courteous and civil and for having the courage to continue the conversation and exchange of ideas despite me 'putting it all out there'. I realize it's tantamount to throwing a gauntlet to some folks, but everyone is being respectful and thoughtful.

    At times I feel we are at opposed poles but thankfully not polarized. Let’s give this as a model that can be achieved (not exactly setting a low or a high bar but one that is certainly achievable). You are unlikely to sway me, but your curtesy is appreciated. I certainly hope I have achieved this standard in these shared fora as well. A lot of my politics is Darwinian. Not the erroneous "Survival of the Fittest” but the correct diversity of species.

     "The more diversified the descendants from any one species become in structure, constitution and habits, by so much will they be better enabled to seize on many and widely diversified places in the polity of nature."

    So, I like the absence of echo chambers and am okay with democratically sound differences of opinions. A strong and healthy agora is a marvel to behold.


    I truly love how Darwin shaped his argument and wrapped it in political terms!


    • Like 1
  10. Aight all ya buncha duck haters.... My intellectual 2 bolgs worth...


    Nah, seriously I get it.

    Weird 1970’s stoner California-isms are not everyone's cups o' teas. There are a lot of things that drive me <red> batty about Glorantha! I believe I have already mentioned my queasiness with Morokanth (it took a parody about Planet of the Morokanthi to change my view on the issue). As mentioned upthread... jack ‘o bears are a bit off-putting (but after being introduced to Hungry Jack, my opinion again changed). Mostali, well Greg himself caused my disconnect with his “Why I hate Mostali" article from DW (I believe). Easily solved, just imagine these little assembly-line robots in a steam punk way... QED! So, the problems seemed to just need minor adjustments and Bob was once again yer aunt! 


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  11. 7 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    Let's cast our minds to some non-combat moves and non-combat scenes.  How about the jury scenes of "Twelve angry men"?

    Good  call, Squaredeal! Quite combative and not a weapon in sight!


    33 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    1. Revolution d100's extended conflicts: Paolo Guccione transforms HeroQuest's extended conflicts into an easy D100 mechanism suitable for adding more rolls to a single dramatic action: chases, climbs, debates, infiltration, negotiation you name it. Basically each side has a pool of attrition points by adding up two characteristics. Each "attack" on the other side inflicts 1D6 "damage". There are some more bits to this basic frame. The best part is that depending on the level of points each side has lost at the end, they each have to concede smoe degree of victory to the other side.



    33 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    3. Mythras' item crafting rules: can also be used for high stakes debates, as the rulebook itself explains. Each side rolls their skill. Each success makes you advance 25% towards your goal, a critical 50%, and a fumble -25%. Whoever reaches 100% first is the winner.


    34 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    4. Mythas Companion detailed rules for social conflicts: a bit more involved, but usable both for convincing an audience or "destroying your adversaries' social standing". They map onto the Mythras rules for combat, with "combat" effects to choose from a list after each unopposed successful attack or successful defense against a failed attack.


    Will have to do a bit of research here.

    I will add the idea of handwaveum but with a very story telling bent. Whatever makes the story advance is the correct choice here.

    4 minutes ago, simonh said:

    While that makes great cinema, it’s an extreme outlier. Very few movies get away with working within an almost one room, pressure cooker situation. It only really works because it’s a tightly scripted, constructed narrative.

    Quite so! But it is an outlier worthy of aspiring to!



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  12. 5 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    The first thing is for the GM to be open to having non-combat actions be significant to the adventure.

    Having the players buy in to this is also essential!


    8 hours ago, HeartQuintessence said:

    Ways to do other interesting things in Runequest Glorantha other than combat, that are more than just simple dice rolls.



    3 hours ago, simonh said:

    To be honest when I ran Hero Wars (which I've played much more then HQ), I mostly used simple contests and it was fine. The fact that you get to think about augments and such meant even simple contests often had several stages of dice rolls. That's also pretty standard in RQ as well now it also has augments.

    This sounds about correct, the mechanism here is demonstrated in listening vs sneaking and scanning vs hiding.


    22 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    This misses two other resolution systems:

    • Resistance Table - single roll, but % varies based on comparative values
    • Opposed Rolls - this is more than just Chase rules.  Combat is an extended example, but any situation can be one or a series of Opposed Rolls.

    Correct, I had noticed that, and if you had not mentioned it...


  13. The Huzzah was for integration into a VTT... I know Foundry so that had advantages for me, I have put a lot of work into roll20 which I have problems with but I do not know FG, ergo I can not comment on it well...

    Thus, I will still give my same comment but simply for integration into something 21st century.


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