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Everything posted by AlHazred

  1. For Mythos beasties, get yourself a decent-but-not-pretty used trench gun and use Dragon's Breath rounds. The rounds replace the shot with exothermic metals like magnesium, so it basically becomes a gout of flame and shrapnel. It's recommended to use only single-shot breech-loading trench guns for this, because having a full loadout of Dragon's Breath rounds that "cook off" when the magazine gets too hot is not conducive to Investigator longevity.
  2. Sure, it seems fun. But then you get into the weird edge-cases like the Monty Hall problem, and all common sense goes out the window!
  3. THANK YOU! I like Kickstarters, sure, but not everything needs to be a Kickstarter nowadays...
  4. That Kickstarter was great, but I first found out about the week after it finished! 😮 It also occurred to me to check, and there are action figure models on Thingiverse, so I might check to see if there's a convenient 5-points-of-articulation action figure 3D model available. Would probably be easier to modify!
  5. Huh. I was just looking at the 2014 version, and the NPC Emile Duchamps (Book 5 page 63) has 6E stats instead of 7E! Did that error show up in the 2020 version? EDIT: Easy enough to figure out the 7E version. STR 60 CON 65 SIZ 75 INT 65 POW 85 DEX 70 APP 80 EDU 75 Sanity 85 Build: 1 Move: 7 HP: 14 Damage Bonus: +1D4 Brawl 45% (22/9), damage 1D3 + 1D4 Dodge 40% (20/8) Skills: Art/Crafts (Acting) 25%, Charm 75%, Credit Rating 20%, Listen 50%, Persuade 68%, Psychology 50%, Ski 76%, Spot Hidden 55%. Languages: French (own) 75%, English 30%, German 50%, Swedish 54%.
  6. I don't see what the problem is in Yelmic culture. Why get divorced? Just take another wife! *whisper, whisper* What? "What if she wants a divorce"? Why would that even happen? She doesn't have "needs" distinct from my "needs"! EDIT: Note, I'm not saying this is "the rule" in Yelmic culture, but I've played it that a lot of Yelmic men think that way.
  7. I've been wondering how difficult it would be to get something like an artist's model and some clay, and model a Sedefkar Simulacrum, and paint it appropriately, as a prop.
  8. Highly recommend the HPLHS prop set. Great value for $5!
  9. My hobby shop hasn't had one of these ever. Anybody know where one can be acquired for a less-than-ruinous price?
  10. To an extent, I found Ripples from Carcosa to have a little of a Cults of Hastur book vibe.
  11. ... of Krarsht‽‽‽ The Conspiracy runs Deep (within the Earth)!
  12. What she said. I loved his editing job in the Call of Cthulhu Fiction line, but I will not throw money his way again. However, that is not germane to this thread. You might also want to give some thought to the various other "Plateaus" other Mythos writers have mentioned or invented. Like the Plateau of Tsang ("Where Yidhra Walks," DeBill).
  13. I liked Robert Price's interpretation of the monastery of Leng in "The Strange Doom of Enos Harker". I recommend checking it out if you can do so without throwing any money at Mr. Price.
  14. Scotland was ruined the day they had a French guy play the Scotsman and a Scottish guy play the Egyptian...
  15. There are rumors of another faction, made up of the scum of the Lunar Empire, sent to the Sartarite front to try to dredge some good fortune from their lot in life. Made up primarily of particularly... aromatic... barbarians from tribes "broken" by the Empire, they form the sixth faction: the Broken Wind Faction. I'll show myself out...
  16. Where is it available? I'm a big fan of old fanzines!
  17. I managed to grab a 2" as well, but it looked like 1" was still available.
  18. That one is excellent, though I own the original version with a less interesting cover.
  19. I have a feeling I'll check the store as soon as I get up that morning, and it'll already be sold out... As far as has been said, this is going to be a one-time thing, to sell off the extras from the Kickstarter run.
  20. Well, THOSE are going to sell out quickly...
  21. The Gazettes are frankly my new favorite CoC fan material. Each article in each issue feels really gamable, in contrast with other periodicals that offer atmosphere but little in the way of RPG fodder. EDIT: I just noticed the Gazettes are on sale right now, due to DTRPG's "Christmas in July" sale, with the Quarantine Special Bundle fairly cheap!
  22. I highly recommend you check out the fantastic The Arkham Gazette by our own Bret Kramer. Each issue explores a different aspect of Lovecraft Country. When the focus is a town, Bret includes a bibliography of scenarios that take place in or around that settlement. Issue #00 is available for free as a sampler, and contains info on the Aylesbury Pike, for instance. Issue #01 covers Arkham, and the 14-page bibliography of scenarios has everything that's been published or even just posted online.
  23. Obviously the Praxian bean cult was the Three Bean Circus.
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