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Everything posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. There are legitimate weaknesses that we are aware of. The shaman has a hearty suite of Abilities already. Spell Barrage 3, Spell Extension 5, Self Rez 1 week, Max POW 26, Power Within 4, and I think some others I am forgetting, not my PC. He currently has 15-16 POW and a 13 Fetch, so he isn't AMAZING or anything but, he has been a phenomenal asset. Power Within makes him the Ultimate Spirit Magic Swiss Army Knife. Daka Fal Shaman has actually been one of the biggest secrets to the success of the party on so many fronts. He can fight ghosts pretty damn good. Not to mention in the RAW as far as I can tell there is literally no reason a Humakti being attacked by a Spiti in spirit combat couldn't fight it with his iron sword with truesword and basically annihilate it instantly. Once a corporeal being is engaged in spirit combat, they may not attempt any skill or engage in physical melee combat with a separate physical melee target without first succeeding at an intelligence check (normally INT×5, but the gamemaster may adjust that up or down, as desired). They may choose to attack the spirit attacking them using enchanted weapons (see below) without succeeding at a concentration check. Attacking with Weapons and Spells Corporeal entities may attack a spirit that is engaged in spirit combat with enchanted weapons and spells. The physical attack is resolved normally, but opposed by the spirit’s Spirit Combat skill. However, the magic point damage from physical weapons is based on its magical nature: . Temporary damage boosts from Rune magic (such as True Weapon) do harm spirits but only to the amount of extra damage caused by the spell. For example, True Sword would do 1D8+1 if cast on a broadsword. . Enchanted weapons (such as enchanted iron or other Rune metals) do normal damage, but gain no damage bonus from STR+SIZ. . Offensive damage-causing spells (such as Disruption or Lightning) can harm spirits. . Temporary damage boosts from spirit magic (such as Bladesharp, Fireblade, etc.) do not harm most spirits, nor do unenchanted Rune metal weapons (such as unenchanted iron). So, the Humakti PC can still do 4d8 (18 average) damage to a spirit attacking him in spirit combat. There may be some debate over whether or not he gets the +2d6 for the 4 year long Boon of Kargan Tor on the Great Sword.
  2. I agree 1000% because of one thing in Glorantha that terrifies me above all others... ACID!
  3. We killed the one from the new adventures in our third session or so. It was not nearly as scary as i was afeared.
  4. Munchikining or not? Party is a LM Sage, Humakti Warrior/War leader, Issaries merchant, Lanbril thief/wannabe trickster, Daka Fal Shaman, Orlanthi Hunter/Archer of Siwend (11 Lights Orlanth Subcult), Agimori Lodrili Warrior, Orlanthi Noble/Warrior/Leader. These dudes are all connected to the wyter of the Eleven Lights, the Orlanthi noble/warrior is the High priest of the 11 Lights. The sage know Boon of Kargan Tor, Solac of the Logical Mind, Logician, and Enahnce Int. Maintains Boon of Kargan Tor (+2d6 damage) on every weapon in the party and a quiver of arrows for each archer, maintains Enhance Int on self always, Solace on self always, and many Logicians/On demand logician. The Humakti does Humakti stuff, Trueswords, Sword Trances, Morale (fantastic spell, btw). Fully online he hits something like 500%and change to hit for 4d8+2d6+2d6+8 (Averaging 40), specialing for 8d8+2d6+2d6+8 (Averaging 58). The Shaman has gone bonkers AF in the last few sessions. How does the Divine Spell Multispell interact with the Shaman power of Spell Barrage. Our answer was that it was Freaking messed up and devastating, allowing each 'barrage' to contain the number of additional Multispell targets/spells. The Orlanthi Archer, Issaries, Agimori, and Lanril thief have been front-liners and not doing anything crazy/questionably munchkin, though the Trickster/Thief has made devastating use of Shatter and Strike spells. Now with access to a wyter, trying to figure out how to use it without going straight to HARDCORE ABUSE has been the order of the last few sessions. RQ:G turns things up to "11" in the core rules and I am really intrigued to see where they are gonna go with the power scaling on opponents in future adventures. Our PCs have played through 7 years of game time, which is WAY more than we ever got through without skipping large chunks in 'training' in RQ3. These characters are already WAY stronger even out the gate than a lot of our graveyard of Would-be Rune-Lords from way back in RQ3.
  5. I would tend to agree with you @Shiningbrow. Our campaign is currently reaching the end of the Eleven Lights HQ campaign that our GM has been converting to RQ:G. In the process of the campaign we have become the Eleven Lights, a Sartar Magical Union Unit. We have been playing it as a regiment bound by a wyter. The Eleven Lights can do a whole special ritual Argrath taught as our way of hand-waving the SMU special magical abilities, 11L basically nukes stuff a couple hexes away, like the other SMU units from the boardgame. It takes an hour and the core wizards are highly vulnerable. Otherwise we are bound to a unit wyter and are trying to figure out how to use it in play as a group of adventurers. We can't treat the 525 members as POW batteries but, what is a reasonable level of contribution? Do you just roll the 6d6+6 and that is the "homeostatic" POW value for the Wyter during average times? Anything above is given by PCs as they are doing active and interesting stuff? Anything spent the PCs pay for? I can start a new thread for this semi-tangent if people want me to, or discuss here.
  6. This is exactly the idea I hit on with my GM the other night. Broyan took a bunch of dudes up to the bat and had them all expertly bring it down. I can see how with the right spells, proper preparation, and enough community support could allow Broyan to lead an attack on the bat and wound/kill it. There are HQ abilities and all sorts of other stuff he could be using but, there is no way right now other than handwaving mythical powers into existence for PCs to get stuff like that. I can see most groups of adventurers that get to a high enough level forming or acquiring access to a wyter through at least one party member. A High Priest of Any Temple is connected to a wyter, the Clan leader is connected to a wyter, tribal leaders are connected to wyters, regiments can have wyters, hero bands are a different thing, or not, I dunno? Even at the bare minimum a wyter acts as a highly reliable alternative/replacement for a Divine Intervention. An Orlanthi-connected wyter can Teleport whole parties away (Thanks Mastakos), Heal Bodies (Thanks Ernalda), and Darkwalk parties into and out of danger. All of that is still incredibly efficient, even if you can only fill its POW once per year, AND all the PCs have to pay for it.
  7. We have been wanting to mess around with Wyters and regimental magic like the 11 Lights and stuff. Having this community to bounce things off of has been invaluable in getting Maximum Fun out of RQ:g. I, for one, absolutely love the experiences I have been having with RQ:G. I deeply appreciate the work of everyone at Chaosium!
  8. Which makes a ton more sense. Even allowing POW sacrifices every seasonal holy day would still limit it to being used primarily for emergencies or with Great cause.
  9. The Ernaldori Clan Wyter The wyter of the Ernaldori clan is bound to a corn snake, held sacred by members of the clan. It has POW 32 and CHA 17. The wyter resides in the Clearwine Earth temple and communicates with the High Priestess (who serves as the wyter’s priest). Each season, prior to Ernalda’s seasonal holy day, the wyter is worshiped by the members of the Ernaldoring clan, who offer it magic points and sometimes even points of characteristic POW (which could bring its POW up to a maximum of 42). The Above is quoted from the Grey text box at the top of Page 287 Core Rulebook RQ:G. This leads me to believe that all wyters in the same category of size and age would be able to achieve the same level of POW with Community Sacrifice. I would also assume it would be rather foolish to leave a clan's wyter at anything less than maximum potential. Most communities would "top it off" on the holy days and use whatever they needed for events/emergencies throughout the next season, yes? Wyter Size Community Members POW CHA Shrine, Large Family, or Vexilla 50–100 4D6+6 3D6 Shrine, Village, or Company 101–250 5D6+6 3D6 Minor Temple, Clan, or Regiment 251–1,000 6D6+6 4D6 Major Temple, Small Tribe, Large Town 1,001–3,000 7D6+6 3D6+6 Major Temple, Large Tribe, City 3,001–7,000 8D6+6 5D6 Great Temple or Large City 7,000+ 9D6+6 4D6+6 Great Temple or Metropolis 15,000+ 10D6+6 6D6
  10. If the spells are being cast during worship ceremonies would the wyter be able to regain lost POW relatively quickly? If we step back from the Power Gamey and talk reasonable Gloraanthan expectation, would maintaining an Earth Shield on the Chief's Bodyguards all year, maybe a total of 10 or 12 POW in a single ceremony, be a reasonable idea?
  11. I apologize for starting off any sort of argument. Does this mean that the wyter cannot be raised to maximum possible power through sacrifice at every ceremony? Do you roll dice and that is the CAP for that stat for that wyter until the community gets older or bigger?
  12. It is kinda like a POW piggy bank. I hadn't thought about the new rule of group enchantment contribution. Good point, Phil. Thanks
  13. If a Wyter can use all of the spells that the High Priest knows, if that priest is an actual Priest of a Cult then would the Wyter be able to use his knowledge of enchantment spells using RAW? I am a power gamer at heart, it is true, I am also interested in finding out how all of the new moving parts of RQ:G are intended to work together and scale to represent the Hero Wars. Mostly, I just wanna know if what I am seeing the rules do is the vision that is intended for representing what happens in Glorantha. I personally think throwing around big-ass spells is hella fun and actually having rules for where PCs and Communities derive Greater Powers than were ever in the actual rules for older RQs, as far as I can tell.
  14. I would agree. The numbers are arbitrary, really. I was quoting Pentallion and can't format or use the site properly. Lol
  15. Are Wyter's too strong? Minor Temple, Clan, or Regiment - Community Members 251–1,000 POW 6D6+6 CHA 4D6 Assuming the High Priest of the Wyter is an Orlanthi Rune-Lord Clan Leader with a CHA Full of RP and knows all the spells sited, at the minimum. "That 42 Power Wyter could - on full moon days - cast a Shield 35 with Extension 5 on itself lasting 2 years (full moon doubles temporal spells). Next holy day, having been brought back up to 42 from worshippers, it can cast Shield 30 with Extension 5 for 2 years upon 25 members of the community. Next holy day, do it again or cast, idk, lets say Spirit Armor Enchantments. 30 points worth on 25 worshippers. Next holy day, make 30 point magic matrix enchantments on 25 items. Make 25 items each with 15 Mindblasts seems good. Will that work? It would seem so according to RAW. The math works out to this: use 8 power to hit 40 worshippers. Shield 27 with extension 5. For lunars, that lasts 2 years and cost the wyter 40 Power. The guys getting the benefit from the wyter then sac 1 POW to the wyter each in exchange, bringing the wyter back up to 42 power. In two years, you can imbue 200 worshippers with Shield 27. Why don't we see Lunar patrols and lunar army with Shield 27? Why not everyone who has a wyter? I don't see any limits on how much power can be sacced to the wyter other than species maximum. The rules don't say the wyter can only gain power by marking it, they say the worshippers can give it. So the 20 points David talks about make no sense to me. That's paltry compared to a minor wyter's power or the power that it imbues its worshippers with. I'm guessing these troublesome words need to disappear from the RAW? and sometimes even points of characteristic POW (which could bring its POW up to a maximum of 42)." -Pentallion ( I have no idea how to quote into a new post) Is there some missing link not being seen here? Should a clan or temple, or a Tribe with a BUNCH of Temples be able to muster a couple dozen members of the community with what amounts to immunity to normal damage and all but the strongest magics?
  16. Our group has gotten to the very end of the eleven Lights campaign and are approaching the Battle of Dangerford. Our party is currently discussing all of the ways to use the Wyter which is now at the center of our group, our Orlanthi PC is the High Priest of the Wyter. Now, I am not looking for any hints tips or tricks, I am just a player in 11 Lights and haven't read any of the GM stuff. We are improvising the SMU stuff with a ceremony and a magical nuclear option, mostly handwavy to go along with what the guide and stuff says. We are mostly using the 11 Lights as a standard wyter in a military regiment. I just figured this would be the best place to drop some of the thoughts we have come up with for using a Wyter for fun and profit! Minor Temple, Clan, or Regiment 251–1,000 POW 6D6+6 CHA 4D6 Every Season during a worship ceremony with 525 initiate members of the Eleven Lights Regiment it can sacrifice for casting and maintaining any of the Rune Spells the High Priest of the Wyter knows, our example will be using the Orlanthi priest we currently have as PC High Priest. Our current plan is to rotate through a set of 5 spells every season. Sea Season is Shield 35 Extension 5 on the Wyter itself to protect it. Fire season would be Earth Shield (3 RP) stacked with Extension 5 targeting all of the priests and high priests and leaders of every subdivision, it can target up to 165 members of the community by sacrificing its remaining POW over 1. Earth Season cast Leap 3, as it doesn't need any Rune affinity to control its use a la Flight, Extension 5 165 dude. Dark Season cast Darkwalk, Extension 5, 175 dudes this time. Storm Season Cast Flight 3, Extension 5, 165 dudes. Sacred Time? I dunno if the wyter gets a worship ceremony then but, if it did you can do a sixth spell, Charisma maybe? Good for non-combat encounters and handy if spirits attack. You can POW all this because with 525 members of an active regiment they will reliably gain POW checks more than a group of farmers hanging at home, especially now that there are two guaranteed gain rolls a year, more if more cults. If you focused on targeting the PCs it would cost WAY less POW, you could also focus only on group leaders all the way down the chain of command, I can't remember that exact figure right now for the canon 11 L SMU. So, yeah. This is our plan for turning our troops into the Best shock troops we can manage and protecting the wyter to the best of our abilities.
  17. Wyter Size Community Members POW CHA Shrine, Large Family, or Vexilla 50–100 4D6+6 3D6 Shrine, Village, or Company 101–250 5D6+6 3D6 Minor Temple, Clan, or Regiment 251–1,000 6D6+6 4D6 Major Temple, Small Tribe, Large Town 1,001–3,000 7D6+6 3D6+6 Major Temple, Large Tribe, City 3,001–7,000 8D6+6 5D6 Great Temple or Large City 7,000+ 9D6+6 4D6+6 Great Temple or Metropolis 15,000+ 10D6+6 6D6 Wyters are detailed in the Core Rulebook page 286/7. i think there may also be some details in the Bestiary, and I am sure they have something coming out in the Campaign Guide. Wyters are INCREDIBLY STRONG and versatile. They can use any Rune or Spirit Magic known by the High Priest of the Wyter. It can target 5 Community members for a single POW. a 7 Mothers Wyter would have MAX POW and MP pretty much all the time because of the number of holy days connected to the Wyter. a 42 POW Wyter can cast Shield 10 on 11 members of the Community for 12 POW, making some very tough targets. It is much less powerful offensively, where it cannot mass multitarget but, 42 POW Mindblasts are absolutely devastating. I would suggest having the Orlanthi Hero kick the shit out of it somehow. Otherwise it can easily run over a whole party.
  18. Compare Ward Against Weapons Versus Boon of Kargan Tor. Boon can buff a weapon to 2d6 which brings the spell to 8 Strength with whatever duration you please, 8 strength in a Ward Against Weapons gives a 50% chance of ignoring 8 damage... Even a coin flicked casually at you with Boon of Kargan Tor on it has more chance to get through an equal Ward Against Weapons than it really has any right to. A sword swung by a big dude would be doing 1d8+1+1d6+2d6, WAY more than the Ward Against Weapons can hope to ever reliably deflect ever. Wizards have GOT to have some better form of defense.
  19. Greatsword 2d8 + Truesword 2d8 + Strength Bonus with Strength spell 2d6 + Boon of Kargan Tor from the LM Philosopher in the party 2d6 + Bladesharp 8 (4 + 4 from Enhancing crystal). Without any Humakti Damage related gifts he is pumping out something like 42 AVERAGE damage. Lol RQ: G scales pretty crazily. I have always been a fan of high level RQ though.
  20. I don't want to drag things entirely off track but, for most of our game a Ward against Weapons has a 5% chance of doing something no matter what Strength it is cast at, practical ones anyway. My Humakti PC does BONKERS average damage of something like 4d8+2d6+2d6+8 when in Battle Mode. No Ward Against Weapons will slow that down very often. We have decided it just isn't worth remembering or rolling extra dice every swing for it. We telecommute, so efficiency helps.
  21. We have been playing it so that all of the Humakti gift multipliers apply if and only if damage penetrates to flesh/body parts.So, we would have it roll on the resistance table with rolled damage versus the strength of the Ward Against Weapons before any multipliers for gifts. If the damage penetrates the Ward then it would perform as normal. Now I will note that Ward against Weapons is pretty much Garbage versus anything other than newbies or woodland creatures. A new Humakti can hit for 2d8+2+1d6+4 which averages 18.5 or something crazy? you would need an epic Strength Ward against Weapons to matter much past character gen, and I just cannot see it scaling. that same sorcerer probably has Boon of Kargan Tor on his weapon for lets say +2d6, his staff does 1d8+2d6, even the philosopher can get through his own Ward. Weaksauce.
  22. Just have the Eurmali steal the Powers on some Quest, mundane or otherwise. We have always loved that with our Eurmali.
  23. Granted, we have been into Snakepipe Hollow 5 or 6 times over 13 years or so
  24. Our group does use the Seasonal adventure model presented in RQG. We thought it would be a better fit for the way content is provided and wanted to change as little from RAW as we could to get a feel for what RQG was trying to portray about Glorantha. I think it has been an absolutely smashing success. RQG and Eleven Lights have done a better job engrossing our party in a living Gloranthan world than any other attempt we have made at Glorantha. And we have played in Glorantha for about 13 years together off and on, some of our longest campaigns were 4 or 5 years off and on. We have done the Argrath story through the entire end of the Hero Wars with several different players over the years. Our core group has remained the same four or so dudes though. One thing about our group is that we telecommute to make up for distance at this point. We also tend to play quite a bit longer than most, it seems, when we sit down for a session it could be up to 8 or 10 Hours in a day, most of the time it is about 4 or 5 in a session. We tend to get one 'Adventure' done per session depending on what types of adventures we are doing and in between season events. For Example, we completed Snakepipe Hollow (The Classic Write-up) in just about 5, maybe 6 hours total gaming together over two sessions. Snakepipe Hollow was absolutely amazing with RQG, we ended up experiencing more as players than we EVER EVEN KNEW EXISTED, and we have done that specific adventure/area every time we play a glorantha campaign pretty much. ❤️ Baroshi End of year bookkeeping takes a minute, but we don't make a huge deal out of Sacred Time stuff and haven't done more HeroQuesting than we absolutely really needed to for the story, we REALLY want to get the HeroQuesting rules out before over or undershooting the power level too dramatically.
  25. We started our 11L campaign almost right after RQG core rules came out. Our GM loved the campaign since he got it and we really wanted to try the need rules on. Very little houseruling so far. Absolutely loving the game ane the new power levels. We don't even have a single RuneLord or Priest yet, though some are incredibly close right now. We play weekly, probably taken 3 months or so of sessions off around the holidays, so 12 or so less. I don't wanna do math right now. Lol.
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