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Everything posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. This is one of the changes I constantly waffle on. Because most of the time we never bothered to track fatigue but, there were several moments in our campaigns where we brought them out due to much longer than average combats and arduous struggles. One of my earliest Epic Gaming Memories involves our heroes, including my Humakti, fighting for many many rounds going down into a temple to Malia to find and fight the Malia priestess bothering the locals. We fought our way down amd she happened to be out and about, little did we know she was descending. The Epic Battle on the stairs was really made dramatic by having to fall back periodically to keep from being completely exhausted and overwhelmed. We cpuld rotate in a new frontline but, it was risky. Eventually the Malia priestess threw some incredibly nasty spell at my humakti, he got Soul Waste, badly. I proceeded to fail every single roll and my hunakti had his soul drained away. The birth of an epic RuneQuest moment. My DM then informed me it was some ridiculously tiny percentage chance that I failed every single CON roll and died irrevocably... or maybe not? That's what epic HeroQuesting is for anyway, right?
  2. We had characters that eventually survived the attrition and made it to Priest or Lord status. When we ran the Argrath saga the whole group ended up with dozens of points of spells apiece. For the most part though new characters had to invest a LOT of in play development time until they could reliably use most of their cults 'special' features and magic.
  3. I would probably agree that the rune magic system never really jived with how i imagined glorantha or how it is portrayed in other media, like KoDP for example. Everything in Glorantha is magical, but if you believe in gods only the toppest tier of believers ever bothered to use it. We played for years with initiates never wanting to spend a single point before they became Rune-Priests or Rune-Lords. Many many initiates died because of it. Lol. I personally love the bew rune magic system and the amount of magic actively seen in play at all levels. Even newbies get a few points to throw around.
  4. I have been absolutely in love with the Passion system. I personally have a decade and a half of experience with different pen and paper RPGs. The biggest benefit I have seen is for new players, it really is a huge help to be able to glance down and have some ideas of how your PC will react towards a given situation, even if they player knows next to nothing about Glorantha.
  5. That would be the dream pretty much, yeah!
  6. I would love to see some examples of higher level NPCs than the materials we've been given have shown off. They are primarily introductory material and are therefore written for the pre-gen PCs and other freshly generated PCs to succeed. I would love to see RQ:G stats for successful Clan and Temple Leadership, as well as Clan/Tribe/Regional Shaman and, like Ultor said, a sorcerer would be really cool too.
  7. I know of at least Balastor's Axe and Nosebiter, which possess the people that find them, or at least did in our campaigns. Lol. Nosebiter turned several NPCs and PCs into Nosebiter's Feet!
  8. As far as I understand RAW PCs start with 3 RP and 3 cult special spells known of whatever required number of rp or variability as well as access to all common magic, for the big cults anyway.
  9. I had been playing a Humakti Warrior and a Lhankor Mhy Sorcerer Librarian. With the AP values on armor brought closer together and max equippable AP at a given wearable ENC being lower than RQ3 it is hard to keep everyone's limbs together, and you're always wary of the unlucky possibility of a crit to a vital location. This might be considered a feature rather than a bug of the current RQ:G rules. With flatter HP totals and the way damage scales situations become instantaneously lethal rather quickly. Without magical bonuses to parried damage, like Gifts/Geasa or Earth Shield and such, non party armor can quickly become irrelevant. Bladesharp 6 punches through bronze plate if you get the drop on an opponent. I am wondering if there is some way a PC party can get themselves to the point they can fight stuff in Dorastor and some of the other legendary encounters in Glorantha. Or does it come down to, 'bring cannon fodder NPCs and walk on their corpses to get the baddie'? I don't see a way some of the encounters I have seen wouldn't just 1-shot 1 or more PCs a round.
  10. I was wondering if there are plans to bring the Strengthening and Armoring Enchantments of older RQ versions back or if there is another way that a suitably Heroic individual might soak some mighty blow without just having "Shield x=Huges" be literally everywhere and on everyone.
  11. The RQ:G RAW state that temporary spirit magic damage buffs do not harm spirits.
  12. Actually we had a couple batches of characters go completely from ZERO to HERO. We have played through the Argrath campaign from beginning to end, winging a ton of it, twice. We had a different person play the Argrath-to-be PC each time. The whole party were eventually Rune-Lords and Rune-Priests, each party also had a shaman. DAKA FAL protect us, we have done some messed up things with shamans over the years. There have been other, less epic campaigns, like the Lunars that killed the Red Emperor and the Already Dead campaign.
  13. What does -75% matter if you have something like 500ish % after modifiers. Blade sharp 6 is +30, a simple success on an augment is 20, so even without BA Humakti magic darkness can be compensated for pretty well. Not to mention 1 of light on a shield or some such. Don't get me wrong here. I freaking LOVE the new power level and feel of RQ:G. The availability and reusability of rune magic really opens up the game like you could only ever really see when you got to Rune-Levels before.
  14. I have already used Sword Trance plus some mp in matrices to really throw some wrenches at my DM. Lol. We have never used the rules for skills over 100%. We like when we can see characters get crazy special and crit rates. I feel it isn't as interesting if the humakti just cannot be parried. I prefer the rules and 'feel' of the humakti killing people EVEN IF they parry. Lol.
  15. Lol. 1 duck humakti + ~40 MP in matrices Sword Trance Just gotta keep him safe til he is in Deathgod mode. 40 SRs or so. Lol
  16. I thought you needed 500% for all specials.
  17. The way the rules all come together around the spell descriptions and cult writeups, it sounds like an expected path for some Wind Lords is to also become initiates of Odayla, as there is the shared spell of Bears Strength which MUST be cast on initiates of Odayla. I think it is an easy and awesome path to being a badass bear Orlanthi.
  18. Our shaman was still WAY better at spirit combat at handling spirits then the humakti ever could be. The shaman was practically immune to most low to mid level spirits because of his spirit armor and spells maintained. The humakti could EASILY be 1shot by a tough spirit rolling well, Gods forbid a special or crit. Definitely leave it to the shaman.
  19. When we played most recently we were using weapon attack as a sort of alternative to a player using their spirit combat when engaged by an enemy spirit. Like, the humakti would roll his sword skill versus the spirit's spirit combat skill in the opposed roll. Then if the weapon skill was the winner they would do damage according to the rules on page 368/369 of the RQ:G core rules. The Humakti in question could do 4d8 with a True Iron Greatsword, better than 1d6+1. Lol.
  20. Only need multispell 2 to buff yourself and hurl around 3d3 disruptions. Cheaply cheap.
  21. It gets especially gross if you throw up a multi spell 3 or 4. A Humakti with decent POW can throw out either 3/4d3 disruptions if he finds himself in need of ranged offense. He can also cover his whole team in appropriate magic or himself in just 1 round. Protection 6, BS 6, and another BS 6 for tree he other sword? Lol
  22. For an initiated first three I think the most interesting are always utility gifts like, Begin Sense Assassin skill at 30% plus Magic skills category modifier, Gain ability to Detect Undead as per the spirit magic spell by simply concentrating, at no magic point cost, and +4 to effective CON against disease or poison. Or whatever flavor you are feeling. I would save all of the weapon buffs for Rune-Lordship, when you get an iron weapon if available. Then you can go bonkers and take a ton of +50% weapon HP, double damage past armor, and other blessings you want to stack up. This might belong in the munchkinnery thread but, I took 10 (if I remember correctly) stacks of the Double MP Regen Rate for a broke ass Humakti version of the infinity Rune. MPs regen within the duration of a spirit spell.
  23. We use it this way quite often. Anytime we know there will be good chances of combat. Too expensive to maintain all the time but, before raiding an enemy temple or a big battle it works really well.
  24. We play it as just +10% All sword skills. Yes literally all of them, for both attacks and parties. Humakt is the God of Death, his RuneLords are literally called Swords. +10% Sword skill is still probably one of their weakest gift options.
  25. I am picking up what you are putting down now. I did see the cool Gray Box text in RQ:G that outlines some of the ritual greetings, challenges, and riddlings that an Orlanthi would engage in with different cultists he might meet on the road. I REALLY hope there is more of that in the God and Goddesses book. I think it adds so much depth and texture to the cult relationships.
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