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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. I love the Elric! rules and I'm glad that Chaosium incorporated them into the BRP rulesbook. I've never been a fan of the Runequest type rules and I have an allergy to ducks.
  2. My views in an earlier post in this thread are due to my cutting my teeth running Elric! Using the 2d6+6 for PCs, and 3d6 for NPCs rules I don't see as "cheating". PC adventurers should be a cut above your Average Joe. After all they're the ones fighting demons and bad guys to save average Joe's bacon. Someone having a very low stat could survive, in a pre industrial society ( do you mean medieval?) with help from their friends. Low CON might just be the death of them if there was a plague though. As to becoming a functional adventurer, low STR characters could become spellcasters if their POW was high enough. Even characters with low hit points could take advantage of armour and shields, so it isn't as bad as it seems. We haven't even touched upon the subject of increasing stats through training... Besides, adventurers tend to gravitate into groups that help each other.
  3. Please stop. you're making me cry, and it isn't manly.;-( Its a pity that Chaosium doesn't start a magazine aimed at supplying BRP gamers with scenarios,new rules etc. Some of it could be reprints of old but still useful stuff. I'd prefer it printed on paper but nowadays it would cost less to produce it as a pdf.:ohwell: I used to relish buying White Dwarf for the range of articles it used to have. Thats before it was completely given over to Warhammer wargaming.
  4. It looks like the scenario was inspired by the cover of Space Gamer #54. RPGnet RPG Game Index: The Space Gamer #54
  5. You need Runequest stats for elves then. Some of them are more Tolkienesque than Melniboneans.
  6. Remember that the player characters are supposed to be adventurers, not just normal everyday people. What with magic, monsters, mutants and supervillains wanting a piece of our poor player characters they need slightly above average INT and SIZ to give them a bit of an edge.
  7. Thanks for posting your ideas. I will have to run a game set on a partially terraformed world to add some spice to my game. :thumb:
  8. I'm glad that I wasn't imagining the scenario or confusing it with a scenario for another system. Thank you for sorting that out for me. The Big Lizzie adventure, was it inspired bythe movie Valley of Gwangi?http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065163/
  9. I have vague memories about that article. It sounds very interesting. How would you use terraforming in a scenario? Could it lead to some dramatic scenes that would be exciting for player characters or is a terraforming company good only for background?
  10. While we are waiting for Nick Middleton's scenario to be published as a monograph by Chaosium, can I ask if anyone remembers a scenario published either in the Space gamer or Different Worlds. The Future World scenario was about a safari park world populated by robot animals. Can someone supply any more information?
  11. Its here if you want to take a look. Chaosium Inc.
  12. Its not nice if one of your players overconfidently thinks they can take on the big Cthulhuoid monster singlehandedly!:eek:;-(
  13. Does anyone here have the Superworld pdfs? If so has Chaosium added in the errata to the text or have they issued the pdf with a separate errata section? In the Superworld Companion there is a power called cosmic consciousness. Can someone please tell me what it does? I assume that it is a means of gathering information.
  14. The resistance table in the latest version of Call of Cthulhu (page 55)goes up to 31, if it is any consolation.:ohwell:
  15. For those of you that run the Superworld game here is a link to a scenario first published in Different Worlds long ago. The Star-Devourer | A V&V Adventure | Villains and Vigilantes Emporium Don't worry about the name of the link. Superworld stats are included in the scenario.
  16. You have been busy Soltakss.:shocked:
  17. Where did you get this information from? I've read nothing to substantiate such a claim. I know that astronomers have detected stars in orbit around what may be a huge black hole but these stars were hardly rotating anywhere near light speed. The problem with having planets near the galactic core that are inhabitable by our kind of life is the high levels of radiation from nearby stars and supernovae. Planets risk being ejected from their solar systems by close encounters with nearby stars as well.
  18. Now you mention it :lol: Clovie reminds me of the Monty Python movie jabberwock for some reason. You'd think that the designers could have come up with a more frightening looking monster. You'd lose SAN laughing at how silly it looks. Perhaps that is why it is on the rampage. Someone laughed at him!:eek:
  19. Does anyone have anything stronger than antimatter grenades to get through that 100 point hide? Monomolecular edged tangler rounds with depleted uranium spkes anyone?:shocked: A team of Gaziras and some back up by a few giant Nihonjin robots should even up the score!
  20. Even though your weapon stats aren't "official" I still think that they're logical( and useable) and my players will be falling over themselves to be the first to go up in a blaze of gamma rays. Thanx Jean:thumb:
  21. I have no qualms about the explosives chart being in the middle of the artillery section.I've got players looking forward to blowing up their characters through overconfident misuse of antimatter grenades, and I'd like to see some damage stats if you can find them (or make them up) please Jason.>:->
  22. I'm busy converting Worlds Beyond's aliens to BRP stats to take advantage of all the BRP supplements I've got, since WB was unsupported.
  23. Gazira would make a good adversary for the giant robot on pages358/9 of the new book.:eek::eek::thumb:
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