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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:: Please get out those gardening shears and prune those files down. ;-(
  2. Considering the amount of time Chaosium takes to publish announced projects maybe their "all rumours are true" motto should be "slow but sure". Which translates into latin, by way of an online translator, to "tardus tamen certus".
  3. The difference between a proper Chaosium publication and a monograph is? Monographs get to see the light of day within a year of their announcement.>:->
  4. Guilty as charged there:o. I really should learn the difference between a monograph and a proper Chaosium publication. Not that it makes that much difference when you're reading or running them. I hope these are monographs: The Green ( I could do with some wood and blood in my games) The Merchant's Scale ( Intrigue and dark forces! Count me in!)>:-> Sword & Spell ( Who can resist a dangerous dungeon?) The Covenant of Justice ( Some time in the future I'd like to run a superheroes game, and this might fit the bill) Good luck to each of the authors in getting them published ( in whatever form).:thumb:
  5. Whoops! Sorry about that:o. I've got monographs on the brain, seeing as there is an explosion of them surging up the product pipeline. I'll have to drink more camomile and relax after visiting the BRP Central home page. Though I can't wait to see a copy in my friendly local game shop, I have the time to save some pennies for when it is published.
  6. Jason, any news on how your monograph is developing? Are you close to finishing it yet?
  7. One of my players tells me that The god Machine setting reminds him of the Silverheart setting by Moorcock and Storm Constantine.
  8. Of all the monographs being prepared this one interests me most.:happy:
  9. I offer my sympathy to you that you have such players. But their so called criticism is one of the lamest I've heard. In fact it is chuckle inducing just thinking about it. If you make combat encounters interesting enough, then your players will be too busy trying to defeat the opposition to notice that their respectable level of swordsmanship (70%) is boring. The system is not at fault.You and your players just don't appreciate it. Thats all. Maybe if you'd read the spot rules you might have noticed ways of altering the to hit roll, such as putting your players on horseback in combat. Good luck with finding a new system.
  10. Thanks for the link Jason. My chance of buying that issue of Different Worlds doesn't look good, but I will e mail them.
  11. Thank you for those links Agentorange.:thumb:
  12. I would love to get a copy of the article, but the magazine isn't on sale anywhere. It would be good if chaosium sold pdfs of Different Worlds. I will have to wait for one to become available on Amazon. Thanks for telling me more about it, Jason.
  13. Thanks for detailing that part of your setting for me. :thumb:
  14. Rust, will you be putting genetically engineered humans or animals on your world while the atmosphere is being terraformed? Or is the technology too advanced for your setting?
  15. Good luck with Interplanetary. I intend to buy a copy when it is published.:thumb:
  16. I like the idea of the cloak, it is just the kind of artifact that a budding necromancer might want to acquire. I will have to find a copy of the magazine.
  17. Thanks Rust, Nightshade and Jason for the information:). It doesn't sound too bad as a starting point for a campaign. Can someone please tell me what the magic items were in the article?
  18. Does anyone have any more information on this? RPGnet RPG Game Index: "Zarzeena's World" (Article)
  19. Mr Perrin has been busy already with Chris allen. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2634990/FANGS
  20. I've just been looking at Magic World considering if I should run an updated version of the game for my players. The article you mention and the theurgist rules I would definately like to see. I was going to write up a scenario for my group featuring an evil mage that wants to siphon off the essence of a trapped mad god. I am really pleased that the gameworld hasn't been forgotten and I look forward to getting back into Magic World.:thumb:
  21. I'm glad it is finally out. I'm not sure that I have the patience to wait for the printed version, especially when I can get one of my family to buy the pdf for me for Christmas!
  22. Heroic, anti-heroic, its all the same thing. Mighty feats and epic battles. Moorcock's Elric is both heroic and anti-heroic in different situations. Trying to differentiate sometimes leaves a hair splitting taste in the mouth.:ohwell:
  23. That may or not be the case with RQ and some BRP games but Elric! is a game cut in the heroic mould. Out of the ordinary is in the eye of the beholder ( forgive the D&D pun). Runequest has the possibility that you can start play as a duck! Hardly an ordinary water fowl but an "uplifted" duck, superior to normal everyday water fowls! Plus, how many ordinary guys start play with a plethora of spells like in RQ? These characters aren't the bearkiller guy from the BRP pamphlet.
  24. Yes, but we aren't talking real life or fiction here. We are talking roleplaying game, which has different dynamics. My players took a leaf out of Elric's book and avoided summoning demons after the first few meaty deaths. They preferred elementals, specifically earth ones. They were fighting for the Balance, keeping Law and Chaos at arms length. So the killings were generally of bad guys and not the average Joe populace.
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