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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. By the edict of the Autarch, anyone who "feels the cries of gulls" or who wishes to go adventuring with their "soul-mate" is to be put to death by gravity cannon, and their remains are to be utterly destroyed by a dragonel. Also, Sarah Newton is to be brought to the court of the Autarch to face charges of leaving out the stats for the Paladoi, even though our fair and magnificent city of Korudav has an enclave for those hexapedal grazers, so that player characters might bump into them.
  2. Conrad

    The Phung

    One got an arm ripped off. Thank goodness for regeneration technology in high tech settings, but he still had to get back to the spacecraft to get his treatment.
  3. Conrad

    The Dirdir

    They've gotten their plasma weapons from page 256 of the BRP book :P! And no, they're more leopard like than anal...er sorry, antsy! Who put that beetle there? There is a picture of a Dirdir and a Pnume on this page: http://aliens.wikia.com/wiki/File:Dirdir.png But Barlowe gets it wrong; Dirdir effulgences stream backwards from the face, not forwards.
  4. I hope they reach my local gamestore soon.
  5. I have my squad of Fremen spiced up space marines ready for some spooky alien ship exploration.
  6. I bet its divine!
  7. None of my players wanted to play Law aligned characters in my Elric! games, as Chaos aligned characters had most of the spells, and demons. Gods of Law makes playing Lawful characters much more fun.
  8. I just failed my sanity check...gibber! Continuing our voyage through fromage space: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufsPo5ooIfY&feature=related And getting Space 1999ish in Gallic style! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShxtVmc18QA&feature=related
  9. Hopping vampires are already in the Dragon Lines supplement.
  10. Puck, The Green deserves to be a supplement. You should pitch it to Alephtar games!
  11. I don't know if these rules for potions are relevant to the matter but they may come in handy for herbalist types. From: Patricio Gonzalez <bn884465@intbba1.buenayre.com.ar> Subject: Brewing Potions System: Elric! I made this table because I wanted to know what kind of potions my players could make according to their skill in Natural World (Knowledge skill: Botany in the new BRP) and Potions. You may change values as you see fit. Skill POT Heal Charact. Effects Effect Time(opt.) 01-10 1d2 1 -- Smells/Colors 1 Hr/Rnd 11-20 1d4 1d2 1 Digestive 1d2 Hrs/Rnds 21-30 1d6 1d2 1 Sedative 1d4 Hrs/Rnds 31-40 1d8 1d4 1d2 Dizziness 1d6 Hrs/Rnds 41-50 1d10 1d4 1d2 Fever 1d8 Hrs/Rnds 51-60 1d10+1d2 1d6 1d4 Catatonia 1d10 Hrs/Rnds 61-70 1d10+1d4 1d6 1d4 -- 1d10+1d2 Hrs/Rnds 71-80 1d10+1d6 1d8 1d6 Illness 1d10+1d4 Hrs/Rnds 81-90 1d10+1d8 1d8 1d6 -- 1d10+1d6 Hrs/Rnds 91-100 2d10 1d10 1d8 Evil Illness 1d10+1d8 Hrs/Rnds 101-110 2d10+1d2 1d10 1d8 Death in: 2d10 Hrs/Rnds 1d6 years 111-120 2d10+1d4 1d10+1d2 1d10 1 year 2d10+1d2 Hrs/Rnds 121-130 2d10+1d6 1d10+1d2 1d10 2d4 months 2d10+1d4 Hrs/Rnds 131-140 2d10+1d8 1d10+1d4 1d10+1d2 1 month 2d10+1d6 Hrs/Rnds 141-150 3d10 1d10+1d4 1d10+1d2 3d6 days 2d10+1d8 Hrs/Rnds 151-160 3d10+1d2 1d10+1d6 1d10+1d4 1d6 days 3d10 Hrs/Rnds 161-170 3d10+1d4 1d10+1d6 1d10+1d4 2d8 hrs 3d10+1d2 Hrs/Rnds 171-180 3d10+1d6 1d10+1d8 1d10+1d6 1 hr 3d10+1d4 Hrs/Rnds 181-190 3d10+1d8 1d10+1d8 1d10+1d6 2d10 min 3d10+1d6 Hrs/Rnds 191-200 4d10 2d10 1d10+1d8 1 min 3d10+1d8 Hrs/Rnds 201-210 4d10+1d2 2d10 1d10+1d8 2 rnds 4d10 Hrs/Rnds 210-220 so on... so on... so on... Instantaneous so on... The effect time must be chosen to be either hours or rounds as the GM judges best for the effect or change. When making a potion, a player must decide whether it will be a healing potion, a potion which increases characteristics, or a potion that has some other effect. The POT is relevent for potions which have some adverse or undesired effect on another. To find the proper ingredients, the PC must roll against Natural World, and will find herbs up to his Natural World skill according to the table above. To prepare a potion with those herbs, the PC must roll against Potions to make one of a power up to his Potion skill, according to the same table. Example: Krean of Org searchs for 2d10 POT herbs (he has 95% in Natural World). He succeeds at the roll. At his lab he tries to use the herbs to make poison but he has only 80% in Potions, so he can only make poison of up 1d10+1d6 POT. The PC may, buy, borrow, steal, or get by any means, herbs whose POT exceeds his Natural World skill level and use them according the above rules. In the same way, he can hire the services of a higher skilled PC or NPC to make good use of herbs whose POT exceeds his own Potion skills.
  12. I can't find any maps on the Alephtar site. Are they up yet or am I failing my Spot Obvious Item roll?
  13. I just bought it and after a cursory read I think it is brilliant. I hope that I get the time to run a game using this supplement.
  14. Oooooooooooooooh Simon I *so* agree with you! And you know those scientists they're *soooo* anal with their physics, chemistry and biology. I mean its all just science isn't it? Likewise with literature, those folks at the Guardian Review keep dividing books into thrillers, romance etc. They're *sooo* anal,I mean its just literature isn't it? Feeling foolish yet Soltass? So when Chaosium describe Elric! rpg as "dark fantasy" do you call them anal too? There is also another problem with your comment. Most sci fi fans are also fantasy fans, so you're trying to separate them is black and white thinking, a bit of a false dichotomy. The fact that you are trying to make out that some imaginary separate group of fantasy fans are cool while "SciFi fans" aren't makes me think that you're being more than a little *anal* yourself. You might want to lay off the Columbian marching powder before you post, it kinda ruins your facility for logical argument
  15. Whatever you've been snorting Soltass I want some. Thats some trippy shit!;-D
  16. :confused: Funny how? The spice reference was from the movie Dune, which I hope you got. Your statement reminds me of this scene in the movie Goodfellas ( Don't open this within earshot of children or those easily offended by gangsters swearing every other word) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_ff46b58Hk
  17. Why don't some Traveller GMs, that want a different background for their games than the Imperium, convert the backgrounds from BRP games (such as Ringworld, Future World etc) to the Traveller systems? Is it because the Imperium is such a good setting, and that it would take more work to fit Traveller scenarios to a different background?
  18. Exactly. One big gripe I've heard about the original Traveller rules ( and the Mongoose Traveller rules) was that the characters had only training to improve, as there was no system of skill improvement from skills used in combat, which is what BRP has.
  19. Yes, that is interesting. You'd think that since Traveller is so well supported, there'd be BRP GMs wanting to convert to the Traveller systems. But BRP is a much better set of rules, at least I think so after 5 pints of Berserker Export...dribble.
  20. He who controls the Spice controls the universe!
  21. Please wake me up when River of Heaven is ready.
  22. Then it has to be Berserker Export! http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/3404/33468/?ba=BDTyre
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