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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. What we did (with RQIII) was to write skill values with Category Modifiers excluded. This had 2 effects: - EXP rolls are easier to calculate, becausewhen skill level is below 100, you just have to roll above written value. - When a Char changes (usually POW), you just have to change one or 2 values, i.e. the categories affected by the modifier.
  2. I would say no. For me, they are not 'bound' stricto sensu, but a gift of a god to a loyal thane, not a spirit you have bound forcibly. I would say yes, they should have at least one, being initiates. No, they don't need to be released. A bound spirit that knows a spell can cast it without being released, but he can have a problem to perceive the target of the spell.
  3. Yes, one, and you don't need to be a shaman.
  4. Same understanding for me.
  5. Frankly, none seems to makes people smarter, but this is not the role of a god.
  6. Yes, this one is really egregious.
  7. Right. Better be prepared to run once you've cast the spell.
  8. Ducks have lower STR than human, so the ENC problem can be very problematic. With the same armors a human is wearing, your duck will barely be able to walk. RQIII had armor ENC depending on SIZ, but not RQG.
  9. Oh, it's easy. You just have to wait longer. The problem is staying alive while the giant is suffocating. Yes, very efficient. Sadly, my character didn't knew Venom.
  10. Almost as good as mhy polish: phonetically almost correct.
  11. Or smother (or steal breath with RQG). One of those CON Roll will be missed, and the damages will be every rounds.
  12. You're right, my mistake.
  13. Hello, People is me. Yes, but not that it is mandatory. No, what I 'used' is : RQG p76: Lhankor Mhy cultists may start with up to five points of cult spirit magic or up to three cult sorcery spells. (emphasis not mine, but RAW). RQG p76: Cultists trained in sorcery start as having mastered the principles of the Truth Rune and the technique of Command (see page 381). RQG p73: If your cult teaches sorcery, you may start with up to three sorcery spells from the cult’s list. If this option is taken, you do not start with any cult spirit magic. The 'Cultists trained' means that there are some that are not, and the 'or' means that you can have only one of the two at character creation time. As I already explained, yes, I agree with you ... at world level, but not at rules level.
  14. Dragon Pass had sorcery through Heortland, but Heortland is not part of described homelands. Yes, of course. Your option is perfectly valid. This is part of the reason why I said that this choice given to the players (and GMs) is a good point.
  15. No, it is not. It is sold by chaosium as a systemless world product. Which means RQG and the guide are not in agreement. OK, for RQG, stasis is associated with sorcery. If my english is not too bad, that does not mean that everything that is stasis is linked to sorcery.
  16. That is possible. I have almost everything that has ever be published officially for RQ, but there is not much in it. As I don't have what has been produced for HeroWars/HeroQuest, I can't base my judgement on it. Whatever the case, this multi-game world information should be part of the Glorantha forum. If here in the RQ forum, it should be based only or mostly on what is in RQ products.
  17. Ruleswise, I think I can't agree with you, but at the worldview level, I like your point of view.
  18. Perhaps, but this is the RQ forum, and what is in the RQ rules is important. At least more important than what is within HQ rules!
  19. RAW, it is clear for me that the sorcery part is optional. A character can clearly become a priest without knowing any sorcery. This being said, I also prefer your explanation that it is to provide a choice to the players (not the character), which is a good thing considering the rules are much more complicated than the spirit magic ones.
  20. RQG p76: Lhankor Mhy cultists may start with up to five points of cult spirit magic or up to three cult sorcery spells. (emphasis not mine, but RAW). RQG p76: Cultists trained in sorcery start as having mastered the principles of the Truth Rune and the technique of Command (see page 381). RQG p73: If your cult teaches sorcery, you may start with up to three sorcery spells from the cult’s list. If this option is taken, you do not start with any cult spirit magic. So, Lhankor Mhy initiates MAY (emphasis mine, this time) be sorcerors, by choosing having sorcery and not spirit magic at creation time. Of course, those choosing sorcery may learn spirit spells, and those choosing spirit spells may learn LM sorcery later. I see no prohibition, but LM cultists are clearly (at least for me) not automatically sorcerors: the 'Cultists trained' means that there are some that are not, and the 'or' means that you can have only one of the two at character creation time.
  21. Where do you find this? Yes, this is part of the job. See above post. Agreed here.
  22. According to cult description (RQG p 76), you can perfectly create a LM initiate without knowing any sorcery. And he can go to priest (so rune level) with the standard allotment of spirit and rune magic. I personnaly wouldn't loose the opportunity to have my character know sorcery, but it is not mandatory.
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