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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Yes, exactly. There was solutions, but slow and expensive ones. Yes, how true. I can't speak for global sales, but in France, what killed AH's RQIII was the price. I paid mine over 500 french Francs in 1986. This was well over than the combined price of the ADD PHB, DMG and MM.
  2. Thanks Bill. You're right. I'm tired and did the mistake of thinking in French and translating, instead of thinking in English.
  3. I personally think that bringing RQ out of Glorantha was a strength. I love(d) the system and each time I GM'ed RQ, it was outside Glorantha. As a player, I like Glorantha, though.
  4. It worked (and I liked it). It was calculation heavy, though less than RQG's one, but it worked. It's main problem was that it was bland.
  5. Even if I would have preferred more RQIII than RQ2, I completely agree with this list: All those points are new, and most of them are good to very good. You can add poursuit rules and a good abstraction of economy.
  6. The closest I know is 'Army of Darkness', even if 1300 is a bit late for Arthuresque adventures.
  7. As I'm not on Facebook, that means I does qualify as a grognard.
  8. I don't know how this was ported to english, but french is 'coureur des bois', wich means 'coureur dans les bois', literally meaning 'people that run in forestS' or 'people that go through forestS'. Several 'bois' linked together makes a 'forêt'.
  9. That means I'm missing 1 file and I haven't noticed. Who did you contact?
  10. Yes, Runes and Rune magic system are real strong points for RQG vs older versions. I'm much less enthusiastic for passions.
  11. Same for me. This is why I dislike the new RQG opposed rolls rule.
  12. I really doubt there has been a Henry XIII. As far as I remember, british Henry's count stops at 8, french one at 4, and I know no other kingdom that had a king named Henry.
  13. Is it true that it requires Windows 10? GOG says Win 10 only, but is it a requirement or just a sales condition?
  14. Yes, on that part, GOG is by far superior to others.
  15. You were probably right. This is probably the reason why it can be highly ranked.
  16. If I remember correctly, the numbers for France were around 30-35 for men and 13-15 for women from circa 1000 to 1789.
  17. Thanks. I have only seen the movie in french.
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