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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. On this one, I think we all agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. Exactly the same for me. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. They are. The rules specifically say 'Choose or roll'. It is GM's work to refuse something he find unbalancing, uninteresting or problematic. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  4. I'm not speaking of player-characters. Chargen is what it is. When, speaking of the GM, I'm saying 'not easy on the fly', I mean that there is a mandatory extra phase during preparation, for converting all NPCs, like I have today when using some SB or Hawkmoon supplements for RQ. In this case, there is an issue, and the issue is extra time and extra work for the GM. If using the top-down approach, instead of bottom-up, this extra phase is only 'ignore what you don't need', which don't take time. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. I don't know this one, but why not. In fact, I think that for completeness sake, all systems present in previous BRP games should be included, if only to be able to convert those old games to the new BRP. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. Yes, but will the aforementioned BRP monograph still be available when final BRP will be out? If not, possibility does not exist. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. Hello Jason, As I have already explained, I'm not buying BRP edition 0 because, counting shipping and handling, it is far too expensive, and I am saving my money to buy it in a store when final version will be released, not because I don't like what you've done. As I can NOT have this edition 0, I am basing my judgment on the explanations YOU gave. I would have preferred having RQ 3.5, but I knew from the beginning I would not have it, and this is not my point. I would have preferred having BRP more based on RQ and less on SB because I think RQ is a better game than SB, but I know since month that I would not get that, and this is not my point. What I told is that I would have preferred a top-down approach, with a maximum of rules by default, and optional simplifications, because I find simpler to remove what I don't use than having to add what I want and is not default. To cite the exemples you gave: If the supplements, which are, like I said, my main points are using only core rules, I have to: - calculate all the location HP (not easy on the fly). - calculate the SR (not easy on the fly) - put armor on each location (easy, if we assume no variation). - calculate FP and SAN base and remaining (not so easy). - generate a separate value for all melee weapons (easy). for each npc. - check which variable armor I should use (easy, not fast) With the top-down approach, you have all of this printed, and those who don't use the options: - ignore the locations HP, as the total HP is also given (doubling is easy for heroic). - Ignore the SR, and just use the DEX rank. - ignore the armor value for each location, using only one (probably torso or abdomen, if a specific value is not given). - Ignore FP and SAN if not using them. - Use only attack value for melee weapons (parry for shields) and ignore the second value. - Same problem for variable armor, but value can also be printed. This is what I have explained.. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. The metallic cartridge are because of the heat generated: Plastic casing melt in the chamber. The choice is the same with the HK CAWS and the AIW CAWS. They all fires longer than usual cartridge to avoid loading them in a 'standard' shotgun. The AIW fires flechettes ammo for increased range. The only full auto shotgun that fires standard ammo is the Pancor Jackhammer (because of it's ceramic cassettes). In addition, all this weapons have a 10 shots mag, and as far as I know, are only capable of short (3shots) bursts. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. My mistake. I stand corrected. :innocent: Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. Agreed here. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. That's true, you've played Car Wars!!! Runequestement votre, Kloster
  12. This is what I plan to do once final version is released. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  13. I've stated I will not buy edition 0 for economical reasons (too high sending cost). I'm saving my money for the day the final version will be released. But all the points I have cited have been explicitly cited by Jason. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. This is a perfect exemple. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. This is what I would like to have, but I'm afraid to miss. If the supplements are presented that way, most of the griefs I do have are gone. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. I'm not blaming the motorcycle division. I've even said I find Jason did a nice job. I knew BRP was not envisionned to become RQ from the beginning. What I say is: 1 - I would have prefered RQ (which is, for me, the pinnacle of BRP), but this is a personnal taste, and I'm not complaining on that, because I'm not frustrated. I just have what has been promised. 2 - The fact that Jason choose SB5 and CoC as main sources bring a simpler, less detailed game as default, with lots of optional rules to add complexity. As I have already explained, this will bring more work to use the supplements if they focus (which they should) on the core rules. I find simpler to remove what I don't use than add everything I want and is not present. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. Note that my comment about the 'mainly financial' deal is not derogatory. I'm working because my job pays my rent and my food, not by pleasure. I perfectly understand this motivation, even if I don't like the result. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. IIRC, he stated that for him, the Mongoose deal was mainly a financial one, that brought him more cash than the whole HQ line. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. Idem for 1st part. For 2nd part, this is exactly what I had in mind. It is easier to ignore what you don't want than to add what you want and is missing. Apart the fact that I would have liked to get something more Runequesty, my main point is that I would have prefered the opposite way, ie the most comprehensive default, with optional simplifications. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. I'm also interested. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. Completely agree here. And I think the work is well done, but it is not what I would like to have. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. Congratulations soltakss, you were faster on creating this topic. On most of the points you cited, I'm in full agreement. I have other points: - As hit locations, skill categories modifiers, single skill per weapon (attack/parry), strike ranks are optional, they will probably means they will not be used in the supplements, and if I want to use them, that's more work for me. - As variable armor is standard, it will probably means it will be used in the supplements, and if I don't want to use it, that's more work for me. - Why having used the magic from WoW and SB, and discarded the 3 from RQ. This is why, although I like what Jason did, I think the new BRP is moving further away from RQ than the previous incarnations. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. As it seems it will become quite hot, yes, please do! Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. I disagree on that, but let's NOT start a new flamewar on this. On, this, I agree. Agreed, even if I'm sure than one will be better than the other is. Same for me. Same opinion for me, except that I am not buying edition 0 for economical reasons. Idem. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  25. According to GS, Chaosium split in 4 (Chaosium itself with CoC, Mythos and SB, Issaries with Glorantha, another company I don't remember the name with Pendragon and Wizard's Attic to handle distribution). And also according to GS, he MAY have an interest in working with Chaosium: when asked who owns Chaosium, the answer was 33% himself, 33% Lynn Willis, 33% Charlie Krank and 1% Sandy Petersen. But, considering GS view on RQ (already cited by Nick) and the existence of the Mongoose license (that most probably includes an exclusivity clause), I really doubt it could occur. Runequestement votre, Kloster
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