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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. I will give a try, but I have only 1 hand available, so it will be hard. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. Yes, the Me262 rocks (and fly like a rock, either). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. For Car Wars, or for Champions? Runequestement votre, Kloster (VMG fondler)
  4. The rules specifically states that you can change occupation during preliminary experience, if you fulfill the conditions. You have to stay at least 1 year and can't change your culture, but otherwise, you can switch to whatever you want, although you are of course right by saying GM discretion has to be applied for 'occupations' that can only be reached by heritage or by roleplay (like noble). Same thing for the downtime. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. We kept age in the 'rollable' range. I should have said 'Choose one possible roll' Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. Don't forget that in RQ III, all chargen rolls and tables are described with 'Choose or Roll', including the age!! If you don't want to play a farmer, don't roll, and choose something else. The way we play it is Choose. If the GM don't validate your choice, you have the possibility to either make another choice or force a roll, and everybody (player and GM) has to accept the result of the dices. In almost 20 years, I've never seen a dice for this, as everybody prefers choosing something that fits his style and expectations (and we've seen farmers). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. You beat me. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. True True also. No, this is RQ 2. For RQ III, you only have 150% AP. No, the iron only add 3 points on the 43. Let's say he has no iron and count 40 points. In that case, the shield, and thus the parry, counts for almost half of the points, which furthers my point. IIRC, on a critical, you don't substract the protection afforded by spells 5they don't have weak spots). We ruled that enchantments don't have neither, but without that, he still has 34 AP with parry, which is enough. On this, we agree, Dodge gets better against critical, but this becomes significant at higher levels than the 'easy ones' you've cited. The real gain of dodge is that once you've started to dodge, you can continue to dodge all attacks from the same attacker. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. No, this is Thieve's world (I also have it, with the companion) you're speaking about, not Thieve's guild. This one, I have used and enjoyed. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. I agree with you it is easy. My point was that, even for warrior cults, offensive spells are not the only way to spend POW, money and time. Characters with such level at least should have also spells and equipment to defend and protect them. I have thus used standard equipment and spells, with a like amount of expenditure. My opinion is that they should also have at least an equal amount in OTHER expenditures (utility spell, like worship deity, healing magic, non combat equipment, perception spells, etc) just to be viable (and accepted). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. With that level of offensive spells, characters should have an equivalent of defensive spells, and their armor will be well over 6 points (plus 12 for shield). You're speaking of rune level, which probably means (with the warrior cult you've cited as exemple) iron chainmail (10 AP) plus hoplite shield (18 AP) plus some protection spells (for exemple, protection 4 is not unrealistic) plus shield 2 (not unrealistic considering the level of offensive spells). If you add a couple of POW for armoring enchantments, that would give you the staggering amount of 43 AP, well in line with the damage you've calculated. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  12. And Goblins, and having a voodoo power plant that ran on human blood!!! Runequestement votre, Kloster (who lost his world record for acceleration).
  13. I have it, but I've never played. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. I don't know for the new BRP, but with RQ III, it was -1% per ENC, not per ENC over the limit. It was easy to have -20% to dodge. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. On that, I agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. IIRC, in RQ III, You move starts at your DEX SR when moving while doing something else (like fighting). If it is a continuous move and you do nothing else, you start moving at your DEX SR of 1st round, and move 3m (for a human) each SR, like a cart moves each SR. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. Ok, but combined sales of (A)D&D were probably higher than all the other ones combined. And the number of (A)D&D players was greater than the number of non (A)D&D players. So, even if a lot of products were not D&D clones, their presence was quite limited (who remembers having played Bifrost or Superhero 2044, even in this forum were, being 40, I am counted within the young ). And 'Drakar Och Demoner' is not really english . Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. Of course, we played toon (killer also, but this is another story). In fact, I've never played, only GMed. But I've lost the map to the cave where those fantastic mushrooms ... No, really, I don't have any player anymore (apart my wife). The other are too serious to enjoy it, or too young to accept the sheer madness that MUST occur. By the way, my original players were playing: - a toaster (chromed one), that lassoed everybody with it's power cord. - a wrestling baby (remember baby herman). - an hippopotamus gogo dancer. - a rat (called rat'mbo), that was moving with 2 machineguns stucked under his armpits. The spy adventures were the most hilarous ones. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. Thanks Nick. Does that means you're slower with SR than without? It seems strange. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. How could I have forgotten toon?? Shame on me. :innocent: Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. Considering the current state of worldwide banking systems, they don't. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. Same experience for me. And whatever the system, I usually spend more than 30 mn for creating a character. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. What occurs with the optional strike ranks? Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. Same for me. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  25. I will do Fantasy to have a pseudo RQ 4. For superhero, I'm using champions. I rarely play modern (except JB007, and sometimes CoC). I very rarely play Sci-Fi (Last time was megatraveller). If available, I will have a try for western. Runequestement votre, Kloster
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