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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. What I told is that the WORDS are belonging to Chaosium. And no, RQ name does not belong to GS because he paied Steve Perrin and al. Chaosium, not Greg, payed them. It belongs to him because Chaosium sold it to AH, that AH let it's right lapse, and Greg was faster than anybody else to grab it. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. The only info I could find was about :Psychonautes 2027, by a certain Alain Legrand. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. Completely agree here. That's also one of the reason i like Champions. Agreed. Yup. Apart from the system (Palladium is probably the most outdated system in production), lethality of the combat system and the random creation and attribution of powers are the weakest points. Your exemples are not the supidest ones we've rolled up. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  4. Very interesting idea. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. The RQ rules have been written by Steve Perrin and Ray Turney (and another guy I don't remember the name), but belongs to Chaosium (as they are written). It was a kind of 'work on demand', like the work done by Mike Pondsmith for TSR on Buck Rodgers. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. James Bond has not been killed by WotC, but by AH themselves when they closed Victory Games (along with some wargames). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. 1) If I remember well, they had the choice between bankruptcy and selling one of their flagship (RQ or CoC). The goal of competing with D&D by using AH power was an added bonus. 2) Agreed. 3) It is a niche that represented the largest part of their income. It is still now because it is their only product, but even at that time, it was important. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. The figures were the ones given by the french editors, compiled by a french mag in 2000 (Backstab) for the french editions. For the english langage ones, it was estimates given by the main importers. And it was the sales in France only, even if I'm sure that for the french language editions, it was the total sales made by the editor for all french speaking countries (Jeux Descartes for CoC, Oriflam for all the others). I also remember an aticle by MOB in an old TotrM where he reviewed the french RQ and explained that the Oriflam sales for France were in the same league as the ones of AH worldwide, but I've never checked that. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. No surprise! :thumb: It is also because, except for CoC, they were nicer and much cheaper than US or UK ones. Best example was RQIII (Between 450 and 550 FF for AH version, 249 FF for Oriflam french one). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. In the gaming industry, probably only Mattel can rival Hasbro/WotC on the legal/financial level (really the same), and Mattel is not manufacturing RPG. If they could buy Chaosium, perhaps they could withstand going legal vs WotC. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. 30 means 30 games. CoC was over 80000 games. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  12. Those 85% is giving money to Hasbro/WotC. Probably more money than the total size of all the world rpg industry outside of WotC combined. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  13. In addition to that, IP laws in non US countries is completely different, and if different words are used, it is VERY difficult to prevent usage of ideas. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. Check Gianni's site ( Basic Role Playing System ). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. The figures I managed to get back were (several years ago, about the time when Coc 5.5 was published), when combining US imports, british (Games Workshop) imports and french language publishing: - Worlds of Wonder : Below 50 (Never published in french). - Superworld : Around 30 (Never published in french). - ElfQuest : Around 200 (Never published in french). - Ringworld : Unknown figures (Never published in french). - RQII : Around 2000 (Never published in french). - RQIII: Around 15000 (Published in french). - SB1 : Around 30000 (Published in french) - SB>1 : Unknown figures (Never published in french). - Hawkmoon Around 10000 (Published in French) - CoC : Over 80000 (Not counting 5.5). 2nd best selling RPG ever. - BaSIC. : (WoW BRP updated) Over 50000 (Published in french). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. :focus: No, not for my part. Champions is so much better at it. I reserve BRP for Fantasy/Modern settings (never tried Futuristic ones with it). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. Sketchy, to say the least. OK, now I see what you mean. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. What I was replying to was: "And most D&Ders don't look at and buy non D20 products." Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. I like to remember I was not the one GMing WoD games. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. For me (in far away Europe), TSR never went below 50% of gamestore exposure, even if they were losing marketshares (to WhiteWolf, RTG, Games Workshop and some others). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. Quite good. Even if I don't like SAN for other things than sheer horror and that it should be kept out of RQ, this is a good attempt to curve PLAYER way to drive their characters. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. Exemples? :innocent: Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. OK (Just checked), but, for me, this is not as visible as the Champions influence. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. :innocent: Runequestement votre, Kloster
  25. It already WAS the dominant force, even before OGL! True, even if Mongoose tries hard to push the other way. Runequestement votre, Kloster
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