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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Whatever the case, whether it's 1, 2 or 3 hands does not count (no pun intended). It's considerably below the number of games, and on that, we agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. At least 2 or 3 hands. Dices or no dices. Unique resolution tables or not. Simulationist or abstract. etc. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. The kopi (greek shortsword) is a purely chopping weapon. The roman gladius is as good for chopping (Macedonians were horrified by the wounds made at Cynocephales, where it was used mainly as a slashing weapon) as for thrusting (after Marius, the roman doctrina was to use thrust to cause bleeding wounds that will kill sooner or later). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  4. Nope, We always start with cultural weapons, and players tend to keep the weapons they started with. For the secondary weapon, we tend to choose the lowest ENC on what is available when we shop, so we had Axe, Kukri, Gladius, Broadsword (for a big barbarian whose main weapon was a poleaxe), dagger. For missile weapons, I have personally used longbow, composite bow (in Prax and Pent, I think no other is available), heavy crossbow, repeating crossbow, javelin and plumbata (and thrown a lot of the hand weapons I have used: Dagger, hatchet, short spear among others). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. Ditto. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. Hi, 1st time we played RQIII, we carried over some elements from RQII, including ENC management. All the other campaign (and the next to be started soon) have used the basic RQIII fatigue rules. And yes, we all ticked 1 FP every round, and it was not a problem. We all had a sheet of paper to mark MP, FP and Hits. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. Idem. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. From Pavis to Sun County with the guy still nailed? He must be tough!!! :innocent: Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. If I remember well, ADD 1st ed didn't gave credit to Dave Arneson, and ADD 2nd ed didn't gave credit do Gygax, so... it seems WotC is more polite than TSR. But, all in all, I agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. Hello, Whatever the case, we need killer rabbits (and the holy grenades to hunt them). Back to topic, I agree monsters/creatures are setting specific, except for the generic ones. So, count me on a light creature book that contains what is quasi-universal. The other creatures have to be described within their setting book. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. Hello Jason, OK for Sandy's independant work. But what he did for RQIII's magic book belongs to Chaosium, if I have understood correctly. So, can somebody start from this magic book (as present in the BRP monograph)? If yes, what would be the conditions? Runequestement votre, Kloster
  12. True. It was also far more than 16 pages, although far below the 300+ of the upcoming BRP. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  13. I remember having discussed about that subject with Sandy Petersen about 15 years ago (at the Aquaboulevard Park in Paris), an he explained me that each time they were in doubt for a rule in a game, they were reverting to the original rule: RQ. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. Even if I agree with most of your arguments, in fact, lots of people have. At least here in France where Casus Belli (France's premier RPG mag during years) published it with Chaosium approval under the name BaSIC. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. Thanks Jason, I like the idea for the skill points. And I think (like you guessed) that we will surely use the categories. I will. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. Hi Jason, What is the basis of skill amount in preliminary experience (EDU like in CoC, number of years like RQIII, a flat amount fixed by the rules or fixed amount assigned by the player)? Is there skill categories (with their modificators) like in RQ or not? Thanks. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. What I told is that the WORDS are belonging to Chaosium. And no, RQ name does not belong to GS because he paied Steve Perrin and al. Chaosium, not Greg, payed them. It belongs to him because Chaosium sold it to AH, that AH let it's right lapse, and Greg was faster than anybody else to grab it. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. The only info I could find was about :Psychonautes 2027, by a certain Alain Legrand. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. Completely agree here. That's also one of the reason i like Champions. Agreed. Yup. Apart from the system (Palladium is probably the most outdated system in production), lethality of the combat system and the random creation and attribution of powers are the weakest points. Your exemples are not the supidest ones we've rolled up. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. Very interesting idea. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. The RQ rules have been written by Steve Perrin and Ray Turney (and another guy I don't remember the name), but belongs to Chaosium (as they are written). It was a kind of 'work on demand', like the work done by Mike Pondsmith for TSR on Buck Rodgers. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. James Bond has not been killed by WotC, but by AH themselves when they closed Victory Games (along with some wargames). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. 1) If I remember well, they had the choice between bankruptcy and selling one of their flagship (RQ or CoC). The goal of competing with D&D by using AH power was an added bonus. 2) Agreed. 3) It is a niche that represented the largest part of their income. It is still now because it is their only product, but even at that time, it was important. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. The figures were the ones given by the french editors, compiled by a french mag in 2000 (Backstab) for the french editions. For the english langage ones, it was estimates given by the main importers. And it was the sales in France only, even if I'm sure that for the french language editions, it was the total sales made by the editor for all french speaking countries (Jeux Descartes for CoC, Oriflam for all the others). I also remember an aticle by MOB in an old TotrM where he reviewed the french RQ and explained that the Oriflam sales for France were in the same league as the ones of AH worldwide, but I've never checked that. Runequestement votre, Kloster
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