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Lloyd Dupont

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Everything posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Welcome to the dark side, ahem! 😄
  2. I see.... thanks! 🙂 I guess makes sense for the game 🙂
  3. is the sanity cost incurred everytime the spell is cast? or only the first time?
  4. From the album: Call of Cthulhu memes.

    Move along Cthulhu, a new contender is here!
  5. Ha yes.. in fact I already write that exact rule on my custom RuleSet for Master of Orion, silly me! (even though, shield and sword are very unlikely weapon in the space opera setting of Master of Orion hahah) Thanks for reminding me! 🙂
  6. Of course BRP is an imperfect simulation of the real world... but there is a particular aspect that bothered me, like how there is nothing that give an inherent advantage to say, an adult vs a child or giant against a human in combat. Sure the adult/giant does more damage, but cant just crush the opposition, like I feel, an adult should against a chield. And I got an idea today! In Cthulhu they introduce a "build" number, which is the number of D6 damage bonus +1 (or just 1 for D4). and compare the build for adjusting various wrestling activities. Me think we could reuse this build number and give the difference as a Parry malus (x30%) against larger creature. Shield could have their own build that cancel some of it. This way you cant really parry a giant club with your sword.... Dodge is still fine though.... What say you?
  7. Yea, just received the hardcopy today! Before we start! 😄 (Unboxing) Pictures (as it did happen!) in that other thread: One little step for Chaosium, one giant step for Australians! :) - Alastor's Skull Inn - BRP Central - The Chaosium forums (basicroleplaying.org)
  8. Tuesday night, as I realised how much of a giant commitment it was to start GMing (or Keeping, as they with CoC) "The Masks of Nyarlathotep" campaign.... I hurriedly ordered online a new 2-in-1 laptop-tablet hybrid (to read PDF in bed and during the game) and the hardcover version of Pulp Cthulhu and Masks of Nyarlathotep! And oh giant pleasant surprise, I got the Laptop Thursday (it's awesome!) And another surprise I got the Masks of Nyarlathotep on Friday! Apparently there is an Australian warehouse in Sydney. Here are unboxing picture (gorgeous packaging btw)
  9. I gave some thoughts to that today, I think there are a few things to consider. 1st CoC is not D&D, you don't have to wait to be level 20 to get a cool power of your choice, I really like that! however , also, as a gm I really use to hate divination spells , and just removed them from the game. However I realised, when you have magical way to bypass all defence and magical way to leave no trace, it is kind of OK to also have magical way to find evidence after all!... However, as advised in the book, you might decide that this particular ability is only for villain (not my favourite choice) or for select few NPC. Finally if a spell / power somewhat bother you, inform your players and take some liberty and do some experiment, taking the behaviour away from the per the book definition! Hope that helps :)
  10. Thanks! 🙂 Haha.. this is an additional skill bonus rule / character development... I see 🙂
  11. more funny and more general that yes/no, one could reply with tarot card! oh.. you get the lover, the knight and the tower on that question! although.. it might be a bit too vague... but seeing death, or the fool, or the phenix is pretty clear!
  12. ON the "Keeper Screen" part of the Mask of Nyarlathotep one can see: Learning Skills: POW roll grants +4% What is this about?
  13. Yea... I had a second quick and more careful read of the CoC rules in the last 2 days and I found that, which is quite neat 🙂
  14. Thanks for your interesting take on the adventure... Definitely going to do the Peru adventure.. if only because I only have to read 50 pages urgently that way! ^_^ I will keep your advice in mind, particularly the last one about resurrecting Elias this is quite a fun idea.. we shall see what happens! 🙂
  15. Another question about sanity... After much thinking about it, I can make sense of it and make the game more fun with it... One inherent contradiction annoys me though. Monster encounter will make sanity go down (people get traumatized with close encounter of the Cthulhu type), and Mythos knowledge (knowing about the ultimate truth of the cosmos make the person much more detached from humanity). Here is my conundrum.. someone with high Mythos knowledge, hence low sanity will get scared and traumatized easily, whereas one would really expect the opposite! Did I get that right? How do you work around that? [EDIT] got an idea! For frightening situation of occult nature, make Mythos and Sanity combined roll. If the Sanity fail but the Mythos succeed, the person shrug it off!
  16. Oh... so Roger Carlyle is Randolph Carter? Despite my avowed ignore of Lovecraft writing and Cthulhu Mythos, I rolled 01, and recognized this name! 😄 Is he really the one?! 😮
  17. I am early in the book.. and I still have no clue what's happening... except that a solar eclipse will be of significance in helping breaking some mystical ward or something... Ok, I will roll with it, it's thematic, but personally I don't think it make much logical sense to have great cosmic energy from an eclipse... Then it hit me, a logical and thematic explanation! Indeed during an eclipse the flow of solar power on the earth is strongly diminished. It's not great power, it's great lack of power! Those mystical something were solar powered, and much weakened during the eclipse! quod erat demonstrandum! 😛
  18. Good point.. as the Occult skill increases, connecting the dots will become easier!
  19. Hi, good idea... I renamed my previous thread.... And will post further question and comments over there. Mask of Nyarlathotep for dummy - Call of Cthulhu - BRP Central - The Chaosium forums (basicroleplaying.org)
  20. I just realized my huge mistake.. the campaign is not 280 pages, it's 670 pages! (I was confused, I had multiple PDF open at the same time) Ohoh... to save my aging memory I ordered the hardcover version, It should help, I hope! 😮
  21. I am speed reading the Masks of Nyarlathothep and... I realize that my lack of lore isn't helping... I wonder, do people who worship Nyarlathothep are aware he has many form or only know and worship one form? At this stage of my reading it's unclear... And it might be important, I reckon! [EDIT] To gather all advice and ideas on about that campaign in one place.. please use my previous thread (and so will I for now) Mask of Nyarlathotep for dummy - Call of Cthulhu - BRP Central - The Chaosium forums (basicroleplaying.org)
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