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Lloyd Dupont

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Everything posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. And here, have some idle thoughts on helmets! 🙂 Why Didn't Roman Legionaries Use Gladiator Helmets? - YouTube
  2. Good video! And a reminder, if needed, that real life is always more complicated than thought! 🙂
  3. Just for fun.... https://lmgtfy.app/?q=gambeson+vs+brigandine
  4. Being a programmer.. this made me chuckle... Git being an essential tool of our trade! ^_^
  5. The armor value without helmet.... I found it weird the way helmet works!
  6. I had similar thought ^^ Here is my own table ... Clothing, Heavy 1 Leather, Soft 2 Leather, Hard 3 Gambeson 5 (4) Chain 6 (4) Brigandine 7 (5) Plate, Full 8 (6)
  7. Good points. However, while I don't like to have guns and localized HP together for other reason, one could argue that with sniper rifle, aiming for the head is a sensible and common strategy
  8. You are definitely a funny guy, after a bit of distraction you want me (again?) to defend location HP (after all!) which, again ( 😮 !) I am not using myself either! 😮 I mean I was.. but I decided to drop them.. I already explained it! short summary: There might be cases where the PCs like it better. It's a popular and (explicitly) optional rule. Should you use it? It depends It depends on what? I gave you a few food for thoughts already. You still don't want to use it? welcome to the club, neither do I (at the moment)! 😛
  9. Mmmm... I totally missed the Mythras angle! 😮 Obviously my answer had nothing to do with your concerns... Let me stress though, that location HP are nothing specific to Mythras hence it was easy to get confused! Personally I wouldn't advise to use Mythras so.. here you go! 😛 Although.. Ideally I would advise to have a look at all D100 systems to get many rule tweak ideas.. (I am fond of tweaking!) So you are asking my why you should use Mythras, even though I wouldn't hey? Mmmm.. let me think... I got some ideas (but they got absolutely nothing to with location HP...) Here we go: - it's publishers have done good work to publish numerous good quality supplements (including some free goody like the free firearms one), and they keep on going, with Lyonesse, just recently - It got 5 distinctly flavored magic system. And some more in supplements, I quite liked the free and hidden, for copyright reason, Star War one - the innovative combat system. i.e. the combat effect Also, to give some more credits to Mythras, even though I ultimately rejected it, in my homebrew D100 games I apply the following rule change, due to a Mythras influence: - I use only simple and critical success rolls (which is skill% dropping the unit, i.e. kind of 1/10th of the skill), i.e. got rid of special - I use XP (1 xp = 1 increase roll, but 0% if you fail the roll , unlike Mythras that give 1%) - I don't use combat effect but .. I give each weapon a few more options on crit that the 1 critical effect that you can chose in BRP, i.e. it's a hybrid between BRP and it's hard coded single effect (bleed, crush, etc..) and Mythras and its 20 possible choice And finally why did I rejected Mythras? - the painful unproductive discussion on how to tweak Sorcery (sorcery was not I wanted it to be, I also got it wrong and that was the end of Mythras forum users argument and willingness to discuss), while BRP the Magic power is more to my liking (elemental Magic still not to my liking, but got some ideas! 😛) - turns out that our group prefers simpler combat system, like BRP, particularly variable number of action per round per character was not a win for our group. - after seeing how simple is character creation is with Magic World,.. character creation in Mythras seems just too old fashion...
  10. Just had a brainwave! 😮 Where the player would be (for many light years all around) is not a perfect harmonious utopia. It might be orderly but.. it's a dictatorship... That imply a lot of corruption and tentative underground activities! 😮 😄
  11. As I am getting ready for starting (soon) my Master of Orion campaign.... I have a problem... the one thing that come to me easily is, I realise with horror, is the 2 part style, where (a short) part 1 is gathering information, that lead to part 2, a suspicious location with enemies to fight At the same time, my MoO setting would neither be, I hope, a Star Wars or Blade Runner style one. Both dystopian in their own way with ample of opportunity for unchecked gunplay by the police. And while I do plan to have a civil war start during the campaign (and last much longer) to create some chaos (and mystery, as it happens)... I want the world to be less violent that the game play I am used to... Further, any investigative game I have been pat of.. was mostly unsuccessful (i.e. not that fun) so I am green there, and also.. I am not planning on players being part of some police force / vigilante group (just because I like the story of personal rise to power... I hope to put player in multiple situation that will let them gain personal political influence and reputation, personal wealth and personal enemies and also freedom to give up when the challenge proves too great)
  12. As many thing in BRP Combat Location are optional. Many D100 fantasy game and players love them.. but in fantasy game with a good armor, location really increase durability, since the overall HP (sum of all location HP) is much higher than just (SIZ+CON)/2. As long as you don't get major or serious wound in one strike it's a big boost. Meanwhile you can also one shot minion with a good headshot. However it become really painful quickly when everybody got powerful weapon, like in a scifi setting or with magic weapon galore. Because here location HP means everyone (including PC) is down is one hit. almost every single time. So really, there is a place for location HP and another place for general HP. It's up to you, the GM, to make a judgement call as to what will provide best player experience!
  13. Pas mal, pas mal.. apres 20 ans a l'etranger (an Australie) parler Francais me deviens difficile! :( Mais je ne parle pas espagnole! Bien jouer! :)
  14. all D100 rule are very similar so it would work fine... Compared to Cthulhu, in BRP/MagicWorld/Elric/Runequest, you got much more developed magic system(s?!) and fantasy bestiary.... but it's otherwise quite similar with some subtle difference here and there... (mostly combat I reckon) as a side note I despise most variation of elemental magic (i.e. fire/cold/stone attacks) I found in all those rule set.. 😕 but I quite like the rest!
  15. Reading the "Demon Princes" just now.... The writing aged.. And the settings seems somewhat "unrealistic" (using quote here, we are talking about the far future here, it's obviously subjective). Anyway, regardless, there is a story in there that keep me reading But I am not buying the whole thing....
  16. also... I am going very slowly.. but in a few month I'll be ready to share my Master of Orion setting, rule set and adventure hooks!
  17. Jack Vance hey? I used to like that when I was a kid.. But I totally forgot what I read... Might try again!
  18. Hi all.. After a break back into working o my Master of Orion adventure settings (might be starting to play it in a few months now! 😮 ) Anyway I got 2 blockers.... 1. Material Rewards: in fantasy setting every now and then players can find magical items.. In this scifi heavily industrialized setting I don't see a place for unique items... And even luxury items.. when one can afford to maintain a spaceship, one can buy any luxury gun if they really want to... not sure what to do there... Apart from credits (spaceship are costly hey!) not sure what material / physical rewards I could give... EDIT scratch that, I know what to do here. I got big equipment table cross referenced by tech level. I can offer elusive item from more advanced neighboring empire! These are both better and hard to come by! 2. "Encouters", the life of an adventurer is often akin to a gunslinger of thief... but I don't see how could that work in the information age... My vision of the future (ideally, if I can make that work) is noting like Star Wars (where it really seems space tech and tech in general is kind of .. lost? and most place are almost medieval or borderland) here most place are heavily developed. (if you play Master of Orion before, it should make sense ^^) So.. any tips on those? Thanks yall!
  19. The Wellerman TikTok Sea Chanty mashup for 3 straight hours (a 3 hour tour) - YouTube
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