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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Well.. I was afraid it might be too much.. but the only feedback is positive so far! :)
    Yea, was thinking to roll location in case of major wound.. and maybe luck roll to see whether the location is destroyed or not... Anyway my player are used to me changing rules... and I warn them in advance of experiment to soften the blow...

  2. 46 minutes ago, rsanford said:

    If you like BRP, like I do, then you might want to consider the fan made publication New Horizon. It provides detailed rules as well as a setting for playing science fiction in a world most like that in Blade Runner or Total Recall. I haven't studied it in depth but the only thing it seems to lack are rules for creating starships (Use M-SPACE for that). Instead it just list a few ships and their stats. You can find it at https://gitlab.com/NHcthulhu/NewHorizon

    Thanks for sharing.

    Lots of good stuff in there, I'll have to spend some time reading! :)

  3. I only watched the movie, it was quite good... The book is a very long series, I think...

    Your friend seem to have lots of good reading tip! :) 

  4. There are lots of author, yes, but only a few stand the test of time.

    And while Stephen King doesn't write my favourite genre, hence I read of watch little from him, I think I can safely say he is one of those that do stand the test of time! 😮 :)

    I quite like the Dark Tower movie too! This one is not horror though... more like a strange approach to a merger between fantastic and contemporary..

    • Like 1
  5. I am in an ongoing struggle / unsatisfaction with HP (and elemental spell, but that's another topic, though related)
    I am not GMing right now (taking turns) but for next campaign I plan 1. to go back to BRP, 2. To dicth location HP in favor of CoC like wound and general HP, 3. (optionally) use the optional rule of SIZ+CON for HP (instead of (SIZ+CON)/2) for Boss, elites and player characters (it will be a toughness stunt, so will cost 1 stunt slot)

    Now I wonder.. Tough PC might have like 30 HP, quite a lot... having second thoughts...

    Anyone experimented with this custom rule (general HP and CON+SIZ, i.e. not divided by 2), what did you think of it?

  6. I don't like horror much, it's why I prefer BRP over CoC and it's why I don't watch much horror movie. 

    But in a moment of boredom now I'm watching Doctor Sleep, from a Stephen King novel.. 

    I'm not sure this is an accurate critic, but I feel like I want to say I understand why Stephen King is so successful. He doesn't just write a scary stuff, it's a meaningful and internally consistent, there is a real story here! 

    Like it so far, even like it's a long 2 hours and half! :)

    • Like 2
  7. I don't see why you couldn't use BRP as is....

    Personally I'm working on a Master of Orion setting that I will share here when ready! :)

    M-space has few rules in it... But many good ideas... About spaceship design, conflicts (non combat), circles (mix of cult and allegiances) and some custom psionic rules

    It's designed for mythras, which show subtle difference sometimes  

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Vile said:

    The packaged professions in several BRP games take some of the pain out of that, but not all. Limiting the number of skills in your game is one way of shortening the process, but I'm a fan of short skills lists and others are not. I have to say that the BRP previous experience system I found the most "fun" was the one in the RQ2 appendices - pretty fast although limited in its options, but then another strength of BRP is that characters who start out the same can develop in very different directions.

    I am working on "Character Creation" in my custom settings at the moment.
    I had friend new to BRP stumped by the "allocate 300% to those 8 skills" phase in the past, I am going to see if I can make it more expedient... :)

  9. 5 hours ago, g33k said:

    I'd make this something sci-fi-ish...  There's probably some sort of easy-check ID in the clones, like an RFID chip (pet microchip) or some further-future variant; after all, the clone facilities will want to have ways to track their units before deploying them into service... why ever turn that off???   Think of how StarWars' storm troopers have ID-numbers instead of names (based on prior Clone-era storm troopers, even after they weren't clones any more).

    I envision law-enforcement patrols having HUD visors, which ID every Bulrathi; those with valid ID-chips (the overwhelming majority, except in elite neighborhoods) show one way, the elite "naturals" show another.

    Any Bulrathi who shows a glitch is most likely a criminal* who tried to hack their ID...  Call for backup, lock&load, and take that perpetrator down hard !

    This ID chip idea is great!
    Perfectly set the one of your friendly oppressive dictatorship! :P 

  10. 4 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Just tell me:  Why are the space-cops brutes?  And be prepared -- as a player, I may ask a lot more questions.

    Well, the setting is NOT one of an happy harmonious space civilisation. In fact quite the opposite. The Bulrathi empire is a ruthless imperialist dictatorship (so are the competing empire too).

    Further, the real question, what would an adventurer to do in a happy democratic space hegemony?  😮

    I do not favour endlessly fighting great old ones, mysterious plagues or never ending attack from powerful secret societies.  Or fighting (for some reason secretly) never ending waves of monster that, for some other strange reason, nobody knows about! 😮 
    Nor would the player be space marines, a bit too obvious and deadly.

    Also, unfortunately, I don't quite like the theme of most adventure I read. It's always outlandish! I mean how unlucky and unique adventurers have to be to go from outlandish plot to outlandish plot! 😮 


    So, instead, an unhappy, disharmonious, unlikable society seems to me the perfect realist answer to what is an adventurer to do!

    As to annoying cops, it's mean to be a minor inconvenience at best, just something to keep players on their toes and set the tone...


    6 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:
    18 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    Inspired by the way American cops like to stop and shoot Black american on a whim...

    Good lord, dude, even I'll have to ask you to rephrase that.

    So Hollywood got a pass, but I don't?! 😕 
    Now maybe everyday life is not like in the movies.. but it doesn't really matter for my question...


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  11. Inspired by the way American cops like to stop and shoot Black american on a whim, in my (upcoming, master of Orion inspired) scifi setting I specify for which races the police forces are trigger happy (hopefully could harass some innocent PC that way).

    Now I got what might be, and I am asking here for feedback, an internal consistency issue.

    The players will be part of the Bulrathi Empire (an ursine life form from a high gravity planet). They tend to relocate conquered aliens all other the places to maintain a semblance of homogeneity (and low alien population percentage) and fill planets with low caste Bulrathi clones (unlike ruling class "natural" Bulrathi) to maintain racial dominance.

    Now in the list of "suspicious" races I was thinking to add the Bulrathi clones (hey, they are naturally strong and low caste) but.. they are not really any different from "high caste" Bulrathi, hence there is a problem.

    As I talked about it here.... Me think perhaps the clone might have some obvious genetic modification added, such as a distinct unnatural fur pattern or something to differentiate them...

    Any idea on feedback on that? Or other idea to make sense of that idea?

    Other than that stop an frisk would also apply to (psionic) Elerian (they looked at me strange) and (feline) Mrrshan (they look threatening).

    And also, of course, to the Illithid and Darlok but those will be rather rare and NPC (Darlock's Nazin has been utterly destroyed, because it's what everybody does every MoO game, and Illithid are a minor primitive race used as psionic consultant by security forces)

  12. 8 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    I think the impact of "advantage" style mechanism on critical success chances is sufficient to make it interesting for high skills.

    I think you misunderstood me, or perhaps not....

    What I mean a marksman with 160% can still feel the effect of firing at 200 meter in the darkness against a moving target if that give it a malus of say 100%.
    But if it simply 4 disadvantage, that makes little to no impact... Hence I prefer to keep malus over disadvantage for penalties...

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