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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. I don't quite know King, as I said when starting this thread.. ^_^

    But from the movies and book I can remember (and movies are 1 step away from books) my favourites (both from movie watching) would be The Dark Tower and Doctor Sleep.

  2. Yeah I think the militia might be the right idea, thanks Deatstroke :) ...
    And.. I should look up Delta Green!! :D

    I need to think how it's worth it.. or maybe it's simply worth it because there are too many problem and local shop owner simply pooled up fund for help...
    Also there is a lot of forced immigration to fill up new planets... so obviously there is lots of problem and not enough order....

    Ha thanks also jajagappa, my thinking might have been blinded by vision of perfect society.. there is implicit scarcity (new planet building up, slow space travel, lots of new arrivals).. there is room for trouble.. and profit here!

  3. Much further down the line (after covid 19, after my friend finish GMing Prince of the Apocalypse, after I finish round 1 of my Master of Orion Scifi campaign) I plan to do a round 2 of my fantasy campaign and I plan to involve many deities in the affair of the players...
    But hey, since there is no rule about Deity and this is a cool topic, I muse on it every now and then...

    Hence the question, what the heck can a deity do?

    I came up with those cool deity rules that fit my fantasy (I am sure some people will find my deities underpowered, some other with think them overpowered, it's all a matter of taste and personal fantasy, really). My goal here was to make them a step above mortal while still approachable, not necessary good at magic, and have rule for apotheosis and answer the question how do they teach magic to their follower and what do they do with their followers (assuming follower sacrifice MP to the gods like they do IN RQ).

    Please comment if you see possible improvement or different approach / ideas :) 


    Background remark:
    In my cosmology there is like 2 plane of existence. Our plane of existence and the astral plane, which I think very much like the CoC dreamland. Where thing pops into existsnce for no reason other than someone thought about it. 
    This astral plane is like an immense dark empty sea with places floating about, which are like discworld floating in the emptiness. Some of them are centred around what I call "huge column of primordial fire of creation" that shine like star in the emptiness and are a source of magic, creation and new god.



    Deity will use superhero power with a few changes. It has a new Divinity skill that is their superpower budget. It has also free access to sorcery.

    A deity either have always been a deity or a mere mortal can be rebirthed by diving in the primordial fire of creation that burn in the astral plane, and win a conflict of either Meditation / Allegiance / Enchant vs 130% and against a pool of 80 vs their POW point pool. Opposing difficulty can be lowered to 100% if sponsored by a divinity from the same firepit of creation. They can consume Power Extension instead of their own power. POW is destroyed, not just mere MP. Once started the fight can’t be interrupted and the character is either dead or reach apotheosis. First 5 round are instant, later round each last 1 hour. Hence apotheosis is either a quick death or a slow uncertain process.
    Each divinity is bound to a firepit of creation from which it respawns when dying.

    A character will start with a Divinity skill of POW (that can only increase once per adventure), that is their superhero budget. On death 20 skill points are consumed (character pick some power to lose) over 20 days to rebirth (being respawn) from their bound firepit of creation, gods are effectively immortal unless their divinity skill is too low.

    Alternate Form (superhero power change) now become Extra Form. All mental score (including POW and power point) is shared across all body. But the divinity is effectively multiple person at once, with a shared power point pool.

    A divinity can meditate (meditation skill) to learn any sorcery spell of choice. It needs to meditate near its bound firepit of creation. It takes 1 hour per MP cost of the spell and a successful Meditate skill to learn a new spell. The spell can then be shared with followers. It still is limited to a total budget of INT sorcery spell point, like everyone else.

    The firepit of creation from which the divinity has spawn also act has a brazier of power that can contain up to Divinity% magic point from follower donation (when successful allegiance roll is made by them or their priest) or from the divinity. To use for normal spell casting or extend the land around the firepit of creation (much like new thing can be created in the CoC dream land). The range is Divinity% meters.

    Note that the firepit of creation from which the divinity is spawned is a strategic location, that might force divinities to ally into friendly pantheon, i.e. divine alliance.

  4. Hi All... 

    I have the writer block.. (you know when you have trouble starting) trying to write adventures for my Master of Orion setting I am working on.

    So I call here for help and suggestion! :)
    But first you have to understand I closed many usual avenue for adventures...

    So what is the expected background for the adventures and adventurers?

    Well it's inspired by Master of Orion, which is like Civilisation in space. So player will be part of a successful expanding space empire. Lots of Alien races (I will start by saying that human are a minority  in that empire: now you know). I am not going for a Star Trek angle for the mood, more like Blade Runner. Although. I watched last one.. seems too bleak to be a successfully developing empire that compete with other star empire..
    The theme is not endless war either... No endless space marine missions. Nor it is space pirates. Anything inter stellar space travel is meant to be.. tedious (weeks of travel between star systems is my angle). Nor it is saving the universe (that is the background arc that will slowly emerge, sort of, there will be an alien invasion, a hightech relic, a war, a civil war, etc... but this is supposed to be in the background for a while... not the main everyday driver), Nor it is exploring ancient and mysterious alien ruins or fighting strange aliens monsters (not enough of them).

    Nope I plan it to be mundane. For inspiration I look at typical case that the police gets. But here another problem pops up. I will let people chose whatever profession they want. Maybe it's librarian or entertainer hey? So.. why would they help the police on their cases?
    Also since it's a relatively successful expanding space empire I expect a minimum amount of order (I see adventurer as chaos feeder.. so too much order is bad for adventures 😕 ) 

    However, going for trouble. The empire is a not very caring oligarchy (as long as profit, research and production work, they are happy), a mix of many different possibly antagonist race from conquered planet and relocated around: democratic human, feudalistic telepathic aloof Elerian, haughty and graceful Mrrshan (tiger people), lots of despondent Bulrathi clone without a good situation, arrogant Psilon genius, and a few more I forgot (I am at work).

    I was thinking players can be part of a militia (so here go the part time investigative job) that try to find missing person or collect debt. But is there enough money in missing person? And wouldn't the police help with debt collection?

    Well now you know.. if you have any inspirational ideas for adventure rich occupations, please share!?! :D 

    I was thinking to have a group of Bulrathi supremacist killing aliens. Some investigatino on disparition and equipment stolen as well. Some not very subtle alien spie who heard rumor of a buried Antarian crashed ship...) but all of that need to go with some mundane investigation.. and I am at loss as to what kind of ... background will justify the adventurer being part of it, and in fact of many investigation.... 

    • Like 1
  5. Mm.. I formalised it that way. What do you think?

    ·         When engaged one can only move MOV/2 or forfeit attack and defensive action. If forfeiting defence to move away, the opponent can use his attack action before the character move.

    ·         When not engaged (or forfeiting attack and defence) one can move up to MOVx3 per round. It takes time and initiative is reduced (because the round is some way through) if engaging a distant enemy. To simplify take Initiative / 2 for up to MOVx2 distance or no action. Time has elapsed for the enemy as well who as the same initiative penalty if waiting for the character to act.

  6. On 4/8/2020 at 7:39 PM, Crel said:

    My mind was moving toward basically trying to make D&D 5E, BRP-style

    Hi Crel.... It's work in (slow) progress.. but it's starting to be usable...

    Can you let me know what you think of this set of homemade homebrew rules.. I think they should help bring the D&D feels to BRP.. (particularly Fireball are usable!)
    But it's work in progress somethings could be written better..

    Also I try to keep everything concise... let me know if it's .. too concise....

    EDIT updated the homebrew rule file.. added some Magical Item creation ideas... and movement idea for combat

    BRP - Homebrew.docx

  7. Thanks... yeah.. rule 2 might a pass....

    But the Build rule... On one hand I am not too surprised it is for things other weapon (and it could be rightfully argued that with weapons the stronger opponent doesn't have that much of an advantage) but...  mmmm... I have to think about it....

    Anyway good for wrestling and such! :)

  8. I was looking in the Brisbane (Australia) area.
    Come to think of it.. how was I doing that (the location thingy) mmm?! 😮 

    Anyway I joined to find other player in my local area! ^_^ 

    • Like 1
  9. I am not particularly playing CoC, not interested in running horror story... But after watching Deathstroke video about TPK monsters, I keep reading about the hound of Tindalos (because they are cool, hey?) and then spotted some strange stat on the monster sheet, then read some more, then discover 2 CoC innovations.. That I am curious what other BRP players feels about:

    - 1. Build. Roughly speaking it's how many steps on the damage bonus table you have. And it affect melee combat. When 2 fighters fight each other, the build number difference give a number of advantage / disadvantage rolls to each fighter. Love the concept. Really formalise (simply!) how big bulky brute can batter aside weaker opponent or an adult can punch through a kid's weak defence.

    - 2. Combat flow. You don't roll for attack and defence. Each opponent roll for combat. Whoever wins inflict damage. So much more simple! :)  But  I wonder what you guys think about that one? 
    It doesn't seem to work so well with multiple attack option for score over 100% (where it actually penalise the better warrior). Also totally destroy long dragged out combat in 1v1 situation and good weapon score (i.e. successful parry after successful parry situation)

  10. Totally out of topic (not RPG) but, needless to say, quite topical! :P 

    Here are some nice bar graph that show you how it's going!
    Nice to see (as someone living in Australia) that if known and reported cases are accurate, things looks the most promising in Australia! :) 



  11. 4 hours ago, Dethstrok9 said:

    They are creating normal characters. Let them know that their characters, even ones like a Police Officer, is just as scared as they are in real life. Tell them to think about what they would actually do in the situation. If they tell you they actually would attack the 50 ft. tall tree creature with thousands of eyes and flowers spewing black sludge which they witnessed absorb and liquefy multiple passerby, well... I guess they are going to be in for a surprise. Don't railroad them if they insist on getting killed, but I would try to make only one or two die the first time, just so they really understand the consequences of battle against the horrors of the Mythos.

    To that point... 

    I am not a good GM (yet) in my own opinion.. but I think 2 approach on that topic apply:
    - give warning about huge danger to you players (innocent passer by might die without warming, but it is rarely good form to start an adventure by, so you are going grocery shopping, yes? well, then, you suddenly die!), so that they can retreat or, foolishly move forward
    - When PC proceed forward anyway or when they are surprise (it happens) I like PC to be pretty sure to be able to survive 1 round and maybe retreat or something.. But it might be difficult with some monster with 110% in attack and 8D6 damage.. But remember, PC will have good dodge and also luck points! (in the case of area attack which always do half damage I also created a stunt that can mitigate that)

    • Like 1
  12. Seneschal.. not that I disagree on what you said (I got little opinion or info on the topic) but I can see how a militant atheist might be particularly anti christian while living in America. 

    It's not because one would like to target christian in particular from a theoretical point of view, it's just that if you are a sensitive atheist, christian are the one that are going to bother you the most while living in America. All the others would be, after all, minorities... And christians are quite inclined to proselytise...

  13. Hi G33k.... Your tactical move is sensible... and also simple, I like it..  :)

    However this morning in my bed, I think I found a better one. Though unfortunately wordy to explain, I think it fit the intent better, let me know what you think.... :)

    - initiative is used when people are engaged
    - when people are not engaged the fastest acting people act first, they close up their opponent, get engaged and attack first
    - when there is a big brawl, we starting using individual initiative, and a fast acting person move and close up on an opponent, 2 handling of initiative are possible:
    1. the fast acting actor move on an idle enemy, they use normal initiative between them (no half penalty).
    2. fast acting actor move onto a busy enemy (who already is doing something), use half DEX initiative, they probably can't reach the enemy in time to stop it

  14. 1 minute ago, RosenMcStern said:
    6 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    But maybe it's a good move, since the most profitable RPG product so far are based on whole settings, books, and adventure all together, or so I heard...

    If you exclude GURPS, Savage Worlds, Fate Core and some editions of D&D, among others, then yes.

    There is obviously some miscommunication / misunderstanding here...

    Since I heard that from you! :P
    Can't find the reference, but when you explained you were happy to acquire the licence to the Go-Nagai story as it should help promote RD100! ;) 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    Okay, but I don't see how this is supposed to be preferable from a third party POV.

    I think it is becoming clearer that the BRP OGL is mainly for third party publishers who are willing to design a full setting and most of the rules, and not that much for 3PPs who want to focus on producing scenarios and have little interest in coming up with rules. Which is quite okay; it's just not what I expected (or wanted - I have neither the gift nor the patience to design good rules, and I have no ambition to create a setting - with settings like Glorantha, Tekumel or Talislanta out there that are much better than anything I could come up with, I frankly don't see the point).

    I dunno how it will go, nor if it is indeed the case...

    However question come to mind (out of curiosity, I am not really in that sphere) is there any thing that prevent an independent today to release adventures with BRP on adhoc basis?

    But maybe it's a good move, since the most profitable RPG product so far are based on whole settings, books, and adventure all together, or so I heard...

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