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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. I read this paragraph like 10 times... this is what happens when I have sleepless night.. :o  

    Anyway, I had a specific scenario in the back of my mind... (people with high initiative acting first, moving into range and being attacked.. which seem unfair penalty on being fast..)

  2. According to the BGB one can do one and only one of those combat action at their DEX rank: Move, attack, non combat action or disengage.

    Further move states: "If your character is unengaged, he or she can move around 30 meters in a combat turn if he or she performs no actions other than to defend him- or herself (a parry or
    dodge attempt). Moving between 6 and 15 meters means that your character acts at 1/2 his or her normal DEX rank."

    Now I wonder... what is the point of the DEX/2 rank? Since, after moving, the character can only use defensive action anyway?!

  3. Mmm... Nick.. You brought forward both an interesting point and an annoying point! ^_^
    I am working (rather slowly) on a scifi campaign and you gave me some good idea for it! :)

    However I was also planning to resume and continue my fantasy campaign and introduce more deities.. (and maybe divine ascension) using Superpower rules. With the "fiddly" Absorption power.

    I have to think of it a little while... :) 

  4. Thanks Atgxtg.

    Of course, G33k, there is no doubt that armor, HP, etc.. are an imperfect simulation... The question to me is, are they fun and relatable?! ;)

    Although.. I was tempted to divide kinetic damage further in Blunt, Piercing and Slashing.
    Because.. I was tempted to use damage bonus to resist blunt damage (and fall and wrestle damage), and... mm.. yeah maybe I like  armor to work differentlt against gun and dagger too.. mm...

  5. It can't work as is in BRP, because in BRP one has few HP and only cant do as much maths every attach and there is only 2 kind of protection (so far) Armor Point (AP) and elemental resistance (Resistance).

    But anyway here is how it works, there are 6 form of attacks (kinetic, electric, fire, corrosive, frost, radiation) and 3 defence / life (that are like layers): HP, Armor, Forcefield.

    And each attach will do better against a  particular form of defence...

    Said like that it might sound dry.. But in game it's quite interesting, trying to use the best weapon for the job, particularly when there are multiple enemies.. add another thing that one must think about while dodging and aiming...

    Obviously video game and table top RPG are made interesting with different methods..  But I wonder if there was a way to be inspired... 

  6. On 4/1/2020 at 7:41 AM, Simlasa said:

    Which also implies, or would want for, impunity for related situations... such as running at high speeds and accurately dodging (or not) bystanders/traffic/large bugs/small dogs. Either he's invulnerable, but dangerous... or he has incredible reflexes.
    Also, the guy who can lift a car has more than just strength, he's got a skeleton that can support that weight and whatever other abilities/complications that might convey.

    Unless you want to do what the comics do and not think about these things, until you do, and then forget about them until you do again.

    I am very often to give every one resistance to blunt damage equal to their damage bonus.. which would cater for many of those situations...

  7. I think it's related to much like there is no level (and increased HP) in BRP.... spell level feels awkward. Why can't I learn this, one would say? This is not BRP like!

    However, there is some sort of technological level in BRP, for example if you play a fantasy campaign, you can't go into a shop and buy an automatic machine gun, even though the gun stat is in the book!

    Me think we could still have multiple slightly different and not really fairly balanced spell.. but just segregated them by culture. Yes this spell is ridiculously weak and overpriced (in MP) compare to that one.. but hey, that's the only one you can get!
    Or maybe this one power could be an innate ability, where as this other one is a learned magic spell...

    About the idea of using an Occult skill for gating some spell.. sure, though it's not to my taste... But your number are wrong, because, usually, either player have base value (which is fine) or they jump to 70% (typical starting value of favored professional skill) in which case you directly start (too easily) with high tier powers... And going from 70% to 90% is relatively quick...
    What Classic Fantasy did.. Common, Uncommon (requires Knowledge Arcane 100%) and Rare (require Knowledge Arcane 150%, I think) is better...

    (BTW, when I say too easily I mean an occultist / wizard character - even a staring character one - has little XP investment and huge power compare to anyone else, and beg the question, why isn't everyone a wizard? Why wouldn't nobility make a mage army instead of stupid swordsmen? Better bang for bucks! no need to buy any gear and much more damage and toughness!)

    • Like 1
  8. You misunderstand me....

    In D&D there tons of spell... But many are like "minor illusion, level 3", "major illusion, level 7" (though this has improved in D&D5e)
    Obviously in BRP you will have only one spell "Illusion" instead of those 2. Hence there is inherently less spell in BRP magic system...

    Though sometime I am thinking to give cultural / unique spell to specific culture... which might be just a tweak of an exiting spell, much like many D&D spell are in relation to others.

  9. 3 hours ago, David Scott said:

    You could also use the magic system in the BGB as the basis as it's not prohibited material.

    Oh that's good! :) 

    The BGB magic system of all D100 version. The RuneQuest/Mythras/Legend family is too exponential in nature for me... (though I like the Mythras intensity = %/10).
    Thouh I dont like the elemntal spell as is and I have a tweak.. :) 

    One thing that is extremely different from D&D.. there is no level per in BRP... a lot of D&D spell are the variation of the same with different power level / refinement.... to give an example; Dimension Door, Blink, Teleportation, Teleportation Circle, Work of Recall...
    Havent seen a BRP system that graceful reproduce that mad variety. Beside, do we want to?! (though having a longer power list in BRP, all source merged, would be nice. Much like in the Revolution D100 book)

  10. 1 hour ago, Questbird said:

    This article made me want to play Pirates of Drinax.

    I went to DriveThruRPG and it was reasonably cheap but the exchange rate is a killer for me at the moment, so I desisted. Especially since I have not much chance of playing it in COVID-19 lockdown. Maybe later. I'm still thinking about it.

    Same! :) 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    I like the idea of varied prerequisites.  Some stunts need skill-levels, some need a status (such as "PC, Boss, or Elite").  I like the "stunt tree" notion, too (I liked D&D3e's "Feat Trees").

    You could broaden this... Racial stunts, Cultural Stunts, etc.  Various backgrounds could allow (or DIS-allow!) various Stunts.

    You could require TWO skills (such as a Weapon-Skill 80% & Athletics 60%) before being allowed to Buckle any Swashes.



    Well.. I have magical stunt such as Teleportation Tracking that require teleportation and perception.. ;)

    Teleportation Tracking
    Prerequisite:  Teleportation > 50%, Perception > 75%
    Up to 10r after someone teleport away, can follow them

    Teleportation Divination
    Prerequisite:  Perception > 75%, Vision 50%
    Up to 10r after someone teleport away, can observe their destination

    And in my soon to be shared Master of Orion setting I gave some advantage roll to some races... (and some have special powers)

    Also (another example)...

    Prerequisite: Stealth > 50% + a Small Melee Weapon SKill > 50%
    Cost: 1FP? free?
    Can backstab with any small melee weapon skill (not just the one prerequisite) as long make an attack from a hidden location / back. Which adds +D6 to damage.

  12. Stunt is a concept definitely missing in vanilla BRP and that beg to be added....

    RevolutionD100 is almost based on it... Blood and Tide have lots of them...

    And I made a curated personal version for my BRP homebrew ruleset.. with a few extra rule on learning/researching and limiting them (Blood and Tide have no set maximum, I use INT/2 because, what else? And I like to limit them to force specialisation)
    Will probably share it soon.. made some magic tweak to go along with it...


    Anyway if you must know... I like how Revolution D100 define them. Stunt are improvement on skills. You need a skill (or in BRP you need a skill at, say, 50%/75%/90% a bit like Mythras cult benefits) to be able to learn the stunt. Stunt let you perform the skill better or with special move.

    A few examples that could be from Blood and Tide, Revolution D100 or my homebrew ones...

    Power Attack
    Prerequisite: [(Melee) Weapon] > 50%
    Cost: 3FP
    Next attack with the weapon will have +D6 damage

    Graceful Dodge
    Prerequisite: Dodge > 50%
    Cost: 1FP/3 dmg
    When taking half damage from an area attack in case of successful dodge, eliminate the remaining damage at the cost of 1FP/ 3 dmg.

    Prerequisite: Fire > 50%
    Cost +2 to spell level
    Turn the Fire spell into a fireball (area attack, 6m diameter) at the cost of 2 extra level of spell
    (BTW, reduced elemental spell cost to 2MP/D6-level and using general HP)

    Blueprint [device]
    Prerequisite: [Science/Craft] > 50%
    Normally science / craft is used for diagnostic and repair. Building an entirely new device from scratch is a hard roll (skill / 2). With this stunt the device can be crafted at normal difficulty.

    Ace [Skill]
    Prerequisite [Skill] > 50%
    Give one (1) advantage roll per session with the selected skill (i.e. roll twice, take best result)

    Tough as Nail
    Prerequisite: Player Character, Boss or Elites
    HP is now SIZ+CON instead of (SIZ+CON)/2

  13. 2 hours ago, Old Man Henerson said:

    Thanks for the Idea. You are right that abstracting all the little things is great, but counting out all that good loot from the dragon's nest is pretty sweet. Now the only problem is how to you split the loot with your friends?

    Do not split, there can be only one?!  😈💣🔫

    • Haha 1
  14. Good question! :)
    Since we don't usually track accommodation, food, bath, etc... I thought it wrong to track every minute gold won... And I think it's a topic I should give some consideration. though, for now, I have little idea / opinion..

    As for looting and gold.. usually shop will have only mundane items and good magical items would only be a produce of adventure, so it's not really an issue, I think...

    • Like 1
  15. Ultimately, since they all stand the test of time pretty much the same, it is a matter of taste... ;) 
    Also, how many supplements, how active is the editor, is a great factor. And the Mythras guys pump up a lots of stuff, compared to BRP being from 2014 with little in the way of recent supplement (they are all in for Cthulhu), so that's another reason!
    (for example Mythras has free supplement for Firearm, Star wars... and some nice setting supplements)

    After some test runs, I happen to prefer BGB/BRP at the moment too!  :D 

    At any rate, here are the salient point that will entice new users, I believe...
    - combat effect, they seem cool (after some practice I think I prefer the simpler approach of BRP)
    - magic, it's RuneQuest 3 magic. with cheaper cost an some sort of caster level (intensity = %/10) that seems cool (I just don't like how OP all RuneQuests magic variants are, and BRP powers got my votes, though still struggling with elemental magic in BRP)
    - combat style, that seems to make sense
    - I can't remember why now, since I am set on the combat flow of BRP, but the action point economy of Mythras seemed cool to me when I first read it


    Also, about your specific question, there are more crunchy rule in Mythras. BRP is quite straightforward... and all the special case can be found as an entry in "spot rules".

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