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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. So a Flamingo Queen ate a Centaur, which hatched into what... this? Come on, this is getting silly now.
  2. Known Issues The "Extra" column in the Runes box is supposed to track experience after character generation. However, this column is after and not included in the opposing runes calculation, so experience in for example Death does not figure in to the Fertility rune calculation as a negative.
  3. I liked Mad Sweeney in American Gods, he had some lovely come-uppance scenes when he lost his luck. Although those weren't really his own tricks backfiring, just perversely bad fortune and potentially the sign of an abusive GM!
  4. They don't just resemble them - the are them. The same individual with the same recognizable facial features.
  5. There was a 2 meter tall giant in my old RQ3 campaign. And I ran an interlude where they all played full size* giants attempting to build a cradle whilst being attacked by dwarves. * By this I mean the rather feeble 12m giants in the RQ3 rules, not real giants.
  6. One of the characters in my game has gained something like 10 POW points, and one has gained two over the same sessions.
  7. Are the two worlds even compatible? Our bodies are not made of runes. Gloranthan bodies are not made of molecules. Glorantha in its purest form is its own thing, standing alone and separate from other fantasy or real realms. So moving between realms is either impossible, or if it were possible you'd die or disintegrate on the way. BORING! That answer sucks. So the question then becomes, what happens when an entity crosses over from one to the other? Some automatic metamagical process would have to intervene in order to translate one to the other. Our body would be recreated in runic form, and anything that we carried with us would be converted into something that can exist in Glorantha. So yes, I think a steel knife would become Gloranthan enchanted iron, and silver would hurt magical creatures. But you could say that it's not the same knife or the same silver, it's been changed. Ask Dr. McCoy if you are still the same person, or if you've been disintegrated and replaced with a copy.
  8. v1.9.10 Beta 9: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13cBXwit2gOqsE7FxhcTXebV5sY3kwGQkE7RyIGvQcnk Added all the elder race Lore skills with base 5%. Added in the weapons from the Glorantha Bestiary (hesh, whipstick, klanth, utuma, etc.)
  9. I don't think I am going to do anything about this. I see it like iron or other rune metal items. You might have one with the property and one without, so editing the entry in the Weapons list would not be the right thing to do. The easiest way is just to edit the line on the CharGen sheet: If I do add a feature then I will probably make it prompt for a new name and create a new entry as a duplicate of an existing one.
  10. Or maybe not. Maybe not all magic can be dispelled, maybe not all magic is a spell. But I think this has gone far enough off topic to warrant a separate thread.
  11. This one I wasn't as sure of, but then I remembered the aeolipile from Gods of Glorantha. Setting that aside, anything that the ancient Greeks didn't know about is open for debate and might not be true in Glorantha. But the Mostali have advanced pump and pressure technologies, so it is true. Or, it is true for them. Potentially one of many truths. If they heroquested to discover these things, then someone else might be able to heroquest to discover something else. That would not stop Mostali devices from working, but would enable something that might not be consistent with our understanding of fluid dynamics. Syphon and other reverse rivers could be examples of this.
  12. It's all magic. Some of the magic is so pervasive and consistent that we, and to some extent Gloranthans, don't think of it as such. So essentially you can think of it as not magic, in the same way that macroscopic physics is not quantum mechanics even though it is an inevitable emergent behaviour of it. It is really, if you look hard enough. A powerful enough Dispel Magic should be able to stop "gravity" from working, but it would have to be super huge and super carefully targeted because the magic is so ancient and powerful and subtle. Much easier to use a Fly or Telekinesis or Water Spout spell to locally supersede it. Bring in another behaviour, rather than cancelling a background one.
  13. v1.10.1 Alpha 6: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MHcY4nQMaQGfTWDWZTvsshkGdayHH2LEuBo-jvEi1uQ Added all three Holiday Dorastor supplements (Seven Hills, Spider Woods, Woods of Terror) races, homelands, occupations, cults. Added all the elder race Lore skills with base 5%. Added in the weapons from the Glorantha Bestiary (hesh, whipstick, klanth, utuma, etc.)
  14. Known Issues Elder Race Lore is not handled correctly as separate skills. I've entered it as a single skill, Lore (Elder Race) when in fact it should be several sub-skills each of which starts at 5%. So if you put Lore (Uz) you won't get the 5% base. I might handle this by adding all the elder races as separate skills, then when you enter one as a speciality of Lore then you'll get the base. Anyone who has entered "Elder Race" in their Lore skill list and added points to it should change it to one of the specific elder races.
  15. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
  16. Griselda is in an unusual situation, she's an outcast from her ancestral homeland (I can't remember if she was born in Pavis or Sartar, but cuturally she's Sartarite-exile). So maybe she feels that Orlanth has failed her family but she doesn't feel the call to any other cult. Perhaps there are a lot of Sartarite expats in the Pavis area that are the same. So whilst it is unusual in Glorantha, there are local circumstantial reasons why it might happen.
  17. It behaves similarly to our air, but that raises an interesting question: why, when you get to the top of a mountain, closer to the "Middle Air" where Air should be most powerful, is the air thin and hard to breathe?
  18. I'd say no. "Air" is an elemental substance. The elements of our air are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and a few other traces. The elemental component of Gloranthan air is Air. And the absence of air is not a vacuum, it's the absence of the strength and movement and vigour that air embodies. So no, it's not a gas in the same way that our air is a gas.
  19. v1.10.1 Alpha 5: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vrLsYi8mKvdRv0EEnsBt0Dohi80oXRoVGjtg6czLipw Implemented new menu option, "Fill Spell Picks". This checks both cults in the CharSheet on rows 85 and 86 and adds all the spirit and rune spells to the drop down selection lists. With this feature, you can pick a main cult (or dojo from Pirates of the East Isles), get the skills and spells with the fill button on the CharSheet, then add a second cult and select this new menu option. The two spell lists from the cults will be merged into the drop down lists.
  20. The best way to handle dojo and cult at the moment is to select the dojo, apply the skills, select the cult, apply the skills (which also adds the spells to the drop down lists), and then manually remove the skill bonuses that the cult gave. You can then manually add the dojo name into the second cult slot on CharSheet.
  21. v1.10.1 Alpha 4: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GsjaxuR5sSqDFA8U8AwWE7miFzX1y6wdGiqHKm656Kw/edit?usp=sharing Fixed a spelling mistake in the Customs skill for Orandaliel and Vatofeneg cultural skills Fixed a spelling mistake in the Listen skill for the Hunting Dojo Fixed Sword Dancers and Erabbamanth Dance skill Added in the Common Rune Spells for all Parloth cults
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