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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. Lined with lead? Or sheathed? Sheathed would make more sense to me, because lining can only have an effect after the worms have eaten through the wood, while sheathing is preventive.
  2. Yes. Gringle"s in the original RQ2 Apple Lane was always unnecessarily big. If I were you I would re - scale it down. That's not likely to be an issue with the original adventure. And the changes over the editions reflect improved production standards, so originalism is probably not helpful. You'll also note that the people in Apple Lane changed from RQ2 to post Dragonrise as well as the buildings, incorporating the history from the Heroquest Sartar book and even a nod to Griffin Mountain in the GM pack adventure hooks, plus generational change. It is interesting to read through the various versions and see varous authors' tool marks on the village. Apple Lane's history of the Lunar occupation actually makes a neat background story. And when running the Six Seasons campaign books I ran my players through sme of that HQ Sartar book Apple Lane adventure , so it was very nice to have it all and it worked out seamless.
  3. The RQG spirit combat rules seem oriented to one on one fights as far as I can see. In your opinion is it possible to gang up two on one in spirit combat? For example, Or to put the shoe on the other foot,
  4. Look at Orlanth Adventuous and Thunderod in RQG: They each provide several rune sells and the two sub cults' lists are not the same. Are you saying that any Orlsnth temple will only have a shrine by which to approach each of those two aspects of Orlanth, and if you want to learn a second spell from that liat, you have to go to a different temple with a different subcult shrine?
  5. And that dies seem to have been put into the supplemental rule - at least for SIZ and INT. It is iambiguous. All characterstics in tre further expanaton of " lost" but initially that was ambiguoius.
  6. The shaman could have sacrificed SIZ. So is SIZ now recoverable with rest under this ruling?
  7. Kitori know to say "Uz", too. "Troll " seems to me to be a pejorative term. Polite and educated people will say "Uz". I am not saying that people don't use pejorative words. Seems to me that if you meet a Zorak Zoran initiate who understands what you are saying, and you call him "troll", you may just have him try to push you around, or you may have a fight on your hands. So people probably do this less in places like Nochet which have Uz populations living alongside humans. Now the big unanswered Gloranthsn question is: What do the various elder races call humans?
  8. As I read it, Garangian"s title is chief librarian. Chief priest or priestess is explained elsewhere as chief of a particular temple, not of the whole cult. My estimates is that because the LM cult is about knowledge and literacy the senior priest or priestess must normally be chief librarian. But being responsible for all other aspects of the cult too, that duty will in reality be delegated as much as the incumbent wants to delegate it.
  9. In the examples published so far, even the large spirit cults only teach one or two Cult Special rune spells. And they usually don't have all of the Common rune spells, but a narrower selection. Small spirit cults may not happen to give any rune magic, as I understand them. As I understand it, amount of magic should be in proportion to the number of worshippers. So your brand new local spirit cult with ten worshippers should not expect to get much, probably no Rune spell at all. because in comparison with even a small god cult they are miniscule. Look at the possible spirit cult in the back of Griffin Mountain. If they get a unique spirit magic spell, then that is a pretty significant benefit considering their members' magical input. I'm not saying don't do it. I am saying the spirit cult should not be as beneficial as a god cult. Or even as a large spirit cult like Oakfed.
  10. As animals have no INT in this (RQiG) version, I would say indicates No Int = only instincts. However ability to train a horse in game shows that is not literally true..
  11. I also believe so. We should be more specific: when we discuss breakage of stone on hitting metal armor, we mean stone edged and pointed weapons, not crushing weapons.
  12. As far as I can estimate, an attempt to fire harden bronze would anneal it, making it more ductile, so the result would not at all be like tempering steel. ( That is based on what some people do before reloading brass cartridges, and brass is a variety of bronze. Bronze alloys do differ. Some ancient ones included lead! Do we have a mettalurgist in the house? )
  13. Actually there are considerable overlaps between our Gloranthas. Mine just defaults to bronze age as background. But as far as Bless Crops, the official material does not specify when it has to be applied. I know at least one person thinks it has to be early, which would tend to limit its use. My own imagination runs differently: The great productivity of Gloranthan agriculture can only be attributed to plentiful application of magic. And what are the weekly Ernalda holy days for? They are so the Earth initiates and priestesses can do that magic, not to one field a year but to many fields, orchards etc.. In addition to pregnancy magic as you have noted. And Heal Body so Chaos raids won't depopulate the village. Naturally it is better to have your own field blessed first, because if drought or insects get the seedlings before the priestess comes that's too bad.
  14. Not if it's tbe bronze age. The harvest Is done by men with Sickles because the labor-saving scythe has not been invented. The magic associated with harvest is to placate the gods and spirits so you can get on with your sickle work and not starve. As the priestess will explain to you, the earth goddess will ruin your life if you don't give her temple a 20% cut. The flour is not milled, because the water mill has not been invented and the wind mill is a science fictional device, a sorcerous thing to enslave air elementals. Instead in every household and bakery bored women grind grain by hand either with a large mortar and pestle or with a metate, depending on your culture. The supply chain is still short. This is what underlies your heroic story. This is why your characters want to be heroes: Daily life is hard work and monotonous, inefficient too. That is why noble status and magic have so much appeal.
  15. American Institute of Archaeology had a lecture last week (now on YouTube) about divinization of rulership in the anicient world. Dr. Cooney says, among other things, the Egyptians were very good at mythologizing their rulers... a lot here about the nature of political power. Worth thinking about as we characterize Gloranthan rulers. If the Egyptian rulers " had publicists", so the Gloranthan ones will - they pay bards.
  16. One question that occurs to me. Is who did masonry in Sartar in 1620? Not the royal roads, since we are told Sartar got the dwarfs tp make those. I am talking about more modest masonry: chimneys in the towns (in the countryside they are rare), stone fortifications, the occasional temple, ovens (which are also rare since we are told Flatbread is typical), and tombs. Flintnail may expand from Pavis after 1627, but before that? There have to have been native Sartarite masons. Not as skilled as the dwarfs or the Flintnail cultists, but still there.
  17. Except that if you start close to the archer, he may not get his second shot off under RQiG rules. But in the sequence just proposed above, he will get all his shots off even if you start right next to him. With a high DEX, that is three arrows at point blank range before you can spear him. I have a harder time accepting that that I have counting strike ranks.
  18. As far as I can see a Trample has to be preceded by a Knockback and the target falling down. If next MR the trampler moves first / in the trample strike rank, then the tramplee may be trampled. At least that's the way I handled it with ankylosaurs vs. mounted adventurers. So if your mount is knocked down you had better scramble up before the trample. Luckily the adventurers and their mounts tend to have better DEX, or the campaign would have continued with new characters.
  19. No. IMHO it is not canon, as I read RQG. But if you move to be a third person in a two person fight you are likely to arrive after the original two have exchanged blows.
  20. In my Glorantha a weaver (at least in Sartar) is indeed an Ernalda cultist. There is plenty of Gloranthan reference to Ernalda weaving,starting with King of Sartar. Whether it is in the home or more likIely in the village or temple Loom House; whether a full time job or part time, makes no difference. In either case it is an activity associated with the goddess. Perhaps the assembled women in the loom house pray to Ernalda. Certainly weaving can be a cult - taught crafting skill. But there is no cult-taught weaving spell in the RBOM. Maybe weaving can feature in Crossing Over into your heroquest, since it appears in legends. IMHO weaving requires no particular magic, this is cultural. Just as generosity is an orlanthi virtue, but you don't need a spell from Orlanth to be generous. However a weaver - not every weaver - might have some magical aid, for example a set of magical loom weights that enhances weaving skill or speed. Other crafts do have cult associations. Baking and bronze working are both associated with Gustbran in existing Gloranthan documents. These will be cult taught skills and there are spells in the RBOM that will help work with fire. I do not have a particular god in mind to associate with carpentry. It seems to me that carpentry is too basic and widespread a skill to belong to an obscure spirit cult, because too many people do it. Making a plow is associated with the Barntar sub cult. But how about making a house, or a door, or a box, or a bench. or a wooden bowl or spoon, or a fencepost? I can't deal with the proliferation of cults that assigning each item a different cult source would imply. Nor can the average Gloranthan sacrifice MPs and learn separate Worship skills for an infinite set of cult gods and spirits. We need a few major ones instead. Making arrows (fletching) is definitely a specialized craft. Like carpentry, it is very widespread, even hsunchen do it. No one has yet written up an arrow making cult with arrow making temples. Do you want a fletchers' cult? Maybe. You do you. Do you have to have a fletchers' cult? I think not. Maybe a guild with a wyter in the city. But not in the village, or in the nomadic hsunchen camp. Maybe widespread skills don't need a cult. But specialized ones with both "secrets" and spells might need a cult. Organizations like guilds need a wyter. But that wyter is to make them stick together, not necessarily to teach skills. My inn (to be published) has a wyter to make the staff stick together, but may be exceptional in that aspect. But the wyter doesn't teach spells to sweep the floors or wait on the tables. The cook is a lay member of Mahome and the manager (seneschal) may be Ernaldan or Issaries.
  21. How about, to simplify the interpretation of the RQiG rule: 1) If you are only dealing with two opponents who attempt no other action that melee round except weapon use, then who strikes first is just a matter of comparing their DEX+SIZ+ Weapon strike ranks, even if one or both of them moved.. 2) If one or both of the two opponents attempts another action before weapon use, for example readying a weapon or casting a spirit magic spell, then you count the strike ranks for that action to determine who strikes first. For example if A has a spear ready and B has a sheathed sword, B takes 5 SR to ready the sword + DEX & SIZ SRs + weapon SR, therefore B will probably be speared before completing his sword strike. 3) If you are dealing with more than two opponents, for example A and B facing off as above and C running to join the fight and strike at A, then you add in C's movement strike ranks to determine whether C arrives in time to forestall A from striking B - or if the run in is long and C is small or clumsy, to determine whether C can strike at all before the next melee round.
  22. I do it using Zoom. It provides a semi face to face experience and allows display of images on screren, also sending documents and documents, etc.. There is no problem learning to manipulate a "game system". Note that I am doing theater of the mind, not simulating using miniatures. I trust the players, they roll their dice. If you haven't used Zoom, ask what you want to know.
  23. It is certainly a possibility for me. I have been thinking of running an Issaries campaign involving long distance trade, Sartar to distant lands.
  24. Indeed that one will be easy on the GM: The character, or better yet her quest giver patron, was healed with rune magic, or even resurrected. Instead of paying cash the obligation will be worked off. So stick around until Fire Season and then escort a CA party against the threat of broos while the CA deal with a disease outbreak. Now you have accounted for at least one season, probably two.
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