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First reactions (to reading the rules)

Lloyd Dupont

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I am just reading the rules now, which are somewhat difficult to understand occasionally... but they seem overall attractive.

I like, in particular, how the trait, skill and XP system both force (enable?) the player to chose some specialisation while also giving good general ability. And one can still make Spell Sword... but it's a lot of XP to increase both combat and manipulation (with the increase XP cost of skill as it goes up)

I guess there is some latitude for the GM to group traits in a single slot... I was wondering whether power manipulation take 1 slot each or not.. and the same for power.. (I was thinking to have a power pack trait that gives you the ability to learn 4 powers).. anyway the whole power section still need more reading form me.

On missing appendix that would be nice would the she skill, (existing) trait, stunt list. Start with the caveat: 1 trait/stunt per 10% unless the GM find fit to group them.
Followed by the 15 skills and a list of (existing) traits and stunts pertaining to them.

BTW it's not clear how motivation work. I read the motivation section twice, still confused.


One thing which is clear though, and that I somehow miss from BRP, is:
- how you can defend against any number of attach, with -30% penalty on each consecutive defence after the first
- how score superior to 100% can be used to have double efficacy (2 attack in the case of weapon)

is there some kind of similar mechanic in the game?



BTW I did 3 rule swap to my players so far:
Mythras - Classic Fantasy => Plain Mythras => BRP
Might swap again ^^ but will wait next campaign.. no hurry now (I was just very depressed with Mythras sorcery oppressing power, and somewhat happy with simplified combat book keeping in BRP)

I particularly like how BRP magic is LESS powerful (but just as flexible if not more) than Mythras magic (no years durations and kilometers range with ridiculously low cost, but still combine as you will)

It would be good (I am talking hypothetically here, still trying to understand the power section) if Revolution enable all those playstyle clearly, ie. do this for high OP magic, do this for high weak magic (i.e. fix range and short duration), do this for low magic...

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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14 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

I am just reading the rules now, which are somewhat difficult to understand occasionally... but they seem overall attractive.

I find the same, difficult in places but very attractive.

14 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

I like, in particular, how the trait, skill and XP system both force (enable?) the player to chose some specialisation while also giving good general ability. And one can still make Spell Sword... but it's a lot of XP to increase both combat and manipulation (with the increase XP cost of skill as it goes up)

Having a very small Skill List (15 Skills, I think) with Traits makes it a very flexible game, both for Players and GMs.

Yes, you can increase Close Combat, Ranged Combat and Concentration, the three skills that cover being a Spell Sword. I can't remember how Manipulations work, and probably use something different in my game, but generally you add Traits to get skill boosts.

14 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

I guess there is some latitude for the GM to group traits in a single slot... I was wondering whether power manipulation take 1 slot each or not.. and the same for power.. (I was thinking to have a power pack trait that gives you the ability to learn 4 powers).. anyway the whole power section still need more reading form me.

It is unclear.

I do things differently, as I normally have Powers as Stunts, not Traits, which isn't how Paolo intended it to work, it's just better for me.

In the Revolution D100 Rulebook, Don Alfonso de Ibiza has Concentration [Willpower] 67% and also has Holiness 9 and Allegiance 60%, with spells of Dismiss Magic x2, Heal Wound x3, Invoke Protection, Invoke Shimmer, Smite with Demoralize and Soul Sight, as he is Christian. If I were you, I'd just have a score that represents how many Spells the PC can have (Based on Holiness or 1/10th of the Concentration score) and choose spells accordingly.

14 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

BTW it's not clear how motivation work. I read the motivation section twice, still confused.

You have a score that represents how strong the Motivation is. So, Don Alfonso de Ibiza has Cleanse the soul of the expedition members of sin 50%. What I would do, as a GM, is to ask the Player to roll the Motivation when it becomes important perhaps when the PC sees another Party member doing something sinful and is not sure how to act or the GM feels Don Alfonso should act. If the roll is a success or Advantage, the PC must act appropriately. 

There is something about activating the Motivation for it to be used in play, but I don't do that, personally.

14 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

One thing which is clear though, and that I somehow miss from BRP, is:
- how you can defend against any number of attach, with -30% penalty on each consecutive defence after the first
- how score superior to 100% can be used to have double efficacy (2 attack in the case of weapon)

is there some kind of similar mechanic in the game?

p94 of the RD100 Rulebook says:


All Actions and Reactions in Advanced Combat have a cost in Strike Ranks. Once the Action (or Reaction, we will not repeat this again from now on and consider all statements about actions as being valid for Reactions, too) has taken place, the appropriate value is subtracted from the character’s Strike Rank. Actions related to weapons such as attacking, parrying, reloading etc. often have a cost depending on the weapon itself. The weapon description and further special rules will tell you which cost to apply, which is different for
attacks and defences.



A character need not have the full amount of Strike Rank required in order to perform an action or Reaction. If the character cannot pay the full price, there are three main consequences:
• Strike Rank drops to zero, if it was not already zero.
• The related Skill roll suffers one Penalty.
• The character loses one Exertion Point

For example, if a character has two Strike Ranks left and chooses to stab with a long spear (6 Strike Ranks), the attack roll suffers a Penalty, and the character loses one Exertion Point. At the end of the attack, the character has zero Strike Ranks left.
A character with zero Strike Rank cannot perform any action. He or she can perform as many Reactions as desired, with the Penalties explained above. The Exertion Point loss for acting without Strike Rank represents the fatigue accumulated while in the heat of combat. If your character does not use more Strike Ranks (and stamina) than he or she has, no Exertion Points are lost. However, your character must act very carefully in order to never drop below zero Strike Rank in a combat situation.

Combine the two and you just spend Strike Ranks for attacking. If you have enough Strike Ranks, you can attack multiple times, if you don't you just incur Penalties, probably one per extra attack that you don't have Strike Ranks for.

15 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

It would be good (I am talking hypothetically here, still trying to understand the power section) if Revolution enable all those playstyle clearly, ie. do this for high OP magic, do this for high weak magic (i.e. fix range and short duration), do this for low magic...

I think that Revolution does a lot that Mythras does, but in a slightly more elegant way. You could use the BRP magic as a Revolution Magic Type, so have Arcane Magic, Divine Magic and BRP Magic as Powers.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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Thanks Soltkas for your  reply and comment.s...


To discuss the multiple attack point in particular....

My first reaction would be when I went from Mythras (with AP, and bonus AP like CF) to BRP: 1 attack per round, I felt relieved, so much simpler.. so I am afraid it might get complicated again this way...
However... I used feat to still provide multiple attack.. (occasionally) and was counting down attack rank by 5 increment.. and it proved relatively simple...

I guess I shall read the point you mention again :)

And the power more in details...

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With a higher score you get better chances to use effects. Among them is Take Initiative. It does not increase the number of attacks, but delays the opponent's instead. There are also 2 Stunts who allow for faster attacks : Fats Draw and Fast Shooting.

Wind on the Steppes, role playing among the steppe Nomads. The  running campaign and the blog


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Thank you for answering Lloyd's questions while I was offline, Simon and Olivier.

Some clarifications:

  • Clarity of the rules: we are aware of the issues, a rewrite is underway. The new free Quickstarter with focus on Advance Combat and Powers is scheduled to appear on Sep 5th, so please have a little more patience.
  • Traits, Stunts and Slots: the system is designed with maximum flexibility in mind, so that you can easily play as suggested in the core rules or as Soltakss does, and the core assumptions will still work. Slot occupation can change the balance between powers and stunts
  • Powers as Traits: all non-divine powers (cantrips and arcane) use up one slot, as Manipulations traits do. However, you may wish to allow some of these traits to use the same slot, or use your Allegiance instead of Concentration to determine how many slots you have (done in Merrie England). The rules themselves encourage you to change these basic assumptions to better represent the environment you are playing in, particularly for divine magic. A good example of this is in Rise of the Yokai Koku, which deviates from the core divine magic concepts and represents Shinto and Buddhism with completely different rulesets which try to reflect the core tenets of these two religious practices.
  • Fine-tuning magic: yes, the rules allow this. There are some guidelines in the core text, but examples are better. The Sengoku Japan of Rise of the Yokai Koku is a good example where magic is all-pervasive but not overpowered.
  • Motivations: motivations as described in the SRD work well only in the Mecha/Anime genre, for which this ruleset was originally designed. The revised rules and the new quickstarter will contain a simpler approach to using Motivations.
  • Might: do not forget that you use Might in Basic Combat, too, where each point is a straight +1 and not a d2 roll. Moreover, Might of non-kinetic attacks is represented by other dice, not just d2s, so it is better to keep it abstract to keep it coherent with other forms of Might.
  • Sword damage: swords can use the Slash combat effect against an unarmoured foe. A typical sword blow is 1d6x2, or 2-12, more than enough to take you down. Also note that basic toughness in a limb is 4 or 5, so a basic sword slash can easily cause an amputation (it would not be d100 otherwise). In general, the effectiveness of a weapon depends heavily on the combat effects it can use, and not on sheer damage. This is an explicit design choice.
  • Advanced Combat and number of attacks/parries: Rd100 is "tuned" for a level of crunchiness in combat which is on par with Mythras. However, it is "crunchy" in different places, and it is also different from the BGB and RQG, even if it does allow muiltiple defences with a penalty. Multiple attacks are the norm in a round, but everything depends on the result of the first exchange of the round: whoever wins will usually start to "erode" the opponent's SR and keep the loser on the defensive until he loses an exchange or forces the target to miss a parry and take damage. It's a very different combat model, you have to try it to understand how it works.

However... I used feat to still provide multiple attack.. (occasionally) and was counting down attack rank by 5 increment.. and it proved relatively simple..

It is also, basically, how Revolution Advanced Combat works .The only difference is that weapons have variable costs for attacks.

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I was thinking to homebrew BRP with a dash of Revolution (I just bought 3 paperback for me and my players, and I like BRP format and clarity, advanced weapon table side by side with historical one and the BRP magic power scale).

But as I was thinking about the advanced combat and take in feature 1 by 1 .... they all build on each other to be very different indeed.. I need to swallow it all perhaps indeed... It all started with how I love the new toughness attribute. But it works with might and size and seriously redo monsters characteristics (witness dragon with 14 in STR).. mmm.... need more readings...

As a side note the advantage rule seems somehow... broken... i.e. a successful 30%score will be an advantage roll 85% of the time! 😮 might go with half score or something.....

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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3 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

As a side note the advantage rule seems somehow... broken... i.e. a successful 30%score will be an advantage roll 85% of the time! 😮 might go with half score or something.....

On the contrary, they work perfectly and are much simpler than any other implementation of BRP (no math!). Everyone loves them once they get accustomed. They are also built to complement the "you wish to roll high but within your skill range" paradigm which many people find counter-intuitive in other BRP implementations which use both opposed rolls and criticals. Advantage rolls are more frequent at the higher end of the spectrum, so you always want to roll high.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

On the contrary, they work perfectly and are much simpler than any other implementation of BRP (no math!). Everyone loves them once they get accustomed. They are also built to complement the "you wish to roll high but within your skill range" paradigm which many people find counter-intuitive in other BRP implementations which use both opposed rolls and criticals. Advantage rolls are more frequent at the higher end of the spectrum, so you always want to roll high.

I like the fact that, for once, advantage chance is not a linear function of your chance of success.

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6 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

As a side note the advantage rule seems somehow... broken... i.e. a successful 30%score will be an advantage roll 85% of the time! 😮 might go with half score or something.....

Is it? 01-09, 11-19 and 22-29 are not Advantages, which only leaves 10, 20-21 and 30 as Advantages, 20 4 in 30 or 13% Advantage. That is between the 5% chance for a critical and 20% chance for a Special in RQ and slightly more than the 10% chance of a Critical in Legend or Mythras.


3 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Oops.. got it the wrong way anyway after checking again.... 0% to get advantage in the 0-9% range, 10% in the 10-19% range, 20% in the 20-29% range, etc....

Yep, that's right.

Edited by soltakss

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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if you like maths, the chances to get an Advantage roll at n0% is [1+n.(n-1)/2] % (and increase by 1% until units = tens-1)

1% for 10%, 2% for 20% and 3% from 21%, 4% for 30% and 6% from 32%, 7% for 40% and 10% from 43%... 46% for 100%.

Remember although that in an opposed roll, if your opponent rolled a success, you must additionally roll above the opponent to enjoy your Advantage.

Edited by Zit
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Wind on the Steppes, role playing among the steppe Nomads. The  running campaign and the blog


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