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Riposte and advanced combat in BRP.


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Hello friends. New account here. Tired of talking about rpg in reddit and glad to see a community that is still alive. 

I am thinking of reviving an older setting i have written, this time using a combination of BRP and Stormbringer, Stormbringer 4th. 
So I would like to ask if the riposte rules in stormbringer 3rd have been implemented in any BRP product. (The Stormbringer 4th rule is the following, if you are a weaponmaster 90%+ both in attack and defence every time you parry you can make an attack. Each cumulative attack and parry reduces the chance by 20%)

Second i am looking for rules for stuff like disarming, beating, tripping etc in combat. Are they available somewhere?

Thanks in advance. 

Edited by Vaegwrym
wrong sb edition
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It is not.
However I could think of 2 things:
- if you have 100%+ in weapons skill there is an option to split your score in multiple attacks
- if you get the "Blood Tide" supplement (it's quite worth it) there are stunts in them which can do that sort of things (and more). 

Here a little additional (personal) debate.. The one downside of stunt and that there is no clear limitation / path on how to learn them. That motivated me to have a go at Revolution D100 which has a similar system and clear limits. But the limits is quite frustrating to my players. Might go back to BRP and increase the XP cost (I use XP like in Mythras, 1 XP = 1 improvement roll, 5xp to learn spell / stunt) (and also add mandatory training or research period)

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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4 hours ago, Vaegwrym said:

Hello friends. New account here. Tired of talking about rpg in reddit and glad to see a community that is still alive. 

I am thinking of reviving an older setting i have written, this time using a combination of BRP and Stormbringer, Stormbringer 4th. 
So I would like to ask if the riposte rules in stormbringer 3rd have been implemented in any BRP product. (The Stormbringer 4th rule is the following, if you are a weaponmaster 90%+ both in attack and defence every time you parry you can make an attack. Each cumulative attack and parry reduces the chance by 20%)

Second i am looking for rules for stuff like disarming, beating, tripping etc in combat. Are they available somewhere?

Thanks in advance. 

The Cumulative Parry option is  alive, though I don't remember if its in the Big Gold Book (BGB). It does exist in Magic World, which is essentially Stormbringer 6, but without the Elric setting. There though it is a cumulative -30%, but that would be an easy switch.

The 90% rule you mention, I think has gone. Now Riposte is where a Critical Parry allows an additional attack on the DEX rank of the parry.

Disarming exists in various implementations, though I have no references for you (no books handy).


Edited by SDLeary
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Many years ago, when I was GM'ing Questworld, I worked up an "Advanced Runequest Combat system" intended to fill in what I saw were serious deficiencies in the non-Glorantha combat mechanics.  I used a lot of tweaks (higher weapon skill lowered your strike rank, for example), but the core of the system was the learning of special maneuvers, which did in fact including tripping, "mega" attacks, and the riposte.  Players had to find a trainer for each special manuever, and had strict limits on how many they could ever learn based on intelligence.  Three was the absolute max for a genius fighter, IIRC.

The goal of the system was to allow more detailed and funner combat without resorting to magic, as was the solution in Glorantha based games.  The system neatly dodged the dreaded "infinite parry" problem of the 85%-100% fighters with good armor, gave the weapon choices interested options (because many special maneuvers were weapon restricted), and clearly differentiated a great fighter (90% skill, 2 special manuevers) from a solid one (85% skill, but zero special maneuvers). 

The system was wildly popular with my long term veterans.

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I've got a couple of suggestions for you, @Vaegwrym ...

First up:  Blood Tidehttps://www.chaosium.com/blood-tide/   Chaosium's BRP-engine'd game that's definitely NOT "Pirates of the Carribean" (because that sh1t is copyrighted by Sith Lawyers, man!) but you could definitely do PotC with anyhow.  It's got a subsystem called "Stunts" that let you do pulpy-action-events, combat stuff outside the realm of "roll to attack."  It's on sale, too!  👍

Then there's TDM's Mythras.  http://TheDesignMechanism.com/store.php#!/Mythras-Core-Rules; many consider it the best iteration of the BRP engine; many others do not.  The authors replaced the crit/fumble mechanic with "Combat Effects" that make for a more tactical combat scene.  Personally, I enjoy tactical options; but my group of players were daunted by the subsystem, and I failed to sell it to them.

I suspect one (or both) of these may offer you something like what you want.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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On 12/26/2019 at 2:11 AM, Vaegwrym said:

Hello friends. New account here. Tired of talking about rpg in reddit and glad to see a community that is still alive. 

I am thinking of reviving an older setting i have written, this time using a combination of BRP and Stormbringer, Stormbringer 4th. 
So I would like to ask if the riposte rules in stormbringer 3rd have been implemented in any BRP product. (The Stormbringer 4th rule is the following, if you are a weaponmaster 90%+ both in attack and defence every time you parry you can make an attack. Each cumulative attack and parry reduces the chance by 20%)

Second i am looking for rules for stuff like disarming, beating, tripping etc in combat. Are they available somewhere?

Thanks in advance. 

IT was supposed to: 


The link in that thread to Jason's original post doesn't seem reliable but this should work:

As to the other options such as Disarm, in the BGB these are covered by Special Effects for Entangling Weapons and Spot Rules for Disarm / Entangle.  IN the first instance I would look at those and then adjust for the tempo / feel of the planned campaign. Blod Tide is as mentioned another option. Sadly I don't believe Jason's more detailed fencing rules, intended for a "Sword & Planet" BRP supplement / game have ever officially been released.




Edited by NickMiddleton
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