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[Dragonsbane Entertainment] Announcing the Sabre RPG System

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I'd like to announce the Sabre RPG System 2nd Edition has been rolling out for the past few weeks at DTRPG! It's a system built on foundations of realism, smooth play and flexibility, featuring a skill-based d100 core with passive talents, active manoeuvres, in-game "on-the-spot" character advancement and a simple but powerful magic system.

It comes in Fantasy and Scifi varieties, with a Bestiary for fantasy monsters and rules for Starships as well. Both are based on the same core ruleset, so you can easily mix-n-match for time travelling space cowboys in a medieval setting fighting dragons, space wizards of the future etc. There's vehicle rules for car wars scenarios, the works! Development is ongoing, but it's a stable system that's really come together! It's under the WotC OGL, so there's a free basic edition of the fantasy system you can check out, plus a premium version with much more content.

   SabreRPG_2e_smljpg.jpg scifi_2e_sml.jpg

Edited by Savant1974
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19 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Hey, you're an Aussie too!
So.. when are you moving to Brisbane?

Looking for a GM doing D100 and something else than fantasy! :D 

lol, quite happy where I am in freezing Melbourne thanks :P 

My group really misses the games in the current situation but hopefully in a month or so we'll be up and running again :D Just finished off a long stretch of the scifi game, will be starting a fantasy game when next we play.

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1 hour ago, Savant1974 said:

It's under the OGL, so there's a free basic edition of the fantasy system you can check out, plus a premium version with much more content.

So you were able to use the OGL? Awesome, glad someone put it to good use!

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-Voice of the Legion

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1 minute ago, Savant1974 said:

Sabre is about 20% d100, 20% D&D, and the rest is my custom design formulated over the last 7 years of development (along with my crack team of beta testers and theory crafters!) OGL just makes sense :)  

So was this made with the new BRP OGL?

-Voice of the Legion

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3 minutes ago, Savant1974 said:

Oh, sorry no it's using the WOTC OGL. Just noticed there's a new BRP OGL too, bad timing on my part apparently!

Ahh... gotcha:) Great job making a system btw, that is quite the accomplishment. I have an RPG YT channel where I review games often, would you want me to review Sabre?

Edited by Dethstrok9
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-Voice of the Legion

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1 minute ago, Dethstrok9 said:

Ahh... gotcha:) Great job making a system btw, that is quite the accomplishment. I have an RPG YT channel where I review games often, would be want me to review Sabre?

Thanks, yeah go ahead and review the system if you like! You can use the Sabre logo up the top if that helps.

Sorry for the confusion, I updated the OP with the reference to OGL :) 

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20 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Just a matter of curiosity.. Is it hard to publish hard copies?
I noticed many RPG supplement advertise here are PDF only.... 😕 

It's a little involved setting them up for print on demand. I do plan to get to it, but for the past few years I've been making use of the digital form to have a 'living document' which evolves as the system does. Sabre's in a good place now so I hope to have print editions done at some point, but right now I'm ironing out the bugs and such :)

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Hello, and welcome!

Also, congratulations on a bouncing baby RPG!

Looks like I may need to go grab a $5 copy (really?!) to see what use I can put it to...  😉

Also/FYI -- this thread probably belongs over in "Alastor's Skull Inn" forum for "other games."  This chunk of forumspace is specific to Chaosium games; others are welcome on the forum, but generally in a per-publisher forum (q.v. the "Mythras" forum here, or the "OpenQuest" one, etc) & generally with more d100/BRP dna in their core.

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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3 minutes ago, Savant1974 said:

Oh, sorry I put it in the wrong place 😟 Not sure if I can move it myself or if a mod can do that for me, but that would be better, yes :)


Have tagged the Mods.

Accidents happen, no worries!

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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Thanks for posting. I bought the scifi and fantasy versions to have a look. There are lots of BRP-compatible spells, psi powers, equipment and vehicles for those who have been complaining about their lack in core BRP. The professions available are also interesting. The sci fi version has rules for running robots and androids as PCs, as well as various animal-human-hybrid-like aliens. They (the games, not the aliens) are very hefty for the price and clearly a lot of work has gone into their creation.

Edited by Questbird
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6 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

4 hours to go.... Before I can be home and have a look too... 😮 🙄😅

I think you're going to like it Lloyd, I've been looking it over, it's really well done. 

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-Voice of the Legion

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3 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Hey, you're an Aussie too!
So.. when are you moving to Brisbane?

Looking for a GM doing D100 and something else than fantasy! :D 

I'm an Aussie as well, but unfortunately I'm over in Perth. :)

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Just a quick summary of my first impression of a quick 3 hours read of 800 pages of sourcebooks 

- for the low price tag it's a lot of material: each rule book (fantasy and scifi) is about 400 pages...
- (PDF) pagination is gorgeous, though no bookmark :( but lots of links inside each sections from summary table to detailed descriptions back and forth
- it hits the uncanny valley, it's like BRP, but it's not. It's like D&D but it's not.. I will need a lot more reading to have any sort of authoritative opinion 
- no class, no level, no humongous HP (nor no weakass location HP neither), yeah! :)
- HP, magic cost and mechanic, combat mechanic have much more of a D&D feels to it than BRP... (at least it seems at first glance) (since there is no class no level and no HP explosions, I consider that a plus) (though it depends on skill% which increase way too easily under default rules, i think). I guess it's an interestingly fresh take that I will ponder whether I can use instead of the BRP one
- talents, feats, stunts, whatyouhaveit (additional bonus that uniquely tailor and describe your character), so many special talents (you get a few, as you start in life and level up to personalise your character) that can be learned, just the summary list of talents is 15 pages long! (for the fantasy book) most of them seems a little weak.. but they pile up for devastating effect as you learn more of them
- everything talent (from magic to combat effect) (seems to) cost like 1 spirit point and you have a few of them, say 10 (from a cursory look), the power increase (moderately) with your talent and skill% not really with the spirit cost. the economic of that seems appealing...
- available player races, while loosely inspired from common literature, are mostly new creation from Dragonsbane Entertainment
- sometimes I look at D&D spell list and i think "wow there are too many spells! :O", in those books there are... "too many of everything" (you can feel the 7 years of creative work)
- "levelling up ", apart from slowly increasing your skill, about every 5 session (or less in case of earlier adventure success) one can buy a talent. The accumulation of which differentiate the beginner from the journeyman. But one start relatively good in his profession, as expected

Mmm... anyway, that's very preliminary and barely informed feedback, for those of you that might be curious... I think that needs more reading...


Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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Haha.. as I am making a Bookmark table to more easily navigate the book I notice a funny thing: What Sabre calls Attribute are what all Chaosium games call Characteristics, and what Sabre calls Characteristics are what all Chaosium games calls Attribute! 😮 😅

Other than that the list is similar... but different.. For example Sabre "Attributes" are Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intellect, Charisma. i.e. all 5 of them! ;)

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