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Dethstrok9 last won the day on April 9 2020

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  • Voice of the Legion


  • RPG Biography
    Creator of DriveThruRPG's Call of Cthulhu product line "Time RIP", Game Master with 4 years of experience, and long time role-player. Actor, voice actor, writer. I also just started a RPG/Gaming U-tube channel called Dethstrok9, come check it out! WE ARE LEGION...
  • Current games
    Dungeons&Dragons 5e, Call of Cthulhu 7ed, horror, dark fantasy, and epic fantasy.
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    Come join the Revolution!

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  1. Dethstrok9

    Call of Cthulhu memes.

    We need more of these, if you make some, we can add it and credit you. We are all us!
  2. How to create occupations in Call of Cthulhu. We use a Politician as a build example and work backward to discover how to make a balanced occupation.
  3. Hello my friends, I recently have been seeing a lot of people asking how to create occupations in Call of Cthulhu, so here's my response to that.
  4. I made a video on "How to get into Delta Green" a little while ago, you should check it out if you want. And yes, Dennis was awesome to talk to, I was blown away by how cool his answers were:)
  5. Welcome back everyone, this is Dethstrok9! Today, we have a very special guest! Dennis Detwiller is a writer, designer, and illustrator for some of your favorite games like Magic the Gathering and Delta Green. We're going to interview him and see what he has to say about a number of topics, including MtG, DG, the Video Game industry, working for Wizards of the Coast, co-founding and running Arc Dream Publishing, why KickStarter revolutionized the industry, Call of Cthulhu and its impact, and valuable advice for game designers just starting out in the industry! Dennis is the four-time winner of the Origins Award for game design, and the thirteen-time winner of the ENnie Award for RPG excellence. His books Delta Green and Delta Green COUNTDOWN are the highest rated RPG products ever, according to RPGnet and RPGgeek, and he has 9 products in the top 100 RPG products of all time. I encourage you to check out the interview. This far exceeded my own expectations, as Dennis' answers were extremely thought-provoking and filled with useful industry information. It's also pretty short, just over 30 minutes:) Thanks for reading, I hope you find this interesting!
  6. It was quite the experience, I am lucky to have been able to do this interview:)
  7. Welcome back everyone, this is Dethstrok9! Today, we have a very special guest! Dennis Detwiller is a writer, designer, and illustrator for some of your favorite games like Magic the Gathering and Delta Green. We're going to interview him and see what he has to say about a number of topics, including MtG, DG, the Video Game industry, working for Wizards of the Coast, co-founding and running Arc Dream Publishing, why KickStarter revolutionized the industry, Call of Cthulhu and its impact, and valuable advice for game designers just starting out in the industry! Dennis is the four-time winner of the Origins Award for game design, and the thirteen-time winner of the ENnie Award for RPG excellence. His books Delta Green and Delta Green COUNTDOWN are the highest rated RPG products ever, according to RPGnet and RPGgeek, and he has 9 products in the top 100 RPG products of all time. I encourage you to check out the interview. This far exceeded my own expectations, as Dennis' answers were extremely thought-provoking and filled with useful industry information. It's also pretty short, just over 30 minutes:) Thanks for reading, I hope you find this interesting! Link below.
  8. Welcome back everyone, this is Dethstrok9! Today, we have a very special guest! Dennis Detwiller is a writer, designer, and illustrator for some of your favorite games like Magic the Gathering and Delta Green. We're going to interview him and see what he has to say about a number of topics, including MtG, DG, the Video Game industry, working for Wizards of the Coast, co-founding and running Arc Dream Publishing, why KickStarter revolutionized the industry, Call of Cthulhu and its impact, and valuable advice for game designers just starting out in the industry! Dennis is the four-time winner of the Origins Award for game design, and the thirteen-time winner of the ENnie Award for RPG excellence. His books Delta Green and Delta Green COUNTDOWN are the highest rated RPG products ever, according to RPGnet and RPGgeek, and he has 9 products in the top 100 RPG products of all time. I encourage you to check out the interview. This far exceeded my own expectations, as Dennis' answers were extremely thought-provoking and filled with useful industry information. It's also pretty short, just over 30 minutes:) Thanks for reading, I hope you find this interesting! Link below.
  9. Welcome back everyone, this is Dethstrok9! Today, we have a very special guest! Dennis Detwiller is a writer, designer, and illustrator for some of your favorite games like Magic the Gathering and Delta Green. We're going to interview him and see what he has to say about a number of topics, including MtG, DG, the Video Game industry, working for Wizards of the Coast, co-founding and running Arc Dream Publishing, why KickStarter revolutionized the industry, Call of Cthulhu and its impact, and valuable advice for game designers just starting out in the industry! Dennis is the four-time winner of the Origins Award for game design, and the thirteen-time winner of the ENnie Award for RPG excellence. His books Delta Green and Delta Green COUNTDOWN are the highest rated RPG products ever, according to RPGnet and RPGgeek, and he has 9 products in the top 100 RPG products of all time. I encourage you to check out the interview. This far exceeded my own expectations, as Dennis' answers were extremely thought-provoking and filled with useful industry information. It's also pretty short, just over 30 minutes:) Thanks for reading, I hope you find this interesting! Link below.
  10. Welcome to Yosemite National Park, where innocents have been vanishing... Join us tonight at 5 pm EST (or watch later on demand) as the horror unfolds in Delta Green LIVE https://youtu.be/oPZ9rWXbVg4
  11. As a few of you already know, we had some problems during the stream when someone (falsely) reported the video for "inappropriate" content. As a result, the stream was stopped, and we had to pick up where we left off with a second stream. This one lasted 15 minutes before also being reported and shut down. Our solution was to both submit an appeal to YouTube, and to try recording the remainder of the session. YouTube has just put the streams back and unblocked them, and the recorded ending is up as well. They are currently uploaded out of order because of all this, but I am working on adding them to the Call of Cthulhu LIVE playlist in the correct order. Each chapter is numbered if you want to watch correctly. Call of Cthulhu LIVE: The Whisperer in Darkness 2: https://youtu.be/8ZVNS7b8Pxo Call of Cthulhu LIVE: The Whisperer in Darkness 3 (this one only lasted 15 minutes): https://youtu.be/RhbAa9WFdHQ The FINAL CHAPTER Whisperer in Darkness (Call of Cthulhu Actual Play) 4 (the recording): Thanks for joining us for the Whisperer in Darkness. The ending was worth it:)
  12. I have reported, and the dm was removed.
  13. Gone from my inbox, it was either slayed or they blocked me. Just in case, I have the below screenshot:
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