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Malleus Monstrorum - Corrections Thread

Mike M

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Book I, Page 10


"It is fast and scampering or slow and methodological?"

"It is" should be "Is it"


Book I, Page 33, right column

"If created by a Mythos god, an ashen one performs its allotted task and then if free of restraint"

"then if free" should be "then is free"

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Book I, Page 11

The Sixth Sense

"In use, an investigator might “feel” something: their skin tingles, their hair stands ups, they have the feeling of being watched, they get a headache, and so on. "

"ups" should be "up"



Servants of Gla'aki, Skills

"Average skills based on previous life; Gla'aki may impart Aertain useful skills as necessary, assume 60–80% profciency."

"Aertain" should be "certain"

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Page 44, second paragraph on the right, there's a line starting with a period (a space between it and the previous word?).

Page 53 in the Shoggoth-twsha sidebar, the rules for the shoggoth-twsha and anyone else seem to be the same, but are referred to as if they're different - should one of them say something else?


Page 60:  Under Chorazin's contact power, it says "(provoking an automatic 1D6 Sanity loss on waking), and the loss of 5 points of POW every night as Chorazin as it eats away at their will power."  Should that be "the loss of 5 points of POW every night to Chorazin" - because the manifestation power is contingent on Chorazin reaching 5000 POW, and I can't see any other way for it get any.

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2 hours ago, SunlessNick said:


Page 53 in the Shoggoth-twsha sidebar, the rules for the shoggoth-twsha and anyone else seem to be the same, but are referred to as if they're different - should one of them say something else?

This is not an error. Shoggoth-twsha's have an average POW of 120, shoggoths have an average POW of 50-55. Thus, shoggoth-twsha generally automatically control a shoggoth, even with the 30 minute renewal (and they do not sleep, making control easier to accomplish). Another person (human) must make an opposed POW roll each half hour, and most humans are unlikely to have significantly greater POW than a shoggoth (meaning they do not automatically control the shoggoth, and also that they will inevitability fail such a roll at some point), making control possible but limited and extremely dangerous. 

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14 hours ago, Mike M said:

This is not an error.

Ah, I see.



Page 57, second to last paragraph on the right, it says "(assume 2D6 damage from operation to remove a growing seed)" - I'm guessing that should be "the" or "an operation," or possibly "operations?"



Page 73, second paragraph on the right, it says "but rather its visits here arisen from summons".  Should that be "arise" or "have arisen" (and "summonings")?


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Book I, P13 
last paragraph of 'SANITY AND THE SENSES'
"adrenalin" should be "adrenaline"  
Book II, P85
"Any truth about Ghatanothoa lies within secrets, within secrets, obscured and hidden."
The second "within secrets" seems redundant.
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On page 124 of volume 2, for the “Lilith” entry, the final paragraph on the page has the following text:

  • Certainly, such human contact has worked to effectively mask Lilith’s true from and identify from human perception.

The word “from” should be “form” and the word “identify” should be “identity”.

On page 125 of volume 2, under the “Cult” sub-entry for Lilith, I found this sentence:

  • In the main, humans tend to become enamored and acolytes of Lilith by direct contact, whether through dreams or a physical manifestation imploring the person for help to undertake a certain task.

Maybe I’m just tired but I can’t make heads or tails of it. Am I just reading it wrong?

On page 126 of volume 2, for Lilith’s powers, under Beguiling Glamour:

  •  Those affected can do little too but stare and may willingly undertake whatever Lilith requests of them…

The word “too” can be removed.

Edited by davewire
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On page 137 of volume 2, the “Nodens” entry, the first paragraph after his other names a line reads:

  • While many consider the entity to part of the order known as Elder Gods…

The word “be” missing. It should read:

  • While many consider the entity to be part of the order known as Elder Gods…

On page 138 of volume 2, the “Nodens” entry, the second paragraph has a reference to Nodens’ height in the line:

  •  Thus, it takes an imposing human form (said to 10 feet/3 m tall) when appearing to humans…

The word “be” is also missing here. It should read:

  •  Thus, it takes an imposing human form (said to be 10 feet/3 m tall) when appearing to humans…
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On pg.39, the SIZ of the Lesser Brothers should say 85-90 average rather than 85-95.

There's something amiss with the Greater Brother rolls on pg.40. The averages imply that the 5D6 and 2D6 rolls are being multiplied by 5, whereas this is not shown in the rolls themselves, or in the explanatory paragraph above.

On p.41, the Chthonian Lifecycle 3rd Instar average should be 145 rather than 150.

On pg.55, the average DEX of the Dolphin Hybrid should simply be 95.

On pg.57, the average CON for the Greater Desh should be 50 instead of 65.

On pg.59, the average SIZ of the Dhole should be 3025, and its average POW should be 175.

On pg.81, there is a space in the middle of the the Spawn of Hastur DEX roll.

(I only made it to the end of the "H" chapter before my brain was frazzled from all the numbers haha)

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Book II, Page 26
Under " TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: APHOOM ZHAH", it says that Aphoom Zhah uses a "Ice Touch" as special ability, but then a "Flame Touch" when it comes to combat status. 
Maybe these two should align with each other? 
Also these two sub-entries have different con damage, the Ice touch deals 1D10 damage and 3D10 temporary con loss and the Flame touch, 1D10 + 1D6 CON
(might be due to the version update)
Book II, Page 66
Light Aversion:  cannot stand to be in brigth light as it causes 1D4 damage per round.
"brigth" should be "bright"
Book II Page 219, 242
both pages have "retch" mispelled as "wretch"
Book II Page 220
Generally, most will feel a deep loathing or revulsion, and some may wither or feint while others cannot look away, eyes fixed upon the horror before them.
"feint" should be "faint", and "wither" doesn't seem to fit into this place either. 
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I noticed that some of the Blessings have negative effects. Are they meant to be bestowed along with other beneficial blessings?

Also it seems strange that Nyarlathotep does not have any possible blessings.

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6 hours ago, Meow said:

I noticed that some of the Blessings have negative effects. Are they meant to be bestowed along with other beneficial blessings?

Also it seems strange that Nyarlathotep does not have any possible blessings.

Yes, that is correct. There are good and bad things. Bestowing blessings is the job of the Keeper. Most times, a cultist would get one blessing, some may have more than one. Some may be really useful, others less so. The affect a Mythos god may have upon a human is varied and changeable.

Yes, that is also correct. With the varied masks, the Keeper should determine what blessings (if any) mighty be granted (see p13), and can base ideas on the mask's own powers (using diluted versions) or create their own. The whole point about 'possible' blessings is that they are not set in stone, and provided only as ideas. With a significant page count already devoted to Nyarlathotep, I felt the Keeper would enjoy determining a mask's possible blessings themselves.  There's plenty of examples in the book to draw inspiration from. 

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On pg.90, the CON roll of the L'gy'hx is missing a right parenthesis.

On pg.93, the average Lurker INT should be 70-75 instead of 65-70.

On pg.95, the INT average of the Mi-Go Scientist should be 120 instead of 110-115, and the POW roll is missing a left parenthesis.

On pg.111, the CON and POW rolls of the Rat-Thing are in parentheses despite having no modifiers.

On pg.122, the DEX roll for Shoggoth Lords True Form are also in parentheses despite having no modifier.

(Got to the end of the "S" chapter this time around. Hopefully I'll be able to finish them off before the cut-off.)

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Page 63, second paragraph on the left has:  "Such wars and troubles driving the race to retreat to what we now know as Antarctica, where one of their greatest cities remained." I'm guessing that should be "drove?"

Page 73, in the section on hypothermia, there's an oddity in the table where the latter two possible effects say the same thing, but are typeset differently.  It looks as if one of them either has an extra space, or is missing one.

Page 79, in the absorbtion description, there's "it can control controlled said person"
And underinvisibility, there's "when attacking, characters must make a successful Listen roll to hear is faint moans and determine where Dho-spawn is" - should the first is be its?


Page 85, last sentence on the left:  "In the main, such messages filter out into the world randomly and unpredictably,
although Ghatanothoamay direct its communications to know servants who have offered themselves up to the god."  I'm guessing that should be "known servants."

Page 100, under Hastalyk's blessing:  "as to what horrors such folk become is left to the Keeper to determine." - either drop the as to, or make it "become, that is left."

Page 109, top left:  "Take rook" instead of "take root."

Page 111, second paragraph on the left, "ancient Roman" instead of "ancient Rome" or "ancient Romans."



Generally, there are a lot of times the text says meter/metering out, where it seems like it should be mete/meting.

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Book I, Page 16
"Some monsters may, like Mythos deities teach or otherwise impart the knowledge of a spell to a human"
Should add a comma after "deities"
Book I, Page 106
APP of Spawn of Nyogtha's human form is  (2D6+9)*5, which will possibly exceed the human limit of 99 (with a maximum of 105)
Is it meant that monsters with human form don't have to comply with human limits?
Book II, Page 20 & Page 45
On Page 20, Byatis is listed as a "Great Old One", but in its own entry it is marked as an "Old One".
Book II, Page 20 & 23
Abhoth used to be an "Outer God". I looked back into 6th and 7th edition of rulebook and  they both said that Abhoth is Outer God, along with Daoloth and other entities. 
Is this an intended change or a mistake?
Book II, Page 200
"Smash       80% (40/16), damage 12D6 (see above)"
should add "(muvr)" after Smash
On Page 10-11 of Book I, smell is emphsized as an important element for building up horrific and scaring atomsphere. My problem is that, do investigators have to pass any skill roll to detect the smell of monsters (or maybe to tell it apart from scents from daily life)? If yes, what skill is the most appropriate? (Spot hidden?)
And on Page 12. 
"In Ireland, a ghoul might be considered a banshee, a grogoch, or a pooka, while
in China it might be thought of as a mogwai."
In China we use the word "Yaoguai"(妖怪, yokai) more often than "moguai"(魔怪). People would scream "妖怪啊!" and flee in panic if they see something alien and otherworldly, such as a ghuol or a deep one.
We also use "Yaojing"(妖精, usually meaning Evil Spirit"). Yaoguai is often strange and alien, but Yaojing is usually more intelligent and human-like, both in mind and appearance. 狐狸精 (fox spirit), for example, can use magic tricks to shapeshift into, and even have babies with human.
As a conclusion, "yaoguai" is better than "moguai" as in this case.
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28 minutes ago, Meow said:
APP of Spawn of Nyogtha's human form is  (2D6+9)*5, which will possibly exceed the human limit of 99 (with a maximum of 105)
Is it meant that monsters with human form don't have to comply with human limits?

It does seem unusual that a monster would have such high APP, especially considering what it ends up looking like.

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Before continuing on with checking any stats, I thought I'd double-check for any rolls with parentheses that shouldn't...

  • Pg.57, Lesser Desh CON and SIZ
  • Pg.92, Lloigor POW (also CON and SIZ, though they appear intentional)
  • Pg.111, Rat-Thing CON and POW (as I mentioned above)
  • Pg.122, Shoggoth Lord (True Form) DEX (as mentioned above)
  • Pg.188, Bobcat/Lynx STR
  • Pg.189, Dog STR and POW
  • Pg.189, Jackal STR and SIZ
  • Pg.190, Cats STR and CON
  • Pg.200, Snapping Turtle (both types) DEX and POW

And also added spaces:

  • Pg.61, Dwellers in the Depths Fighting damage
  • Pg.81, Spawn of Hastur DEX roll (mentioned above)
  • Pg.155, Death-Vine Bite damage
  • Pg.180, Scarecrow Sickle damage

And also on pg.185, the crocodile STR roll is missing a left parenthesis.

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13 hours ago, Meow said:
Book I, Page 106
APP of Spawn of Nyogtha's human form is  (2D6+9)*5, which will possibly exceed the human limit of 99 (with a maximum of 105)
Is it meant that monsters with human form don't have to comply with human limits?
Book II, Page 20 & 23
Abhoth used to be an "Outer God". I looked back into 6th and 7th edition of rulebook and  they both said that Abhoth is Outer God, along with Daoloth and other entities. 
Is this an intended change or a mistake?
On Page 10-11 of Book I, smell is emphsized as an important element for building up horrific and scaring atomsphere. My problem is that, do investigators have to pass any skill roll to detect the smell of monsters (or maybe to tell it apart from scents from daily life)? If yes, what skill is the most appropriate? (Spot hidden?)
And on Page 12. 
"In Ireland, a ghoul might be considered a banshee, a grogoch, or a pooka, while
in China it might be thought of as a mogwai."
As a conclusion, "yaoguai" is better than "moguai" as in this case.

Firstly - continued thanks to Danial, Meow, Sunless Nick, davewire, oldschooltommy, and Phaedra for successful Spot Hidden rolls. We are correcting the files before print.

To answer some of Meow's points:

Yes, I agree - the Spawn of Nyogtha's APP seems too high (this is the original version in MM1) - and have decided to lower to 2D6+5 x5.

Abhoth - yes he did, but has been changed to GOO. As have a few others. Such human categories are invariably meaningless though.

Smell - usually, detecting a strong smell requires no roll. If the Keeper feels the situation warrants one, then I'd call for a Spot Hidden in 99% of cases.

Thanks for yaoguia -for some reason my research erred (I can't remember the source I was referring to) - but yaoguia is better and I have changed this. 


We are aiming to send files to print at end of next week - so please post any remaining corrections and we will endeavor to use them - if any do come up later, please post them here, and we will continue to correct things for the PDF and future reprints as necessary. Thanks again. 


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45 minutes ago, Mike M said:

Thanks for yaoguia -for some reason my research erred (I can't remember the source I was referring to) - but yaoguia is better and I have changed this.

Thanks Mike for such nice explanation of rules! But it's Yaoguai instead of yaoguia.


Book I, Page 38
Main entry of Chakota
"The CON and POW equal its STR, while DEX is always 1, and its Move is always 4."
the number should be 15 as per the statistics listed below, not 1
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On pg.145, the Greater Size Brood of Ubbo-Sathla STR average should be 195 instead of 190.

On pg.157, in the "Advanced Weapons from Yaddith" box, it says "Tune Pistol", whereas it should be "Tube Pistol". Just saw that one was already posted :)

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