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Bless Crops, duration and runepoints question!


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On 10/3/2023 at 10:38 PM, Akhôrahil said:

Now, if some character (probably a PC, we know what they're like) decides to trek all across Glorantha in order to collect as many associated cults and husband protectors as possible, the GM is going to have to make a call (their local cult might not be amused, for instance - the cult Ernalda of Sun County is likely to take a dim view of you learning Create Shadow) - but in principle this seems doable?

I would think the great Ernalda temple in Nochet would have all the husband-protectors, and their associated spells.

I'm not so sure that the Ernaldan cult would worry too much about you having Create Shadow, but the Yelmalions around you might (if they could ever discover that you have that spell).

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On 10/4/2023 at 12:49 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

Which seems to me to reflect the well known Real World fertility of volcanic soils. 

So I don't know why Lodril doesn't have Fertilize.  Or maybe he does and we will find out when the Pelorian book comes out.

Using the real world for a reason would also justify Engizi having it as well, since the floodwaters bring more silt each year.

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39 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

I would think the great Ernalda temple in Nochet would have all the husband-protectors, and their associated spells.

See EG, The Husband-protectors, page 23


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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On 9/27/2023 at 5:11 AM, Malin said:

....that also included unmarried farmhands, older but initiated children, and some siblings and their children. ......

Edit: Specifically, Her brother and his wife and child, Her cousin and her husband and baby, her other cousin and his wife and five children, an aging grandfather and a young widow. Plus the odd farmhand, usually hired on during peak agricultural work. So 4 hides for about 4 families.


Just thinking about that: I think "family" is the term that creates the problem.  And family in Glorantha does not mean nuclear family of mom. dad, 2.5 children and a cat. nor is it equivalent to "household".  

As I read it: The RQiG ratio is one hide of land per household. not per nuclear family.  The Heortling clan system basically does not deal with nuclear families.  

More important this usually multigenerational, multi-nuclear-family household  owns a plow and ox team.   No plow, no hide of land.  (Obviously there is at least one canon  exception, Apple Lane, where the dominant mode of land use is orchards. which do not need to be plowed.)

 Any cottars helping to farm that land are not part of the hide land allocation system.  That;s why they have a Poor Standard of Living.


References: I will work on references but

- The first and oldest is in King of Sartar, Report on the Orlanthi, pages 238-250 in my edition.

- Guide to Glorantha, pages 31-36

- but also RuneQuest In Gloraththa pages 315 occupation income table, 403 re. "household",  404 The hide of land, 416.

I am surprised how much of this is in the now-deprecated HeroQuest publications.  Perhaps it will be condensed and re-explained in the future GM book?.

I am not surprised by how much of this is in Jeff's writings on Facebook & BRP forums and Well of Daliath: I find  Facebook very hard to search. and the forums and Well of Daliath return mountains of links, which I have not had time to winnow, and some of which are links to those deprecated HeroQuest books..





Edited by Squaredeal Sten
references, typing/spelling
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17 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Yep... a book I don't own...

So, any hints on what was on p23??

Page 23 of The Earth Goddesses has the beginning of "The Husband-Protectors" on it, also an inset box defining Craft (brewing)  and the last four lines of the Flowers rune spell from the Voria section.  All this is in the Ernalda chapter.


Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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