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Dungeon's Master Guide?

Primo Cavaliere

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I'm absolutely new to all this. I'm still reading RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, but I found this morning a reference to Dungeon's Master Guide rules for alternative creation of the adventurer's characters.

But I can't find a specific book on the shop which is or is similar to a Dungeon's Master Guide.

Can you help me undestand?


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5 hours ago, Primo Cavaliere said:

I'm absolutely new to all this. I'm still reading RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, but I found this morning a reference to Dungeon's Master Guide rules for alternative creation of the adventurer's characters.

But I can't find a specific book on the shop which is or is similar to a Dungeon's Master Guide.

First off, "dungeon master" is a phrasing we aren't used to for GM (or game master) here. At least the older of us think of AD&D when they read Dungeon's Master Guide.

A GM guide book has been in the plans since the publication of the quickstart, but hasn't seen publication yet as the Cults project has greater importance and impact for RuneQuest, the cults being a stand-in for what the D20 games think of as character classes or prestige classes.

There is an alternative, faster method for creating characters in the RuneQuest wiki:


Edited by Joerg
David: feel free to delete, didn't notice the thread
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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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There are some completely unofficial tips for RuneQuest game masters (plus a lot of other stuff) in my free Gloranthan Manifesto, which I commend to you. They might help you get off on the right foot if you’re going to run games.

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On 10/10/2023 at 12:27 AM, Primo Cavaliere said:

I'm absolutely new to all this. I'm still reading RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, but I found this morning a reference to Dungeon's Master Guide rules for alternative creation of the adventurer's characters.

But I can't find a specific book on the shop which is or is similar to a Dungeon's Master Guide ...

As noted, the book you're asking after hasn't been published yet.

The core rulebook has all the GM info you need, to play the game; the upcoming Game Master's Sourcebook (or whatever the final title turns out to be) is probably more like an "Advanced Options" book.

As for "alternate" character creation rules -- I honestly advise against using alternate rules.  The rules as-written (particularly Family History) DO take a while to work through, but your characters come out with deep ties into the world of Glorantha, links to people, to Clan, to Temple, to Cult.  This is a good thing.

The only "alternate" rules I really endorse are for the GM to adopt some "quick&dirty" npc-creation / mook rules:  if a given innkeep only really exists to give the PC's a place to sleep as they move from Adventure-A to Adventure-B (and maybe to drop a specific clue if the players are clever-or-lucky enough) they really don't need a full character-sheet workup!  Same for "Generic Guard #7" &c...

C'es ne pas un .sig

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