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Idea for a monologue: BRP Cyberpunk


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I've been here for a bit, posted here and there, and all the while I noticed a glaring lack in the releases and announcements pages of one of my favorite genres of fiction (Though I myself could only be considered a beginner in understanding it's nuances). CYBERPUNK!

Savage Worlds has INTERFACE ZERO, D20 Future already has a cyberpunk element to it, GURPS probably already has something to fit cyberpunk themes to. I prefer this system to Savage Worlds or D20, I prefer it to the CP2020 system, and though I've never played GURPS, I'd probably not want to given it's reputation for being overcomplicated.

So the idea crossed my head: Why not try to create a monograph through the community's (and, possibly to a greater extent, my own) efforts that, without creating a setting, has rules, variant rules, optional rules and so on for cyberpunk themed games, as well as equipment lists, implant lists, service lists, and so on that are unique to this kind of setting?

In trying to collaborate with a forum that I came across a while ago, which specializes in all manner of cyberpunk themed fiction- the idea being that they would have members who know better in this department than I. Collective Cyberpunk Community • View topic - Help with Chaosium BRP Cyberpunk Systems

The structure of the book as I imagine it would be this:

1: Opening Story, Introduction, and "Welcome"

2: Table of Contents

3: Rules for Implants/Prosthetics and Permenent (Min SAN Damage) Blackout of Sanity Points from their being added, as well as nonpermenent (Above min SAN damage) Sanity loss from implants/prosthetics that is rolled for on top of that.

4A: Implant Gear table

4B: Extras for Implants

5A: Prosthetic Gear Table

5B: Extras for Prosthetics

6: Rules for turning an implant into a wearable device (Hint, it's less effective and some things HAVE to be implants)

7: Netrunning Rules of various types

8: Methods for designing bolt-on racial templates for full cyborg builds that expand upon the creature's existing race

9A: Other Transhumanist rules (Discipline-subskill based psionics, genetic engineering, Surgeries etc.)

9B: Supporting details for transhumanist rules (Such as classifications of what goes under each Discipline Subskill, Genetic Treatments, and Surgeries)

10: Help for crafting Cyberpunk Settings.

11: Credits and Thank Yous.

In short, the idea is to craft something akin to Classic Fantasy for Cyberpunk games using BRP. Terms such as sanity may be changed to a more Cyberpunk Specific term in the future, such as calling damage to sanity "Burnout"

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Huh, funny, I played a bit of Cyberpunk by R. Talsorian Games Inc. back in the late 80's. Never cared much for the actual game system, but in measured doses the cyberpunk setting was fun. Running through the Net was interesting. Amusing that the starting date for the game was 2013. :) I picked up the GURPS Cyberpunk book a bit later, but never ran it (or any GURPS for that matter -though the setting books are usually pretty good, I don't care for the game system).

The Sanity loss for adding all the cybergear is important. I don't know how any newer cyberpunk games have handled cyber-pychosis or net running. I would certainly be interested in a BRP cyberpunk book, though I don't feel in any way qualified to write any of it.

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Yeah, might want to change the title of the thread =|

I don't know how any newer cyberpunk games have handled cyber-pychosis or net running. I would certainly be interested in a BRP cyberpunk book, though I don't feel in any way qualified to write any of it.

The latest Cyberpunk books? They're more focused on different elements of trans-human evolution.

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The Sanity loss for adding all the cybergear is important. I don't know how any newer cyberpunk games have handled cyber-pychosis or net running. I would certainly be interested in a BRP cyberpunk book, though I don't feel in any way qualified to write any of it.

I'm no Cyberpunk or Cyberpunk 2020 expert, but the basic premise was that the more gear you had implanted, the more machinery you had replacing your body parts, the less human you became. It was a psychological and emotional thing. So all those nifty gadgets came with the penalty that you risked losing the ability to relate to normal people. I'm sure BRP's Sanity rules could be massaged to give the same effect.

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What about limiting the amount of tech you can surgically implant by CON. Each full point of CON used in this way reduces Max Sanity by 10(?5?).

I'm saying each full point of CON because I see tech space potentially being able to take up a fraction of a CON point. Something like extra memory (USB memory stick in the head kind of thing) could burn 0.1 of a CON point where a whole new arm would be 1/5 of the CON? Or something like that...

I like the idea by the way. Had lots of fun playing Shadowrun in the past.

Mr Jealousy has returned to reality!

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It's unfortunate, but the addition of mythos elements actually is likely to ruin the cyberpunk feel.

The horror in cyberpunk is supposed to come from cold metal, an uncaring world, and non-supernatural threats that can still wipe your brain clean or blow holes in your guts. It's supposed to come from things that are plausible in a near future environment that isn't much different from the world we know today.

Psionics and other sci-fi power sets are hard to implement properly in a cyberpunk game without ruining the experience. System Shock 2 managed to do it, true, but it's still difficult to do. Imagine fantasy or horror fantasy power sets such as magic or mythos magick taking place in a cyberpunk game- it'd be too much like Shadowrun, and that's too fantasy to be truly cyberpunk.

What about limiting the amount of tech you can surgically implant by CON. Each full point of CON used in this way reduces Max Sanity by 10(?5?).

I'm saying each full point of CON because I see tech space potentially being able to take up a fraction of a CON point. Something like extra memory (USB memory stick in the head kind of thing) could burn 0.1 of a CON point where a whole new arm would be 1/5 of the CON? Or something like that...

I like the idea by the way. Had lots of fun playing Shadowrun in the past.

That's a pretty good idea, but there should be options for other stats to determine sanity pool. POW for example.

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