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Skaerune' Progress Report


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So I want to use this thread to keep track of the game's progress. 

Estimated Quick Start Rules: January 2016

Estimated Full Low Art Game Release: June 2016*

*I have not decided yet how to work a more artful and color version. Either through kickstarter or sales.. I am not really sure.

So currently... 

Design Document - 90%

Soul Magic - 90%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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I think I am still on target, time wise.

Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 5%

SRD/Design Doc - 10%

EDITED TO ADD: Skaerune' Setting: 30%

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Edited by ReignDragonSMH

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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51 minutes ago, Trifletraxor said:

That's mighty good progress! :)

Wordpress is usually a good choice of website software if you don't already possess a lot of coding knowledge.

Well I do actually, but I don't want to get caught up in it. So Word Press may be the way to go for me on this until I can pay a website admin. Which could be a while :)

And yes progress was good last week. A lot of things fell into place as far as mechanics that I wanted to change or tweak from OQ and other d100 games. 

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Using the King of Dragon Pass music to keep me motivated and on task.

Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 5%

SRD/Design Doc - 15%

Skaerune' Setting 32%

Quickstart Guide 15%

Bestiary 20%

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 33% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 5%

SRD/Design Doc - 20%

Skaerune' Setting 32%

Quickstart Guide 20%

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Edited by ReignDragonSMH

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 33% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 15%

SRD/Design Doc - 20%

Skaerune' Setting 32%

Quickstart Guide 25%

First Short Adventure: Delivery to the Sea is 50% done.

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Delivery to the Sea will actually be an intro scenario in the Quickstart guide that should be done in early January. I have not decided yet what ntro scenarios should be in the Salt Island book yet. Likely something dealing with the Zero People/Caretakers' ruins.

Edited by ReignDragonSMH

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 33% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Resistance - 100% - REAL happy about this also :)

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 15%

SRD/Design Doc - 30%

Skaerune' Setting 35%

Quickstart Guide 30%

First Short Adventure: Delivery to the Sea is 75% done.

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Spirit / Battle Magic equivalent. It gets its name from the spiral tattoos that contain the actual magical notes. It can be as large or as small as you want. The spell can be changed (improved) by adding more arms to the spiral. Spiral Magic spells are called Weirds. 

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 33% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Resistance - 100% - REAL happy about this also :)

Item Creation - 40% - This chapter will be huge but will not be in the Quickstart rules. In some ways items may become more important than spells

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 15%

SRD/Design Doc - 30%

Skaerune' Setting 35%

Quickstart Guide 30%

First Short Adventure: Delivery to the Sea is 75% done.

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website.. 0.001%

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 40% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Resistance - 100% - REAL happy about this also :)

Item Creation - 40% - This chapter will be huge but will not be in the Quickstart rules. In some ways items may become more important than spells

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Salt Island - 20%

SRD/Design Doc - 30%

Skaerune' Setting 35%

Quickstart Guide 35%

First Short Adventure: Delivery to the Sea is 75% done.

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website and copyrights and trademarks.. 0.001%

As mentioned I managed to come up with the names of all four of The Cities for Skaerune', which was way more work than it may seem.

I am thinking mid to late January for the Quick Start Guide. I am prioritizing it over getting all three Adventures ready. The rules and one adventure will work and the next two play test adventures will work great as a follow up. I still think this puts me on a good footing for a June low art Skaerune' release. 

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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Rough Draft of Design Document - 100%

Skills: 40% - Finally have my names as opposed to old school place holders. Now I have to write a short but sweet description of each. 

Experience - 100% - REAL happy about this lol

Resistance - 100% - REAL happy about this also :)

Item Creation - 40% - This chapter will be huge but will not be in the Quickstart rules. In some ways items may become more important than spells

Soul Magic - 100%

Sorcery - 50%

Spiral Magic - 50%

Hit Points & Hit Locations - 100%

Armor, Weapons, & Equipment - 75%

Cults of Skaerune': 25% - Don't think this will be a huge portion of the initial rule book, just enough to give folks a feel for the world. A great deal depends on how well the game is received and what expansions if any are done for it.

Salt Island - 20%

SRD/Design Doc - 30%

Skaerune' Setting 35%

Quickstart Guide 40%

First Short Adventure: Delivery to the Sea is 75% done.

Bestiary 25% - Like my new format

Getting a Domain and perm website and copyrights and trademarks.. 0.001%

Bold Items denote an update

Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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On 11/16/2015 at 7:08 AM, ReignDragonSMH said:

*I have not decided yet how to work a more artful and color version. Either through kickstarter or sales.. I am not really sure.

Unless this game manages to be a break out success with minimal art, you won't be able to pay for art with sales.  Say you produce a 200 pages book and have 1 piece of good color art per four pages, so 50 pieces.  Then you need good cover art.  Say you sell the same at $15 or DriveThruRPG.  Once DTRPG takes its cut, you would need to have the game reach Electrum status to pay for artwork.  Electrum status would mean that you sold more games that 96% of the other games on their website. There are direct sales, but cons cost money. 

Of course the smaller the book, the less art.  You can always find other ways to get art costs down as well.  But, if you want to get into retail, you will need to do a traditional print run, which costs lots of money upfront.  Of course that carries a risk that distributors won't buy, or they won't sell enough to reorder. 

Based on your summer con thread, my advice would be to build up an audience and get people to know your game.  Then, once you have some players out there, then do a Kickstarter to fund the art. 

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Steamcrafthow much does high quality art (color and black and white) cost typically? How much does cover art cost?

Edited by rsanford
Corrected a typo

Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

No reason for Ars Magica players to have all the fun!

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Art cost are highly variable.  Fundamentally, there is far more supply or art than there is demand.  On the other hand, finding reliable artists that can meet deadlines is difficult.

Many RPG artists like to charge by size.  That is, 1/8 cost $X and 1/4 page costs $Y,  This used to make sense because art needed to be done in a specific size.  However, everything is digital now.  I can make things whatever size I want.  Hence, I refuse to pay like that.  (If you pay like this, it really restricts what you can do with the art and I find it costs the publisher a lot more.)  I pay by detail.  The more detail/background required then the more I pay. 

Another issue with art has to do with who owns the rights.  Do you let the artist keep the rights and you just purchase a license?  Do you have some exclusivity to the art, but the artist still retains the copyrights?  Do you own the copyright and it is just work for hire?  Generally, the more rights the artist keeps the less your cost is going to be.  Foriegn artists also tend to be cheaper because USD are worth a lot more in poorer nations.  Another trick is to purchase B&W line art and then color it yourself.  You won't get something that looks awesome, but it can look good.  Additionally, if you can purchase artwork that is already done, it is cheaper.  I highly recommend that for cover art. 

In any case, here is a rough guide per piece based on prices I know people have paid:

B&W line art: $10-$30

B&W art: $30-$60

Color art: $30-$100

Full page color interior art: $100-$250

Color cover art: $150-$1000 (A lot of color cover art prices I have seen recently tend to be around $300 for small press games.)

I do not think there is much industry standard, although many people try to pretend there is. I do think that established top 5-10 publishers probably pay similar amounts that tend to be much higher than small indie publishers.  Paying writers does have more of an industry standard rate. 


Edited by steamcraft
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Although it is good to cultivate relationships with artists and work with them and this can lead to a good deal. You should still be fair in what you pay; remember they work hard for their art too. But partnering with an artist or two on projects helps get them invested in it. That could mean a great deal. 

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Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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