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BRP Rome in Print?


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Is BRP Rome: Life and Death of the Republic available in print anywhere?  I would prefer a print copy, but I can't even find it in PDF. I am sorry if this is a redundant question, but I do not seem to be able to find it anywhere.  Thanks.

Edited by madprofessor
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Awesome, Loz.  I'm of course wanting it yesterday for a game I am starting up so I'll pick up a used copy as quick as I can, but I will certainly pick up the Mythras version as well, when it is available.  I am a little shocked that I let this title pass me by until it was oop.

By the way, Mythic Britain was phenomenal!

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This is great news Loz

I can vouch that Pete's BRP ROME is a brilliant resource, perhaps the best in rpg history on the subject of the Roman Republic, it is very detailed and full of content. I can see that it will take minimal changes to port the actual mechanics from BRP BGB to RQ6/Mythras. I can do it myself, but to have it re-released as a new product makes alot of sense, as it really keeps the 'Mythic' theme going for product identity with RQ6/Mythras.

I'll probably use the upcoming RQ for Glorantha, as it really sounds like the Gloranthan elements will be intrinsic in the system. However I'll be keeping with Mythras for my non-Gloranthan settings, and I have really enjoyed every product you guys have brought out. I am only starting to digest Mythic Britain now, but it is obvious that it has been a labour of love and I am so grateful it has been done so well.

If the production standard for Mythic Rome is the same as Mythic Britain then I am definitely buying the new Mythras version even if I have the earlier BRP version. I am really looking forward this release

Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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Well, I don't know how much of a market there is for it, but I for one would be happy to see more history and myth themed products for Mythras or d100 style games.  I think the system(s) suits the genre well.  I woke up the other morning with an idea for a REH style swords and sandals campaign based around Zama and the Destruction of Carthage complete with stolen treasures, dark Poeni gods and a trek through the Sahara to the "troglodyte" civilization of the Garamantes. RQ6 jumped to mind instantly as the system of choice for such a campaign - thus I started looking for Pete's Rome.   

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Mythras is a perfect fit. The RQ6 rule book is a great toolkit for these kind of settings, and the game mechanic elements such as increased focus on hit locations, combat effects and such really heighten the already very tactile flavour of BRP combat scenes.

 If Mythras specialises in various pseudo-historic ancient and dark ages settings then it has a niche in the market. There are a lot of fantasy settings out there, but few RPGs are doing Mythic Earth at present. This is a great opportunity for Mythras to make a name for itself and be the 'go-to' system for anyone wanting to run a fantasy earth setting.  It would also make sense if DM were able to get MRQ2 Vikings ported over to Mythras as well, especially given the popularity of Vikings at present due to the current television series.

The trick would be having three or four lines and then following these up with various resource books and scenarios. A lot of work for primarily two writers however, and I'm just happy I'll have a Mythras version of ROME to sit next to my Mythic Britain book.

Edited by Mankcam
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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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