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The Adventures of George the Trucker

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Chaosium.com: News - BRP Rollin

Post-modern, new-age, old-fashioned, extra-crispy trucker with the power to bring joy to all the girls and boys in this forum. Is anyone else enamored with his odyssey into the unknown midwest?

Also, Wyoming is the Evil state. Be wary, good George.

"Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal..."

- H.P. Lovecraft

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Chaosium.com: News - BRP Rollin

Post-modern, new-age, old-fashioned, extra-crispy trucker with the power to bring joy to all the girls and boys in this forum. Is anyone else enamored with his odyssey into the unknown midwest?

Also, Wyoming is the Evil state. Be wary, good George.

"F___ you. And f_____ people from Wyoming. You ever meet anybody from Wyoming? Not me!" (Lou Reed)

George is my new hero.

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We're missing a golden opportunity to widen the fanbase here.

Why the assumption that George is a he?

Judicious absence of grammar and George could be intepreted as intrepid heroine or hero.

(Personally she strikes me as a one-legged afro-latino gung-fu master driving the rig as a way of meeting lost souls in trouble, but that's just me)


Rule Zero: Don't be on fire

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George's travels are becoming increasingly cross-genre. A legend among intergalactic shaman truckers.

I almost don't want George to reach his destination.

By definition George never will.

Dropping BRP off at Leng is just a pause on George's great journey


Of course George is a cyborg I cannot believe that I was so stupid to over look that

Rule Zero: Don't be on fire

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A cyborg! Of course he is. That explains him being one-legged and still driving his truck with such assured expertise. Not the bit about being a woman though, unless he is a shapeshanger too. Could be his secret identity.

I wonder where the Fates will take him after Leng?

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Where did you get that?

:-) Post 4 in this thread, by Al. A bit apocryphal, I admit.

(Personally she strikes me as a one-legged afro-latino gung-fu master driving the rig as a way of meeting lost souls in trouble, but that's just me)

But I don't think anything contradicts the possibility of one of his legs being robotic.

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Possible Skills:

Drive Auto 100%

Keep Anxious Gaming Nerds Placated 75%

Hide Beer in Crotch 65%

I like this set-up. It may be because I envision George to be much like the truckers I hung around with as a kid on my father's freight dock.

Hard-drinking, hard-working, and privy to a world few know exists... the world of the CB radio. Some people use this radio to broadcast their own odd views on reality, but every once in a while, there comes something deeper than the usual ponderings of the all-night line-haulers. There are legends of people who vanished on the road, strange cargoes not of this world, shady deliveries to beings with pure, black eyes. George has seen his share of the weird, but answers it all with a shrug and an offer to tell you all about it if you buy him a few beers.

He's no super-hero. He's just George... but, boy, does he have some yarns to spin.

Some may think I'm picking bit of this up from Big Trouble In Little China. Well, they wouldn't be mistaken... but there's also an acquaintance I grew up with that has taken up the strange sub-culture of the line-haul.

We were both in elementary school ULE (Useless Learning Experience) together. He was one hell of a bright kid. We were at odds due to our similar personalities, and we stopped hanging out.

Last I heard of him, his uncle had disappeared on the road, and my friend got his CDL and decided to go on the line-haul looking for him. I admire something about that greatly, and can only imagine the strange adventures he's experienced.

"Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal..."

- H.P. Lovecraft

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This is really turning into a tour-de-force, with today's update.

Bravo to Dustin!

I am now tempted to abandon Interplanetary entirely and switch over to writing Interstate.

The funny part: it could actually be an interesting game...

"Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal..."

- H.P. Lovecraft

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I think I am going to write up a version of George the Trucker for the Green setting. Kind of like the eternal champion or something. In the Green he can be George the boatman (no trucks in the Green), hauling news and goods up and down the rivers.


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That George Carlin joke is a killer. What the heck is in that crate?

The True Cross?

With optional 'This is for decorative purposes only SPQR do not licence this for use as a support for drunkards, do not remove footrests' sign?


Rule Zero: Don't be on fire

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