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RQ2/Classic. How do thrown weapons work? Arrows weight/amount


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1 hour ago, MJ Sadique said:

Just to make clear, I'm an RQ3 guy.  I've read RQ2, but my conclusions are based solely on RQ3 and my own experiences running it.  Also, one of the favorite acronyms you'll see around here is YGMV (Your Gagme May Vary).  So anyway, this is what I'd do in my game:

Case 1 :  200% agree with you two. Melee and ranged should be 2 skills. (I've even have a player with throwing sword skills... XD)

Case 2 :  Drawing/preparing a weapon take time because you can't take out a weapon easily with a enemy at bay... BUT when using a bastard sword 1H, you can drop a shield for 0 SR (shield without string) and attack with 2 hands without extra SR. Having right hand free and a weapon in the left should not count as preparing a weapon (personnal POV). If your right hand isn't free FULL 5 SR !

PS : forcing a player to use 5 SR to switch a weapon having a free hand will only make him to devellop "Throwing axe (left hand)". Start this and you'll end up to print extras sheet just for the list of weapon.

  • 4 skill per weapons : Axe (right hand), Axe (left hand), Throwing axe (right hand), Throwing axe (left hand)) X 3 Weapons = Start of a Hellish nightmare...

If you don't mind this, go ahead but I don't like the idea of a simple game like RQ2 going in "collection of weapon skill game"...even in RQ3, I won't do it !

Since there's only one type of throwing axe, your last two examples are only one weapon.  And if you use a little creativity, you can fit two of your skills into one space.  Simply write it as 1H Axe (R/L) and Throwing Axe (R/L), and write the percentages as X/Y.  Simple, no hellish nightmares involved.  So we're talking about keeping track of all four skills in two weapon slots.  Or, depending on the character sheet, above and below the line.  (I still use the standard Sapienza character sheet from the rulebook, so a slash works better for me.)

Who cares how many skills are listed?  I've never had a player who thought it was a hardship to have a bunch of skills.  If you run out of room, write on the back or attach an extra piece of paper.  Having a few more skills isn't going to suspend immersion any more, especially combat skills.  If you play at all regularly you'll know exactly where the ones you need are for what circumstances.

Edited by Yelm's Light
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I have a player, his character used spear and shield, broadsword and shield, spear and broadsword, spear and dagger.  And he did all of this with either hand so he had LH spear skill and RH spear skill.

I figure whatever, I don't care, it's his character and his record keeping, not mine.

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On 10/11/2016 at 1:16 PM, soltakss said:

But, generally, bows are better than axes, in RQ2 and in real life.

Damn I hate Invision commenting mechanics.

To respond to the point above, I'd say yes, THEORETICALLY.  However, 

- an axe doesn't care *at all* if it's raining or if it gets wet - something ASTONISHINGLY important in everyday use in northern climes (that is often disregarded in RPGs, and particularly Glorantha, where it's almost always sunny and clear)  

- an axe is basically durable, and is unlikely to be unusable because it warped, got too dry, got stepped on by a horse, or was packed incorrectly.

- an axe has no moving parts; an axe is easier/quicker to manufacture, (an arrow *may* be cheaper than an axe, but a bow CERTAINLY should be many multiples of an axe's price) and doesn't need carefully-selected/-worked raw materials.

- an axe doesn't care much about wind, or even light brush

- pretty nearly everyone has hatchets, and is likely to be familiar with handling/using them.  Heck, in some places IRL the simple OWNERSHIP of a bow was proscribed, much less would someone get a chance to practice with one

...all of these more than mitigate the theoretical advantages of archery over tossing an axe in REAL LIFE circumstances.


On 10/11/2016 at 1:18 PM, MJ Sadique said:

Staffsling are 2 handed ... why bother telling us ??

Hopefully you're trying to be funny, but this comes off as needlessly being a jerk.


On 10/11/2016 at 1:41 PM, iamdiggerdoug said:

In the rules it states several axes with none having the same value as a throwing axe and sort of says you can't parry with them either and doesnt state using them as melee weapons at all, so I was under the impression using them as such was wrong.

Then the rules are flawed, always a possibility, particularly with 1st-gen RPG rules.  As you can plainly see, an axe CAN be used as a missile weapon, particularly against drummers:



22 hours ago, Yelm's Light said:

First, there's no chance I'd allow three thrown attacks in a single round in my game.  

I don't disagree with you, but this is one of the mechanical failures of a SR system that lets you have a (DEX) SR of 0, and then says you can shoot every (SR+penalty span).  By RAW, if you have an arrow nocked, and several others ready (ie not quivered, but actually ready ala the picture below) you should be able to loose the first on SR1, fire the second on (0+3) 4, and the third on (0+3) 7, and finally a fourth on (0+3) 10.


I figure whatever, I don't care, it's his character and his record keeping, not mine.

Agreed; who would possibly care how MANY weapon skills a character has? (or knowledge skills, or spells, or whatever)?

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On 10/11/2016 at 11:27 AM, soltakss said:

Throwing a melee weapon is good and bad.Good in the sense that it gives you a way of stopping an enemy who suddenly runs away. bad in the Three Musketeers sense of "Only Aramis could think of a way to disarm himself", if it was Aramis, I cannot remember.


Too, too true!  I am presuming that the fighter throwing a hand-axe fits one or more of:

  1. has at least a 1-2 spares on their person
  2. is taking a final shot at an enemy already committed to fleeing
  3. is pulling a desperate/heroic move to intervene when an downed ally beyond reach is facing a coup-de-grace
  4. Is trapped with:
  • no cover/retreat
  • a chasm or other barrier to advance
  • facing attacks from beyond said barrier

Probably there are some other conditions where throwing the melee-weapon-in-hand is the right thing to do...

C'es ne pas un .sig

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:27 AM, soltakss said:

Throwing a melee weapon is good and bad.Good in the sense that it gives you a way of stopping an enemy who suddenly runs away. bad in the Three Musketeers sense of "Only Aramis could think of a way to disarm himself", if it was Aramis, I cannot remember.

Probably the best bad Musketeers movie of all time...an incredible cast, and a classic Oliver Reed line.

"Only Porthos could invent a new way of disarming himself."

I'm still pissed that they killed off Constance. Especially when she's played by Raquel Welch. :D 

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23 hours ago, styopa said:

1/ Hopefully you're trying to be funny, but this comes off as needlessly being a jerk.

2/ I don't disagree with you, but this is one of the mechanical failures of a SR system that lets you have a (DEX) SR of 0, and then says you can shoot every (SR+penalty span).  By RAW, if you have an arrow nocked, and several others ready (ie not quivered, but actually ready ala the picture below) you should be able to loose the first on SR1, fire the second on (0+3) 4, and the third on (0+3) 7, and finally a fourth on (0+3) 10.

3/ Agreed; who would possibly care how MANY weapon skills a character has? (or knowledge skills, or spells, or whatever)?

1/ Yes, I'm a sometimes a tiny teeny bit jerky... I've spend my childhood between hospital and being secluded in my bed, and spend my time reading my (still) favorite "Knowledge encyclopædia". I lack social skills but have lot general knowledge on medieval stuff (there was a lot of flashy and colourful illustration in... really love jousting ones).

2/ A failure, no ... this is the very best success of SR. Why ? Longbow have a shooting rate of 10-16 adjusted shots per minute. If you don't use the actual SR of RQ2 how do you achieve the realist rate of 16 shots in FIVE rounds ? Rules aren't great but they are very Good (to my point of view).

3/ As I said, I don't mind either but forums are made for younger/starter master and if you don't mind a player having 3 one hand sword skill, 4 two handed axe types of weapons and having separate skill for fist, light cestus and heavy cestus.................  you are missing a whale under a gravel ! XD (being funny, jerky and froggy)


Very Bad Joke aside, please don't always answer like a specialist... think a bit for new players/masters who will read the thread and didn't play RQ for more the half of their life.

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