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What would be a Willpower Check?


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Hey folks.

I just recently started running some games with Basic Roleplaying and I'm enjoying the system so far. One thing that came up in my last game is what to use for a willpower check? I get that Power is the characteristic that embodies willpower, but it's characteristic roll is Luck which is described as just that. Do I just rebadge it willpower in those cases where it's need and roll Pow X5 or am I missing something obvious?

One practical application is the morale check for enemies. Sometimes I want to leave it to chance to see if an enemy carries on a fight and willpower seems to be the right check. 

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3 hours ago, dieselpunk said:

One practical application is the morale check for enemies. Sometimes I want to leave it to chance to see if an enemy carries on a fight and willpower seems to be the right check. 

Welcome to BRP Central, dieselpunk!

I agree with Questbird that your use of POWx5 as a willpower check is a good idea. For morale, however, you can be a bit more flexible. POWx5 will work nicely but I often use INTx5 to see if the enemies are smart enough to run away if they're taking a kicking from the PCs. 

Hope this helps.


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7 hours ago, colinabrett said:

For morale, however, you can be a bit more flexible. POWx5 will work nicely but I often use INTx5 to see if the enemies are smart enough to run away if they're taking a kicking from the PCs. 

But that's not morale, but intelligence. Being smart enough to know when to run away isn't the same as turning tail and running in fear. 

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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13 hours ago, dieselpunk said:

Thanks. As a follow up:

There seem to be a lot of things tied to one's POW score and almost none of them have obvious ties to Luck. It seems weird that there can be such thing as a character that's permanently lucky. Can someone explain the rationale behind this?

From RuneQuest 2

Regarding Power


This represents a character's ability to work magic.  It is also a measure of his soul.  A high POW shows the favor of the gods, allowing an Adventurer to hit easier, defend himself, and otherwise excel, for he is tune with the universe.

It says something similar later in the book as well.

The "in tune with the universe" is the part which can be interpreted as luck.


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In my humble opinion, Luck is tied to POW because POW is the ability with wich the character imposes  his will to the world. As psychologists say, someone lucky is actually someone optimistic, that is, someone who strongly considers the world as good for him, while someone unlucky is someone pessimistic. It's more a matter of faith than a matter of external events.

Now, for Will rolls, I fully do agree with Colin. But slightly differently. To my mind, there are two kinds of will. 

The POW based one: you want and you are sure it will happen like that (I resist my urge to eat that chocolate just because I want it, for instance). 

And the INT based will: you do  something because you know that not doing it would be bad for you (I resist my urge to eat that chocolate because I already ate too many chocolates and I know I will be sick if I eat that one more).

So, for the moral situation I would mainly use the POW based roll. Unless the NPCs know that fleeing would be worse for them (being killed by their side for desertion...).

Now, Colin has a good idea too. An Idea roll before the Will roll is interesting: some NPCs may be too stupid to realize they will loose the fight and be slaughtered. 

Edited by Gollum
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Personally, I would have a Luck skill, or attribute, rather than POW. I know the idea of POW is your interaction with the powers of the world, which is similar to Luck, but I like the idea of a powerful but unlucky characters, which is not possible using POW for Luck.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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5 hours ago, Gollum said:

Just note that Call of Cthulhu 7th edition disconnected POW and Luck. The future BRP edition (if any) may follow that manner of handling things. 

What? I agree with Call of Cthulhu? Oh, the shame ...

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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