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Orin Jistil and the Skull Ruins


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5 hours ago, Darius West said:

I am super- impressed with this series of posts everyone, it's a gem.  I am also very glad you revived it Jeff or I might not have had my attention drawn to it, so thanks.  

Having read over this once (it all deserves a re-read), I am thinking that the Ginijji Culture sounds suspiciously like a match for the Feldichi, based on the many pertinent observations about it.  Superficially, both are highly technical, earth worshiping, and ultimately fell or turned to chaos.  This in turn raises the question of whether there is a connection between the Feldichi and the Vadeli in this context.  I have yet to play 6 Ages:RLtW, but it is on my to do list for 2019.

Well, the Feldichi lived in Dorastor...

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21 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

Well, the Feldichi lived in Dorastor...

Obviously, but consider, they are most likely the progenitors of the first ogres, and ogres are everywhere, so how did Feldichi influence spread, how far did it spread, and when?  

Edited by Darius West
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8 hours ago, Darius West said:

Obviously, but consider, they are most likely the progenitors of the first ogres, and ogres are everywhere, so how did Feldichi influence spread, how far did it spread, and when?  

It's hard to say, but the likeliest time frame for it was during the Greater Darkness, when food became scarcer. I'd note that Donandar and Skovara/i came into conflict with ogres during that period, and my supposition is that Dragon Pass was the scene of this - Skovara and Skovari being associated with the Ernalda cult and thus presumably in the area...

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