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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Do we have sources for trolls tainted with chaos? Just curious...
  2. So they are cannibals as well... this came up before I am sure more than once... still think some trolls are ogres.
  3. Heortland Plateau, Shadow Plateau, what are they supposed to be, about 2000' to the bottom of the Syphon River Valley? Six Seasons, not far from Dundealos clan territories also has steep valleys... if nothing else the map looks really nice! The Footprint and Snake Pipe Hollow also show a good bit of steep valley sides.
  4. Saw this write up by Roderick Robertson in Rule 1 Issue 3 p.29. The Cult of Berak-tal, made me think of Ogre Trolls... Trolls eat their kin, mostly Troll-kin but how doesn't that lead to being an Ogre? Are trolls so anti-chaos that that just can't happen? Funny was the attached illustration which makes me think Goya is haunting me?
  5. First among the First Folk was Inisunings, Rathor, born in the west. His father was Rathor’s Liver [intelligence], his uncle was Inidros, and his mother was Frona, covered with mixed forests and hills. (not so long ago but I like the bear... 2009 Rule 1 issue 2)
  6. Yes of course it does, the Babeester Gor PC's shield is below. The Axe Maidens have been brewing the double bock blood beer since 1397, it says so on the label.
  7. This is interesting... need bladesharp on sheers to cut the stuff! Could be like a brillo pad but very strong like steel and so magical!? Its lightweight, breathable and offers a good bit of protection pending the weave and thread count. Like Ba Ba Black Sheep, maybe we can turn the song into the Hero Quest somehow... Lol!
  8. From Rule 1 Issue 1 p.30 Berantyr is preparing to go on his first solo heroquest, to recover the Sword of Felantossi. In preparation, he is amassing an astounding amount of Storm Ram wool and rocks from every corner of Dragon Pass. Those able to bring him these items will find him grateful. Anyone have ideas on Felantossi? What is this Hero Quest with Storm Ramwool and rocks?
  9. But a lot of the old game play with many memories are based on the old zines if you don't have Tales of the Reaching Moon 13 Bronze, I'd check it out as it has a bunch of Malkioni Saints (ascended masters) or whatever you wish to call them. The whole Go West ides was scrapped but its a very fun part of Glorantha for me. Tales of the Reaching Moon and Tradetalk have some great stuff overall. Evn a few issues I thought were duds years ago have come into their own with content after taking a second look. Great material though not canon...
  10. There was a bit of discussion regarding Axe Hall and a few of the above items. There are many pilgrims from Nochet up to Axe Hall and so whatever cannot be generated on the plateau will need to be brought up there. Blood beer by the Axe Maidens will be something traded, possibly in quantities to trolls but I am not sure Gloranthian humans like the taste of that or other drink with similar interesting bases and or adds that say the trolls would like? I always go back the the Grog Shoppe. Trollkin as food, slaves and if smart enough as values would be traded for sure... Insects.
  11. I guess we'll need to assume the Flying Land is inhabited by Giants like one of the recent movies and there is a Sword of Five Dooms up there... this could be really good... Elder Secrets Secrets Book p.11 and GtG p.643. The PC's will need to go meet Garanmador and see what's up?
  12. I just noted Xem's Tower near Axe Hall on one of the maps... Xem: An Uz who helped Jonat. Found by Jonat in Seshnela. Comment: Presumably he came from Guhan or perhaps Halikiv. He came with Jonat to Fronela and founded Xemstown. Anyone know who or what Xem's Tower is, possibly just a natural stone monolith or more interestingly an EWF's tower? From GtG: In 1625, Xemstown is lifted from the Ban, revealing powerful troll gangs, including the Night Guard and the Shadows of Death. (They sound fun!)
  13. You know I did but want to read in in hardcover! But this part is really funny... she realizes what Eurmal's Staff really is Its somewhat similar to Giant's Stairs.. though the newer version is more likable to me, IIRC some humans get eaten which is how it should be... wait do any of the Gloranthian myths have gods eating kids? I recall posting this Saturn has his kids for lunch in the past but don't recall where...
  14. I was reading through the old Giant Stair's scenario from Stormbringer thinking it was more or less a Hero Quest. The gateway only opens at a certain time in a specific place, the PC's are on the other side, time passes differently, etc. It works for me. Thinking of potential powers a giant might have that would be interesting, titan stomp which makes one fall to the ground, billowing voice which makes one cower in fear... of course the giant would have a smell food skill or something of the like. What else beside throw rock 100's of meters might a giant have? Are there Hero Quests with giants in them? Are there other scenarios beside Snake Pipe Hollow, Balastor's Barracks, Orta's Castle and Willandring the Giant that have giants in them that are not random wilderness encounters?
  15. je ne sais pas non plus lire le français - but using a translation tool for Glorantha would likely turn into some very funny sentences!? This as well as some of the other non English publications would be nice to see, and to hold printed hard copies.
  16. And the destroyed City of Wonders and Mularik killing her and her son? https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Estal_Donge Am still wondering about all the others but seems like they used a Hero Quest path into the palace and only kill Werewolves and Tem.
  17. One of our PC's is a Bearwalker and hates werewolves, so maybe they'll also be there when it happens!? Goram Whitefang and his Telmori followers were killed yes. What about: Berra Stone, Brenna the Doorkeeper, Quinulf the Royal Librarian, Umathkarl the Priest, Gordius Silverus the Legate for Barbarian Affairs and of course, Estal Donge? Was if a full purge and all were put to the sword or just the guards and then Temertain. Somewhat related: Does Sarostip Coldeye wear a left eye patch? I like the idea that his deathray is like Cyclops' eye-ray but is blue like Oakfed's fire, or that of Broadblade Blue, the ghost from Snake Pipe Hollow, maybe the Blue Ghost from Skyppen's Mansion or the blue flash of fire from the altar there doing 4d6 points of CON damage?
  18. There are many noted persons in the Sartar Companion p.204 that are assisting with Temertain's rule of Sartar. Does anyone know if any of these individuals are with him before he becomes King? Also curious who of these may have been killed when Temertain was assassinated? There is little in the King of Sartar about this... any sources out there?
  19. Speaking of Waertagi, wasn't aware they were salvers but I am planning on possibly Sober Island housing a slave smuggling base, underground entered via some hidden grotto. This slave and goods smuggling operation supports some well-to-do families of Nochet. The premiss is that there is a Troll Slave Mine in the foothills of the Stromwalk Mountains and there are Troll slave pens in the ruins of Jisteel or Lylnet. If you think another island is more suitable or already has in your campaign this sort of base please let me know.
  20. So I recall a book, maybe it was in Sanctuary, where there was a pit in the tavern and things crawled out of it the people fought as part of the entertainment? I saw this pub plan drawing and it made me recall the story and or scenario. Maybe the Axe Hall Tavern serving Blood Beer has this hole to Hell and things come up out of it as part of the fun?
  21. So somewhere along the yellow might be an old swamp covered dragonewt temple... I might use something like the old scenario Dead Reckoning for ideas as its on the edge of the Marsh along the river... There one good picture of Dragon's Eye could be a good reference plus the old temples from Company of the Dragon that might also work. So we have references, possible location now all we need is this old "Sky Relic" which we'll need to think on..
  22. Does anyone know if there is an abandoned dragonewt temple in the Upland Marsh and if so where is it? There are some dragonewt runes at the north end of the Marsh but none that I see in the Marsh proper. There was a note in the Sartar Companion (Sartar Rumors p.85-88) that there was a powerful sky relic to be found there. Any guess as to what this powerful sky relic might be and if its related to a specific Hero Quest therein?
  23. I had to add that we were in Edinburgh last spring. We really enjoyed the Firth of Forth Bridge (was on my bucket list) the tidal flats make sense. I would imagine that the sorcerers are the landowners/nobles of God Forgot rather than being sponsored. Some of them are actually almost immortal are they not? With revenue from the land, its occupants they would decide what projects are funded or not rather than paying sponsors... or so it would seem.
  24. I suppose that is why sorcerers are not welcomed in most areas where deity worship is prevalent. When we played early RQ cults were much less defined and so seemed less ridgid. As YGWV its simple enough to massage whatever works for your campaign. When we were younger getting power was always the goal. Now it seems the process of obtaining the power is what is most enjoyable and has lasting game memories. As you mention, if the PC's want to follow the Stormwalker Life (and obtain any related powers) then they need to act accordingly, follow said guidelines... thanks.
  25. If you are referencing PC's? I don't understand why a temple would keep followers tucked away in the basement when they bring glory to their patrons by adventuring, doing mundane adventurer things why stay/keep them for weeks/seasons/years at a temple hidden away when you could continue bringing glory out in the world? I imagine the PC's would be awarded with benefits rather than be punished by being sent to the basement to study especially when they are paying money in tithing already. These things should be more freely given as blessings especially as the tithing increases? The extended temple stay makes me think of that old soap opera Days of Our Lives... the PC's days are like "sand in an hour glass..." Also we always thought "there is always another way" isn't about a violent or peaceful resolution its about another type of magic. Why not just find a mangus and have them teach you as most divine spells have replicants in sorcery or you could make it up? The PC would know the spell and would not have to go pray, whatever to use it again... I suppose all three types of magic are useful and were what drew my friends and I to this game to begin with... My apologies if I missed the point but MGF is not sitting in a cubical copying scrolls... but then again if you get a read/write ability gain roll at the end well...
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