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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Trade Talk #03 p.14 I see the GtG placing them: mainly in Galin, Estali, Helby, and Tiskos but since they worship both Ehilm, the Sun, and Galanin, the ancestor of horses, some must be near the Sun Dome and the open plains of the East Wilds, Delela... or so I was guessing.
  2. I suppose lizard headed women trying to rub oil on you might irk you but they initially aren't drawing weapons I am guessing? Why did they attack the lizard women? Maybe they had some run-in with slarges before?
  3. While the subject is fresh, our friend in southern Indiana ordered a queen bee for his new hive boxes a year or 2 ago. It seems like the hive(s) are prospering? How does one obtain a new queen bee to start their own giant bee hive? The bee hive is noted as bee-ing over 100' high but only 50-60 bees dwell in it? In Into Troll Realms its a 5,000 lunar fine if the queen is killed. Could arrangements be made for a queen bee to be purchased and if so what would the cost be, tripe or quadruple that? Where are there other giant bee hives in Genertela? Guessing there is more than one in and or around the Vale of Flowers? Do all of them have troll bee keepers or per this thread would not some of them be tended by elves? Has anyone messed around with a chaos tainted bee hive? Human or goat headed bees? Honey that give chaos gifts and taints you? Maybe the honey is actually sticky black chaos ichor?
  4. Anyone able to give rough boundaries as to where the Galanini are in the East Wilds? Its a large area but would be nice to have a better idea, maybe a city or landmark to place them? Would it be a larger area than in the light blue below? Do they frequent the Sun Dome north of Istakax?
  5. Never heard of such a thing.. makes sense, will read, thanks!
  6. Yesterday I was looking into a Praxian Reptile spirit, if lizards have something to do with pollination I'd like to know more if there is a source? It seems like a stretch to me but I'd like to know more? Of course it does, the elf Leaftop/Greenslave, p.24 Into Troll Realms, always puzzled me but possibly he's associated with this honeybee subcult. He tends the garden for the trolls at the Grubfarm and might even ride on the bees for fun and or when on missions for the trolls? No it doesn't sound right but why not... Who doesn't like a elf on a giant bee, right? Additionally why wouldn't he have some Gorakiki-bee magic about him? Surely animals exist in the elven forests but as there are no small animals per say at the Grubfarm, the trolls ate them all, Greenslave and potentially a few runners, pixies, etc. might have joined him there and assist with pollination, YGMV. This image haunts me from my childhood. Swap the whatever it is, mutant pygmy for an elf and the wasp for a bee?
  7. Adding this picture to try and draw more response/help with this topic. I imagine some acid on the guys arm... are there sources for reptilian spirit cults?
  8. So there is a scenario in Beyond Pavis p. 105 which deals with Oglod a reptilian spirit. I recall the fun from when we did Apple Lane and original Rainbow Mounds, the Slarges of Griffin Island, cliff toads, especially the one from River of Cradles. Speaking of reptiles there are the Bolo-Lizard Folk, a lady who rides a chariot with bolo lizards from Sandheart, the turtle in the Hollow, snakes galore, especially related to earth cults... Penliss of the Red Toad from Shadows on the Boarderlands, etc. The idea that the PC's could correct a wrong done to Oglod, the reptile spirit and gain a boon such as some benefit against poison, reptilian armor, chameleon abilities and or regeneration all sound intriguing. Has anyone dealt with this scenario and if so what powers/spells did Oglod potentially give the PC's assuming they restored its shrine?
  9. I saw that but its not an email that I an able to tell, I am IT incompetent. I was thinking (AT) should be @ and so will try it... fabian@the-kraken.de I very much would have liked to have gamed at the castle! Thanks again!
  10. I will for sure if the PDF is out there. Thank you once again Jaja.
  11. Not sure what that is but I'll try anything if I can get my hands on them. I have all the originals from when I was young, so I am set there... thank you Sir! Is Mr. Küchler on this site sometimes and or does anyone have a way to contact him? I have no social media and so am limited to this forum and email unfortunately... Seeing about purchase of copies if anyone has some they don't need, Tentacles 4-6... I cannot seem to locate any on line seeing a lot of "out of stock" of course. I did order my POD, City on the Edge, looking to have another old-fashion in my lounge chair when it arrives! Thank you all for the responses.
  12. How might one get a copy of Tentacles 4-6? I must have lost my way as I have the early ones...
  13. Really dark, we'll go with something lighter I am guessing. No, not so simple but would be part of a long term relationship, as you stated better with Gonn. What is the similarity of Gonn Orta's name with that of Genert?
  14. Much anticipation for this. On a similar note if we have a PC who is a daughter of a dryad in the Garden... are any of the dryads named? And if so where might we find details on them? Thank you Mr. Thomson for all the great Pavis stuff to date!
  15. After running the Cradle she is the PC's friend (can show her a recreate LM spell that shows her the devotion the PC's had to saving her life) and even use the ring from Balazar to create an even stronger bond of friendship, maybe they tell her that they want to bond her as a most dear friend before using the ring and explain what the ring does before bonding her if she agrees? If I am explaining correctly but it would like them closely. Added if the PC's are on the Quest to the Wounding of Arroin (they will be in the Backford Campaign) when Spinning wheel is brought back... somehow tie that into it all somehow...
  16. If discussed before 04/21 then I have no idea. Is there a link to the discussion?
  17. So the Staff of Harmony (see clip below) and Jokat Pulos' spirit are detailed in Shadows of Pavis. (see p.94) We are looking to convert them from Hero Quest to Rune Quest. It seems the staff has ritual augmentation similar to the orb and staff in Sun County as well as powers related to Pavis, Thandros and even Xian Artor. The spirit of Pulos has powers of darkness and the ability to possibly transform into a troll or something similar. Does anyone venture to guess stats for the staff and the spirit of Pulos for RQ?
  18. So we assume Gonn and his companion giants speak Trade Tongue. What other languages do they speak, Dark Tongue, Balazaring, Praxian? I assume trollkin don't speak anything but Dark Tongue so some of the giants also speak that or do a few smarter trollkin there speak Trade and act as boos/interpreter? Thinking on it, Gonn is really old and likely had a long time to learn languages especially when he travelled... or did he forget over the decades? On the same note say a giant in the Rubble or the Snake Pipe Hollow is speaking with broo, scorpionmen, etc. are they all using Chaospeech if there is such a thing? Does the Red Cow smith speak Theyalan or would they communicate in Trade as well?
  19. In the Shadows of Pavis supplement p.98 it mentions the local trollball team as the Loricek Clan's Trollbridge Boys and another team who are Dagori Inkarth specialists...
  20. We want it but then we'd be grave robbers.... but if the spirit of Retter calls to the PC's to strike a blow against the enemy while they are passing through then we er um... https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Trollbiter
  21. So in 1621 there is an Uz Swarm. Trolls in Guhan conduct a ceremony that has been held for generations and a huge caravan moves from Ralios to Dragon Pass. The Chain of Argan Argar aids this action. Is the Chain a physical item or is it a traders guild of sorts? Only when the troll insect caravans began moving did the Chain reveal itself. I imagine the Kitori would like to get involved... The Chain is supposedly in the darkest part of the ghetto in Tiskos wherein cloaked night visitors who are deemed Kajalki-friends and members of major guild frequent? What is going on there? When troll caravans visit there are rumors of a “chain gang” takeover run wild... and of Black Darts? TT 02 p.16 & GtG p.94, 379, 382.
  22. Going back to trade, there is some great stuff in the GtG p.469-470 with routes and import/export items per region.
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