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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. From the GTG King Rikard the Tiger-Hearted: This redoubtable adventurer, freebooter, and heretical Hrestoli exile from Tanisor... Noncanonical, TT05 .p15 it says he's the younger son of the count of Estaurenic and is accodmpaied by Montanmpein who isn't mentioned anywhere that I am able to find... Is there any other information on Rikard prior to his coming to the Heortland Plateau? We assume he speaks Seshnegi which is spoken in the Kingdom of Tanisor. His family would have been traditionally enemies of Seshnela and its noted that the Rokari rule Tanisor and Seshnela. The kings of Tanisor have titled themselves King of Seshnela since 1413 (GtG) how is Rikard related to any royal family and why was he exiled as the TT 05 says only that he got into hot water in Tiskos? Also, I thought he was betrayed by Mularik but the GTG rewrites the Trade Tak 05 history of Ricard's by saying that after being defeated by the Lunars, Wideread offered Rikard the kingship, but rather than accept Rikard destroyed his crown and went into hiding and no one knows where he is now? Lots of good stuff in Trade talk 05 on the Heortland Plateau but not canon... Would love to know more.
  2. The old posts are great for me but if its prefered to start a new post? I am thinking in 2.5 years I've likely only been through what, 5% of the posts... All of you have had so many great exchanges since 2007, roughly 15 years of posts will take a while, for me anyway. Have your campaigns involved the "actual" Pavis somehow interrelated to the more recent game time elves in the Garden?
  3. Maybe the masked messenger is actually Pavis himself, come back for one last fling and when he sees the "Redwood Dryad" they get together and have a child... that's how we see our female, half elven, actual daughter of Pavis coming into being but she doesn't know it until much later who dad really is... we have her being born in 1585 and no one knows dad was Pavis besides the Redwood Dryad and she's not telling anyone.
  4. Sorry, pre lunar detail, you mentioned Vol 03 goes into detail on the Dorasings, I suspect they could be representational as pre lunar... Thanks!
  5. Nice articles but unless I dreamed it, not likely, it was in an old zine or something like Plunder. Driving me nutz not being able to find it.
  6. Funny but who's to say that the original roach clip for giants, who do like to smoke a bit now and then, was made of a duck's bill with teeth?
  7. Maybe when its POD... Does Vol 03 go into per Lunar detail? Do tell!
  8. It's not Friday but this was interesting. Is Quack John smoking home grown or is it a Cheech and Chong hazia stogie? From TT 03.
  9. Was reading about Waha's Tools, Waha's Cutter recently, made a note and now cannot find where... Anyone know a source? Thank you!
  10. I suppose it could be a follow up to the Company of the Dragon and Seven Tailed Wolf... cleaning the mess wrought by the Lunars.
  11. Easy enough to make modifications to that scenario. We've decided to keep Bullpen, trying to figure out a way to kill the Biyatch... maybe a dragon will come and burn her two-tailed carcass to cinders?! That would be 20 or more years into the campaign so there is some time to figure it out. If the PC's could figure out how to kill a few of the opposing queens before being eaten by 2-barb... she'd not be as powerful.
  12. All those beautiful creatures could be in Stone Wood, should be there, have a right to be in Stone Wood. Birds with stone skins, that can still fly... will need to work on that but like the idea... But if they fly... then we'd have chaos tainted flying dinos... what fun. Though grop dinos with skeleton dino heads might be interesting as well. Lots of options here.
  13. Why doesn't go get Trollbiter, it's right there. Who'd argue that Retter didn't come to him in a dream... Then he could do things right? So the Sun Dome Temple helped against the trolls just like the Emali in Sartar. Located near the border with Karia, it served Retter against the trolls. Conveniently there are some Yelorna-worshiping unicorn riders there as well who are also associated with the temple.
  14. So we just need to figure out where to get the queen bee for the new hive and have some elves versus trolls help any gardening/forestry efforts. Still hoping someone somewhere has the old Wasp's Nest scenario?
  15. One of these days I'll actually read the whole thing! These could be in or near Stonewood, Petrified Forest and or the Foulblood Forest with interesting twists on size, chaos taint, etc. Good scenario stuff out of quasi Jurassic Park? Thank you yet again.
  16. From Book 01: Sables Barracks: A troop of 100 Sable Riders is maintained as a border garrison to discourage nomad raiders and make a show of Lunar military authority. Before the Lunars were in Garhound who would have discouraged nomad raids in general or is the garrison there to discourage attacks by the losers of Moonbroth along the trade routes? We are looking to be in Garhound say 1600-1608 or so... Would it simple be a town militia and assume that the local nomads were more or less friendly coming to town to trade rather than raid?
  17. Maybe Lodri as a troll blacksmith slave... and of course Inginew Redson who most of us will still use (YGWV).
  18. So northern bound caravans would bring them. I envision Red Eye's kin similar to the Kuro-buta in Japan, black pig which is especially good as a breaded cutlet, bulldog sauce with shredded cabbage.
  19. They do speak a dialect of Theylayan from what I read... and are mostly Orlanthi in the Eastern Wilds?
  20. Tusker wrapped figs... they serve them at the Tin Inn. Where do they get the figs, Prax for sure but where in the Heortland?
  21. I think with the scenario, its being eaten is in progress!? sounds appropriate, called “titanothere,” its name means “thunder beast,” referring to how a traveling herd of massive brontotheres may have sounded long ago, thundering through ancient environments... perfect...
  22. We just didn't want it to be so much out of place. IIRC and now that you mention it there were some notes regarding dinosaurs as potential encounters near the Ruins on the Stream. I see the dinosaur lair mark on the game map, not far from the where Greyrock is on the Northern Sartar map. I keep forgetting look at all the sources before posting... Thank you.
  23. Are there any references to dinosaurs being on or near the Heortland Plateau? Are dinosaurs somewhat common almost anywhere in Dragon Pass? Was thinking the Flying Trollkin scenario from Into Troll Realms could be somewhere on the borders of Troll Woods? Maybe the woods on the eastern shore of Zatern Lake?
  24. It seems so, should have read everything... Interesting if he might be Arkat, not likely but that he simply wishes to be famous.. If he were Arkat maybe he'd have been born as a mistress race troll? GtG p.382 Kimiv, Duke of Naskorion: Kimiv is one of three people attempting to revive Arkat’s ancient empire. He has been successful in seeking alliance with the trolls of Halikiv, and recently financed the construction of Zorakarkat, a temple-fort dedicated to the Chaos-killer. The Duke is a member of the Argan Argar Chain and it would seem he arranges their passage between Halikiv and Guhan. Also wondering would your typical Stygian want to kill Aeolians or would they be more neutral towards them?
  25. Getting close to scorpionmen with the stinger and broo with the development inside a fig... in my mind, might be chaotic? Or, rogue trollkin use humanoid hosts to grow larva to make an army of giant fig wasps, they must know the trollkin of the Munchrooms!? Like flying trollkin in the Into Troll Realms p.38 it already has the larva, maybe they already burst from the unfortunate hosts?
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