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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. The Telmori stole the Sanchali’s sacred regalia and afterwards the tribe was no more. (Coming Storm p.56) Anyone know or wish to guess the items of the Sanchali regalia? Also has anyone set up a waren of sorts for the Telmori somewhere, I felt like something similar to the old D&D Keep on the Borderlands - Caves of Chaos would be interesting/nostalgic, a sheltered valley with numerous interconnecting caves and tunnels... Curious do the Telmori being in such proximity not skirmish frequently with Sazdorf trolls and trollkin or is there some sort of truce between them?
  2. Keep going back to the one sage apprentice article where he goes to Stone Wood and sees trolls pulling the legs off a scorpionman, they seal the wounds then, taking the white fluffy meat from the tail and abdomen and dipping it into butter... love that one.
  3. So if Londra is being threatened with legal action regarding her keeping Urrrggh the Ugly's share of the temple's treasure when disbanded it must be a sizable amount. Who wants to take a guess? Would it be close to 50k Lunars, more? Also, Urrrggh's horse seems to have been quite an animal, maybe smarter than he was? Should we assume a massive warhorse at the upper end of the larger breads? What was Urrrggh's Charisma stat? 4-5? Lower?
  4. I suppose to do this at the actual Sun Wheel Ruins would be able to date them closer to the actual structure rather than stone from some distant mountain. I hope the PC's will enroll this fall!? Likely in Nochet... If they pass their coursework in Nochet maybe they could avoid this drain-bremage from occurring. Will have to review all the Dancer sources again to figure out possible stages for a Sun Wheel Hero Quest... Thank you again.
  5. Likely this question should be somewhere else but what happens to Ironbreaker after Oddi uses it the last time? Is there more beyond the storyline in the Cult Compendium?
  6. I am looking to have the PC's develop several Hero Quests as a multipart saga. They find clues about the Gold Wheel Dancers, go there to explore and to to study via spells and Hero Quests. There would need to be several chapters in this book of Hero Quests to get to the detail desired. It's almost like the plot would drive itself as the PC's develop what they wish to discover at Sun Wheel but it gives me an uneasy feeling as it leaves things unplanned. The Agimori PC's we have would ultimately love to get some powers related to fire - Gold wheel Dancer powers of sort but I'll have to go back through everything written and take notes as to what those might be based on specific Dancers and their abilities. Unintentional is better for me, similar to the 01 being rolled by Mr. Kaufer's character Urrrggh the Ugly. Its like a defining moment in the game... I am sure Mr. Stafford winged a whole bunch of stuff as it made for more game fun. I am only a 1/3 of the way through Secrets of Heroquesting but its helping a whole bunch in my getting more comfortable with outlining Hero Quests. Thank you again Soltakss.
  7. Why not just use LM spells on the top portion of a ziggurat to learn its past and so know the location? The same with the history of the ruins of any location (Sun Wheel Ruins) a LM Sage could go there and start looking into the past of a place via spells and know... Knowledge: allows user to read the past history of an item.If the item has a long history, the spell starts at the beginning unless the user dictates a particular time at which to start. In this case they could dictate the history of the top of the ziggurat from just before the glacier came or something like that? The same could be applied to know more of the Sun Wheel Dancers (or anything for that matter) before their city was sacked. With the proximity to the river Elempur doesn't seem to be anywhere near Sun Wheel Ruins? Sun Wheel was destroyed by Orlanthi IIRC but who destroyed Sun Wheel? Beastmen or even Chaos? Also maybe the 8 spokes have something to do with Buserian's Frame?
  8. Didn't think so either. We have lot's of "seats of power", the Dwarves, the Undead swamp guy, the dragonewts, the Sun Domers, etc. in Dragon Pass not trying to take over but to maintain their independence rather. Recalling he attacks the lunars as soon as his agreed alliance time has passed IIRC, didn't he along with the Horse Queen sack a Lunar city? name and date I do not recall.
  9. Seems like some power to have this place? The Black Horses, the Doom Hound...
  10. So he represents a bastion of Dark Progressiveness in a land of Prudish Conservativism? Evidently the place is a seat of power until the White Bear shows up?
  11. This is what we need! Maybe not burn away but maybe enhance the GWD part?
  12. So reading Mr. Phipp's Secrets of Hero Questing I am inspired to further develop a Hero Quest(s) related to the Sun Wheel Dancers and the Sun Wheel Ruins. It would likely first involve an Exploratory Hero Quest going back to the Sun Wheel - what is the name of the city before it was sacked? Was it Elempur or something else? Do the Sixfold Wheel Rune or the Eightfold Wheel Rune have to do with the Sun Wheel Ruins? How would the Exploratory Hero Quest be developed to know the who, what, where, when, why and how of the Sun Wheel Dancers and the ruins? Would a mirror showing what something was like in the Storm Age show the SunWheel Ruins prior to its demise or did the Sun Wheel establishment not exist yet in the Storm Age? I think it was at the hands of the Orlanthi but not recalling details of it being sacked? Did the Sun Wheel Dancers come with Yelm from he returned from Hell? What are their origins, how did they come to be and where, was Yelm their father? With a PC Sage being at the Sun Wheel Ruins with a whole bunch of Knowledge and Reconstruction spells, better yet a portable Lhankor Mhy shrine the history of the Sun Wheel Dancers could be deciphered. Why were they there, what were they doing? Possibly with spells and an exploratory hero quest or several hero quests the PC's could find and reunite the Dancer's spirits with their bodies? Maybe initially develop a list of the Sun Wheel Dancers and possibly what may have happened to them. The Golden Bow that was a Dancer and where it is now. It would be epic to have the Sun Wheel Dancer sentient Golden Bow with inherent fire powers? Just curious does anyone know what the 10 spokes of the golden wheel represent?
  13. I see your point but if they don't normally attack the Grazers why would they care so much? Plus the Grazers would have to worry about the hound... a lot of loss just to eliminate the demonic horses that really don't attack you very much? I suppose if there is a history of trouble like the trolls/Kitori and the Sun Domers then I'd agree. Actually I don't know much about the Black Horse County - Grazer long term relations... what is the best source? Thanks again Jaja.
  14. was being funny, like Pillsbury Doughboy pooping croissants...
  15. Oh, I do like the vampiric.. but this is really good as well.
  16. Sorry, Company of the Dragon. The horses are not nearly as tough as I thought they'd be... but a 4d6 claw is pretty good. I should start looking with word search in the PDF... Thanks!
  17. Not in the index... the book shows max size of 30, the illustration is nearly double that. Maybe it's a Gobbler construct gone bad!? I assume it leaves deposits of metal ingots in its wake...
  18. Anyone venture to guess on stats of a Gobbler? The one illustrated seems like its about 50' high? Also when it eats metals what happens to them, does it poop and if so would they be metal ingots?
  19. Very funny, sounds like the the political-social-economic stratification of the US but then again if you bend the rules you aren't really breaking them or should I say make? Interesting how much Glorantha seems to parallel real world in many ways.
  20. Since we are discussing eating chaos... always loved this: Anyone foolish or depraved enough to eat the egg becomes tainted by Chaos and gains 1d6 chaotic features. Sorry, a basilisk egg, a really old one, from Sun County.
  21. I don't disagree, just read/misread it somewhere, maybe it was in an older Hero Quest book? Sorry to have been sidetracked. Assuming the Black Horses are not chaotic and if not would they become so if they eat broo or walktapus, as an example or would the fact that they are demonic prevent them from being chaotic? I get it that the chunk of walktapus might register as chaotic no matter if they were or not? To that point is their spirit chaotic, would it become so because they ate something physically tinted with chaos? On another note, I assume as they are demons they really don't need to eat but that they have an insatiable hunger for flesh as noted in CotD on p.151.
  22. Not actually eating but the act then? I am sure I was reading that you become tainted by doing chaotic things like eating human flesh. The related item to this thread for me was why not feed the Black Horses broo and other chaos tainted beings since they are demonic and would not become tainted? But wait, there are chaos demons? This is where I get hung up.
  23. I looked at it in PDF several times assuming it was closer to Sazdorf, should have printed it! Thanks again.
  24. Anyone able to point out where is Black Glass Ruins are located in Red Cow lands?
  25. So eating chaos meat wouldn't tain you but eating human flesh would turn you into an ogre? Not disagreeing just curious...
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