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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Irrigation canals. Zola Fel loves to extend her influence into the Sun Dome lands... nurture if you will. What are known examples of dikes, aquifers and dams that are known in Glorantha?
  2. I like the idea that the Ernaldans are dealing with the elves and once the profits start rolling in the Count reconsiders and then even doubles down. Thanks!
  3. hellish protections of wizards made me think of damage resist of a high magnitude say 20 or so whereas an adamantium spear would ignore that.. but a spear that spews acid could be useful in many ways as well? It said it absorbed wizard's spells but the camouflage idea is intriguing... Thanks!
  4. Exactly why they get assistance from the elves of the Garden...
  5. But much more bigger... said like Capt. Jack Sparrow.. much more better
  6. Does anyone have suggestions as to details on the shield and spear?
  7. See MOB's scenario: http://rpgreview.net/mob/thegettingofwisdom.htm I have linked this with Bluebird, accused of having stolen documents, Valka Runewolf is his companion against culprit Halcyon var Enkorth. Some info in Griffin Mountain. Also some info here:
  8. So we have a few Gold Wheel Dancers that are known or know of: 01 Florencia Sillinhalia 02 Speaking Wheel 03 Pinchining - Spinning Wheel 04 Another would be with Isidilian 05 Wheel of Wheels 06 Sounder on the Skyship Vithela... TotRM Issue 17 - maybe another there in the East? Eric Rowe also mentioned to me that the Golden Key (previously a Dancer) may hold or held a secret regarding the Faceless Stone statue. Golden Lance (to bring light into the darkness) Golden Axe (for tress) and as Golden Wheel Dancers speak fire speech and are associated with light and fire maybe they are not so welcome in the forest? golden hoe (to aid in turning the earth) Golden Sword - Cutting Wheel - maybe Humakt's golden sword (I like this of course) Golden Pot - maybe it was Beat Pot's pot Golden Chalice (to aid in healing) https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/GloranthaDigest/vol01/0543.html
  9. So without a gold wheel dancer you can't send a cradle down the river? Speaking Wheel was transformed to be part of the bright god and unless someone rolls a crit on a gold wheel coin that they worship Speaking Wheel would not become animated again... and even then one of the other inanimate Gold Wheel Dancers may be reanimated in lieu of Speaking Wheel. I think we tracked about 10 of them through another thread...
  10. He may not be a Hero Quester super bowl ring wearer? Additionally why bring back someone who usurp his own power... unless Ralzakark actually is Nysalor or part of him is and is looking for other pieces, slowly pulling himself back together over time...
  11. Hey, the gold one is painted gold?! Is it counterfeit?
  12. Not sure, I wouldn't but someone wants Ralzakark to create a New Empire of Light...
  13. Gonn Orta is sitting on Nysalors tongue. You need him to stand up to get at Speaking Wheel. I don't think he stands up until X happens...
  14. Lol, the rollers on dwarvish elevator cab doors are always wearing out. Related to the dwarves, they killed proud Renvald. He carried the Blue Sky Shield which likely had some absorption ability as it blocked evil spells but calling it the sky shield makes me think it had air elemental binding enchantments and or maybe lightening abilities? Any one venture to guess? He also wielded the Green Water Spear that cut through their hellish protections. Curious if that would be like the adamantium spike which ignores magic and prevents those touched by it from using magic for a short duration?
  15. Heotland, Nochet, Holy Country, can't wait!
  16. I understood the tunnels stopped short of the Clanking City and the dwarves came out and crossed the sand bar, not sure where this was written? Did the dwarves link the Clanking City with tunnels after it was destroyed? Would dwarves not set wardings on their tunnel systems with "intruder alert" reverberating through them when breached or even a very early proximity warning when some crab-like bug or darkspawn creacher came within say 50m of a tunnel? Unless the heal themselves and regenerate and so there would be an epiphany of sorts, the dwarves need the eleves to make all parts of the World Machine organic and alive, that's the real goal, constant regeneration of worn parts, self healing... I like this. Not sure how it relates to the 10k dwarves, possibly the management of the Clanking ruins was putrefying the world and so the dwarves needed to intervene. Maybe the elves could do some good by covering the Clanking City with growth and so it ends up like Babylon in ruin but with lush greenery? The real reason I was rereading this was that I am curious why the 10k dwarves killed Renvald? He was burned and so there is no burial mound... sad for such a hero to have been wiped away with the wind or is that the way its is supposed to be? Do we know who which dwarf/dwarves shot him with a bolt pistol?
  17. I am ready to purchase your Nochet book Jaja, as long as its got a POD availability! When to preorder?
  18. Yes, same size as say a Morgan silver dollar roughly but worth a good bit more. I assumed gold wheels to be like a 1900's Liberty $20 piece? Is that too big and a wheel would be like a $5 or $10 gold coin?
  19. Walk the streets of Seville and you'll see many examples of column sections set in building walls. It seems they are accentuated rather than plastard over. The Great Wheel House was likely made of huge cyclopean stone sections not the small mortal examples here. Curious what the size of the Wheel House might have been. So many of the gods and giants were discussed as being very large and so their stone milling disk could have been 300' in diameter? I am thinking I like the idea of it being part of some enormous subterranean cavern, the cavern is the wheel house? Who knows, possibly its flooded and is now the lair of some hydra or worse? I go back to natural caverns under Nochet, deep down, deep...?
  20. They went square in lieu of round... they look nice so the gold wheel is about the size of a $10 gold piece I assume rather then a $20?
  21. But they end up with wooded land where there is none with the promise of expansion. Its a beautiful agreement, Food Song and all that. They whole point of making the trees allows the Sun Dome County to not be dependant on floods and ridiculous cockamamie ventures to the headwaters in the Rockwood Mountains! Progress is where it's at in Sun County in 1600. That's why it's a Hero Quest... Later when Vega is count and there is an anti-count the elves will need to take sides for sure and so I tend to think the elves would side with the lady as she doesn't breathe fire nor does she have a pet dragon following her around... just sayin.
  22. For sure! Besides Griffin Mountain where is there more on the Mith's root, It's possible that a more prosperous/enhanced trade link will be established between New Pavis, The Pavis Garden and Sun Dome. Likely the location would be the steeps east of Helmbold but if the area between the rivers (red arrow) isn't being used extensively, hard to say where the farming is concentrated along the rivers? Again the only reason Count Varthanis II is interested is the promise of more tax revenue, increased food production and a bit of long range missile fire enhancement. Anyone ideas on the Gloranthian equivalent of to taxus baccata for creating non-elvish long bows? We'll see where it goes, could like it to Treetop Mountains, back to Eston at the Dawn maybe and get a seed for the new tree? Maybe southern Sun County near Helmbold would be good with water on two sides? The river trade would flourish more as well between Helmbold, From Elf Bow Hero Quest thread: Maybe the Treetop Mountains (possibly the red arrow in clip below) are only visible from the top of Griffin Mountain far to the south somehow? The Eston Forest Great Tree is visible as well but (if its not really there in say 1605) its a specter, visible when looking from the top of Griffin Mountain? Will look for any info on Shanassee as well. Not sure where Vivamort’s Castle is but I like the ideas! Hero Quest for the pollen up a trail given by the elves of the Eston Forest which may be found and then utilized to fertilize the growth/rebirth of the elf bow... The journey up beyond the tree line and into the mist on the Treetop Mountains (maybe a trail up the mountain where the red arrow is) takes one to the other side and is where the pollen is found? The Bilini River runs through the High Woods which would have been Eston Forest? Does it pass the Eston Great Tree? Eston: This forest was part of the Council of All Races of the Elder Wilds.
  23. Reading through Black Spear and seeing how green the map on p.70 looked I recalled Prax in general not being lush and green... Prax has limited timber. The Harpoon gun had only three bolts or something like that? The Zola Fel could provide irrigation for a tree farm and citrus crop (much more so than simple Sun County fertility field stones) if the correct fertility rituals are guided and the plantings are tended by the Aldryami and not interfered with by the trolls of the Rubble or nomads... Let's say it's 1600 and we find a small group of elves from the Garden that get along well with the Sun Domers in Pavis. They have an advocate in Sun County, a trader (maybe Clubfoot but not sure how old he would be, maybe his dad?) who has convinced Count Varthanis II that a well managed tree farm irrigated by Zola Fel and tended by Aldryami would thrive if left unmolested... if not citrius then enhanced, figs, dates, olives and grapes even? Those elves can make anything grow. Not only would the timber and produce be a nice augmentation to the Sun Dome economy (I found MOB's post on wheels being hole punched while looking for Clubfoot) but would also give a few elven archers (initiates of Yelmalio) to assist with training some much needed range support to the templars and militia units. There was a good bit about fertility and seeds in Six Seasons and so maybe along those lines a hero quest to bestow blessings on an area of Sun Dome lands for an elven grove/woods with surrounding vineyards maybe. Is there a Glorantian equivalent to taxus baccata for creating non elvish long bows that the elves could help growth and harvesting for? Where could the seeds/saplings for these be found? Was Flamal a tall tree which may have been the "botanical cognate" of the Spike with leaves and bark? Would creating a new grove be similar but opposite to blackthorn trees being planted near the Marsh? Where would they get the seed(s) to create the Sun Domer Division of Forestry and Archery? Assuming the Aldryami would go into the arrangement knowing a certain percentage of the tree crop would be harvested but the woods would be permitted to slowly expand. Where would the idea spot, spots be for said groves? Obviously flat land where irrigatable farming could be done would be less suitable and so I am thinking the eroded slopes leading up to the 1000' bluffs would be good local for trees/groves/woods... Any thoughts and thank you.
  24. Curious if the eastern regions of Glorantha use hole punch coins as in some instances, real Earth had? As an example the 5 and 50 yen coin still have a hole in them. I assume the miss-struck coins or rare mintings would only gain value some time later. What would the oldest existent gold wheels be? What year would they have been cast, molded, whaterever?
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