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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Because I am glad the WoD says that chariots were supplanted in the Holy Country. Clans supported heavy chariot cavalry (that were eventually supplanted by heavy horse cavalry once large enough horses could be reliably obtained from the Grazelands. Curious why they didn't start breading their own? I assume they did once numbers were up. Do we assume most Heortland Plateau city bread some horses? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/holy-country-notes-with-maps/ Canon or not I like it...
  2. Maybe there should be a Vadeli Contraband competition like the old Plunder Competition? GtG p.528 The Vadeli sell more than goods and slaves to any who pays the price; they also sell secrets, long-forgotten or forbidden spells, and even copies of dwarven devices stolen by Vadeli. There are a lot of plot hooks here. Dwarves hire PC's to recover secrets, fire arms, cannons, even dwarves? The crazy dwarf from Broken Tree Inn comes to mind, go get him and bring him back or terminate him... no not the same dwarf but one who was taken. Dwarven concrete/stone/whatever ships come to port and are searching for something. What do they want and why? TotRM 10 p.18 There is a naval skirmish between Vadeli and Dwarven ships. All sink and the PC's on their humble little trade vessel are ready to jump in an "salvage" but some aquatic race is there first or some dwarves and Vadeli has skin of life and are repairing their vessels underwater? The dwarves have frog helmets? The dwarves have turtle ships that actually are submersible and can surface under other vessels There is a hidden dwarven submarine base on say the island of Lukae and the Vadeli find it but its guarded by Jolanti who guard the entrance as well. Curious where the nearest dwarven submarine base is similar to U-Boats in WW2 is located? Is the a water tunnel to get their ships from their fortress to the island interior like in Vis, Croatia? Vadeli, Wolf Pirate and Dwarven ships have a 3-way water bone brawl who wins? Is there a dwarven equivalent to Fort Drum in some harbor with big guns? Were these plans stolen by the Vadeli? Is the fort connected to a dwarven stronghold under water, underground? Do dragon ships attack the dwarven fort or submarine base? Do the dwarves have 62 or more warships? (look close at USS NJ in background) How is Leonardo involved with all this? Why do the dwarves want to be a seapower anyway if at all besides those on Curustus? Curustus seems far away to be coming to Wenelia but who knows what reason might draw them via ship there?
  3. I'll look at it thanks again!
  4. Is there a best source to look at the Vadeli, likely I'll look at the GtG, all the old zines, etc. fandom and the well of daliath... assuming the taste of the Vadeli is out there in print?
  5. That's good, these guys from far away taking a fair number of slaves, driving up the costs and they are even likely the ones behind the recent uptick in coastal raiding, entire steads are disappearing with little but suggestive guessing as to what happened to them... this is per Wolf Pirates so it works for us. Thanks!
  6. I was searching for something like Pimper's block in Wenelia. If there isn't or its relatively local then so be it. Thought down the river to Fay Jee, as it was a trade center? That was my point with Fay Jee, I am guessing its no more than 500 miles tp Nochet from Fay Jee whereas the Atlantic say west coast Africa to Florida is about 4,500 miles. (Strange enough google says Maine is closer to Africa than Florida, never thought of that... makes sense with sphere shape, etc.) Better 500 miles by boat than 400 by land, faster and more cost effective? I felt the same on this as well. I do like this and it fits with what we are looking to do. Coastal raiders take captives and sell them at Fay Jee or , they earn their freedom as an indentured serf or something like that. Thanks again.
  7. GtG: As a member of the Full Moon Corps, her helmet is gilded and ornate, crested and decorated with feathers, with a silver faceplate modeled on her own face, but tusked and grimacing ferociously. I thought they were demigods living on the moon, thus being called moonies? She looks like a normal human besides the mask? Also: wears a gilded bronze muscle cuirass depicting an anthropomorphized Red Moon - it might be but I don't see it... the Full Moon Corps would have iron no?
  8. I agree with that but in 1600 the opening of the seas had allowed water borne trade (slaves as part of this) to flourish and avoid the tribute/tariffs/whatever to the barbarians. Not until a bit later did the pirates become dangerous enough to walk the trade route again? I was guessing the Manirian Road had seen its zenith by 1590 as sea trade increased, until the Wolf Pirates forced them inland again... The GtG was saying the slaves were being sent to the Holy Country and the Lunar Empire, was guessing it would have been by ship (1590-1610 is our window) and thus some ports would have prospered once again that is until the pirates' resurgence. With Greymane's First Raid against Esrolia occuring in 1614 per the Wiki, I am gaming that from about 1590-1610 sea trade is at its high tide. (great pun no) Again was trying to tie, Huts of Darkness, Blood Over Gold and maybe even some fun with the Baron into a few trading ventures along the coast. Appreciate the discussion and input as always Sirs!
  9. Ah, thanks, I didn't notice when I skimmed. On another note if the sword is Ironbreaker is it made from something stronger than iron? And if so which Dwarves crafted it. I suppose any of the ancient/old Mostali might have crafted it or it was crafted under their guidance?
  10. I did read that but am curious is Fay Jee a slaver's port or is there another location like Pimper's Block in Wenelia? Also are the up river slaves mainly going east from Fay Jee if that is the case. It could be that Peelo is that city? It seems a little more reclusive and so possibly more sleazy... or then again both of them could have a slave market of sorts?
  11. So reading in some other threads posted on trade and of course continue reading the GtG. I found The Manirian Road write up which helps a lot. The GtG states: Caravans of mules transport iron, teas, kafl leaf, hazia, slaves, textiles, fine glassware, and other luxuries produced in Seshnela and Ralios. Where would the largest number of slaves be taken from and what might their destination be? Is there a Wenelian equivalent to say Pimper's block? Would there be any slave trade to Wenelia or is it mostly east bound heading to the Holy Country and the Lunar Empire?
  12. Thank you Mr. Scott. I'll see someone else in my family has Twitter... I have been committed to not Twitter, do Face Book, whatever (I don't have social media besides Linkedin which I stopped accepting invites years ago as it reached 500, who speaks regularly with 500 plus people anyway, just not into social networking... I am getting old.) nor will I use Uber or go to Walmart or Home Depot on account of societal depredation... I feel they all parallel to, dare I say, modern Lunarism!? (no I don't have proof, its just a feeling) I can't seem to keep my passwords straight for all the things I have the way it is... I suppose its like keeping all the Hero Quest paths and stations in your head? best when written down... (Feel like that should be another thread?!) If anyone would be kind enough to maybe pass me Mr. Milner's email, if that isn't out of line on this forum it'd be appreciated, likely mine would go to junk mail... but I'll remain positive! Either way thanks everyone.
  13. I didn't hear/see anything on Into the Wasps Nest does anyone have any other suggestions? Was it published somewhere/in a fanzine or something I might pick up? Thanks again all!
  14. I was thinking possibly there are two Ironbreakers like the Red Sword but it doesn't seem to fit. I like how Davecake explained the Unbreakable Sword existing in Arkat's hand but also still in Humakt's. Likely the same happened with Toldat's Red Sword? Sorry I don't know how to quote from another thread... only link. I like old school, lots of things were known to be bad for your health back in the late 80's and early 90's. Especially Dorastor. It does seem that the GtG and DLoD are both showing the same history, unless I misunderstood? From the GtG: year 147 Kulebras traveled to Thunder Mountain and returned with the sword Ironbreaker, as a sign of Orlanth’s favor. So Kulebras gets the sword. This seems to be the same as DLoD p.6?
  15. Interesting for Jon Mith as his caravan would only be able to pass that way once a year, non canon of course... and on this map its of course named after the Temple of the Wooden Sword hero Bagtrap. Maybe that person was quitting the campaign and or they were an NPC and they decided to kill them off, being fed to a dragon and all? Per Mr. Jarosch's tread it wasn't discovered in his inquiries who ran Bagtrap or Redbird? I think if they could get a on line interview going of the persons who ran characters in mr. Stafford's original sessions as part of a Rune Quest Con panel it'd be really cool. Maybe publish the noted as part of a revived Con-Compendium of sorts?
  16. From RQA06: Worms High Pass is snowed in year round except for Fire Season, which requires good timing or the willingness to camp in the wilderness for an extended period of time.
  17. Love the idea but we have never gotten to 1630 (to get the sword) or even 1625 for that matter in our campaigns! To be honest over the last year or so there have been mentions of so many cool weapons to integrate into campaigns that we'd need about 100 high level PC's to put a dent in possessing them, well maybe a few score anyway if not 100.
  18. I have 100+ of the Osprey books... good stuff. Evil Romans... I mean evil Lunars! and this one, Angus McBride is the bomb. The Moonies (I think they were called that somewhere?) were surely based on the Persian style? Forgot to add these! Not Mr. McBride but somewhat relevant, Persian-ish and the Immortals?
  19. If you look at the quest on p.21 of TotRm 10 All at sea, ashore! there is a related theme... with Waetagi but Lunars don't want anything to do with it? Relate to the Sun Wheel Ruins, the foundations or remnants of them are still there or so I assume and spells cast on them may allow insight as to who plundered and where any parts of Sun Wheel were taken, including its inhabitants. Of course this would be like an arkeological dig done with Lhankor Mhy spells and maybe a sanctified book/tome to recharge divine spells? This has a lot of good plot links to it, thanks once again all. On another note, are you able to store LM reconstruction videos in truestone?! I suspect the Glorantan equivalents to our USB's are truestone shaped like little figurines carved by Mostali. The dust is used on their grinding and polishing equipment that never wears out.
  20. I was reading on the wiki: https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Full_Moon_Corps Full Moon Corps - part of which is the feared regiment of demigods from the Red Moon the Imperial Guard of the Lunar Empire. The only uniform is a silver mask which starts expressionless but changes to reflect the wearer's personality. Is the character at the center left and the two with the print at the bottom supposed to be members of the Full Moon Corps/Imperial Guard (it looks like they have some armor but it all looks pretty cool) and would the horseman be the Red Emperor Ignifer? Since 1994 I had not really looked at the cover... Bat pauldrons, and why does the commander/officer seemingly have a goat head on his shield?
  21. So its noted in the GtG that Belintar secretly supports the Kingdom of Sartar against the Lunar invasion. 1591 (7/20): Kingdom of Sartar (Dragon Pass) invaded by Lunar Empire. Belintar the God-King secretly supports the Kingdom against the Lunar invasion. How does he support, does he send troops? Maybe there are some Heortlanders at the Battle of Grizzly Peak as well or some sort of expeditionary force sent north by Belintar to help garrison the borders of northern Sartar? Does anyone know more on this? I see Grazers, Tarsh Exiles, etc. in WBRM but there isn't anything on Heortlanders... Thanks!
  22. Nice bit of trivia. Also wondering if our PC's have had clashes with Telmori in the past and they now are allies with Telmori allies like Starbrow, how does it pan out in everyone's campaigns or has it not been an issue? We have a bearwalker who is like a Storm Bull with chaos when he sees Telmori due to issues with them having killed members of his family. I suppose it's going to need to be roleplayed... passion hate Telmori 80% or something like that, hates Lunars almost as much... the Seven Tailed Wolf, if we ever get to that point will be interesting... It might even be that the PC's play double agents so to speak, fight for the side that is winning and then turn on the victors? What carnage shall be wrought. Oh, another one, can lycanthropy be passed on in Glorantha via a bite or a claw wound given while in bear form, or via an exchange of blood? I have not seem this being discussed, of course that is if they Wolfrunner doesn't kill and eat them, the victim escapes. If so would a cure chaos wound resolve the issue? Additionally has anyone gamed that there is a hybrid state between say human and animal form where weapons, spells, etc. could be used? Recall Mr. Platewalker from Dorastor Land of Doom p. 77-78 Note that Mr. Platewalker happened to have been a Bearwalker in the past but is now a dinosaur. I suppose Dorastor will do that to you. If no one likes the idea of Mr. Platewalker how about giving a lycanthropes Hero Quest powers allowing them to wield weapons in their campaigns while in a hybrid form? Would there be a minimum INT required? I realize YGWV but I was hoping others had some thoughts on this? The following pictures made me think of it. Please forgive the werebear/bearwalker entry to this post, substitute werewolf or Telmori as needed/desired for the same/similar questions.
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