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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Curious as to where anyone has placed an entrance to Jevdur in their Glorantha? MLD p.34 notes there is an entrance to Jevdur in one of the ruins in Dragon Pass... surely the high level Lhankor Mhy officials know where its is located or do possibly the PC's stumble upon it somehow without even truly knowing until they go and research it. Possibly its hidden until it wishes to be found by those it deems worthy? Thoughts and thank you all.
  2. Please let us know when its reached POD status, I am waiting to read in in book format! Really I almost took it to the printer over the weekend.
  3. We were thinking the coastal trade would actually be invigorated as local wares no longer need to go to Nochet to go west over the land route... Where would we see the estimated change in the size of Nochet from say 1580 in 10 year increments? That we didn't think on, possibly Nochet would absorb most of the locale surplus trade goods just do to its size increase.
  4. Not a fan at all, we don't have them in our Glorantha, might as well have Feldici flying machines and what not like the old cartoon, the Jetsons. No Sir, not in a bronze age setting!? Or not. The Opening would have done just that, opened more distant markets, locally diminished maybe but for sure more demand further out from the Mirrorsea Bay. (or so we are thinking). After the opening, the ships would in lieu of taking everything to Notchet and then to an overland route, would simply be an additional stop on the way out of the Bay. Goods a cheaper by not being taken to Notchet with increased handling and transport. Either way it'll work increase/decrease but no on the fish roads, at least for us.
  5. I assumed they were one and the same!? Sounds like modern debt economics...
  6. When looking for the Earth Temple at Vorda Hill, there seem to be a set of monoliths at the top. Anyone care to explain? I want to set some sort of night jumper or uzbane shrine there but knowing it clashes with the current thought that the Curtali tribe (if that's who's there) is a peace loving tribe I want it to make sence. Maybe it was a shrine that fell into disuse after the long siege of the hill ended? I suppose an uzbane or a Humakti shrine could be in the Old Elf Ruin at the north side of the stream? It might well go with Fodronu Enchasol's shrine the Leafless Warrior... Where would the Night Jumper shrine be?
  7. We had discussed that Backford would likely have a good number of wallers farming salt pans or potentially could. It may export a good bit of pink salt as the Syphon runs from the sea upstream into the Print, its an idea location in our Glorantha. The Seapolis map TotRM 17 p.09 also shows some salt pans at the NE section of the city and so it's also likely that along the coasts where salt pans could be made and harvested, without too much interruption for the adjacent sea there would be potential salt export. Additionally Karse would also have some tidal flats nearby where salt would be farmed. With Nochet being the largest trade hub most local trade ports around the Mirrorsea Bay would be integrated. I could see some traders circling the Bay continuously (less the stormiest seasons) just moving goods. Its almost like someone could easily develop a trade game like Great Western Trail but its focus would be the Mirrorsea Bay Most places that exported salt would also fish and or oceanic goods I am guessing, there was a note somewhere about Sora Goodseller's caravan IIRC where they noted some traders would remove sections of the Building Wall and sell it far away for coral? I suppose there are shysters in all societies? Sorry if off topic.
  8. Adding a thought from Enclosure 01 1997 p.11: During the summons of evil Asborn Gunnarson volunteered to be the scapegoat and erected the 13 effigies and was disowned by his father and stripped of position and possessions. https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/GloranthaDigest/vol04/1153.html They drove Asborn out of the clan violently which he didn't anticipate. We all spoke of Asborn as being dead. Could this be that he was called Ashborn Twiceborn because he eventually reclaimed his name from that of Horselegs by deed of some sort while living with the the Colymar, rather than having been killed for real the first time? Curious why he was driven out, does anyone who rises the effigies for a summons of evil get driven out and if so why not pay someone from another clan to do it? What's the deal and why would they be called a scapegoat? Does scape "goat" have anything to do with being figuratively a broo by chance. (don't really think so but was a funny thought)
  9. There was discussion previously that Betimagor Uzbane's Hero Cult was possibly centered there and we are leaning towards a shrine to a subcult of Humakt and or one of the Thunder Brother's. We also look to use the Vinga's Ford scenario (as Rodney Dangerduck suggested) somewhere along the north end of the Dreven River. The Daughter of Darkness ties well to Sun County and Kilgorn Brightspear who happens to be married to the aunt of one of the Backford's PC's. He doesn't like the Marsh and actually hangs with Durulz in their passion against undead. very interesting Yelmalio Light Captain... The Earth Temple at Godman Hills will need to be detailed a bit but assume the entry would be set back into the hill and carved into the rock strata somehow, guessing form-set stone was used by dwarves who helped make it close to the Dawn... the open air Orthanth temple is assumed to be similar to others in plan.
  10. Form one of Joerg's previous posts: Presumably yes, at least as head of an expeditionary force like the one Fazzur led deep into the Marzeel Valley in 1605. Targeting the most important Earth temple in the region sounds like a proven Eel-Ariash strategy, and may have been underwritten by Moirades of Tarsh. What might the force of Lunars been made up of and their numbers. Did they bypass Whitewall or was there another circuitous route to get to the Marzeel Valley. As this is getting close to Backford and the PC's would likely be involved in attempting to thwart and Lunar incursion into the Heartland Plateau we'd like to develop this into a scenario maybe the mounted PC's are scouts and end up skirmishing with the likes of the Silver Shields? And as part of that note, what would be the most important Earth Temple in this region if its not at Whitewall is it at Smithstone?
  11. Is there a hippodrome in Nochet? From TotRM 13 p.42.
  12. Mount said spike at the end of a 2HD spear shaft with some sort of thermal break, something that stops galvanic reaction, it could even be mounted to an enchanted iron spear shaft with enchantments, bound spirit, etc. now its a powerful rune weapon. Some old game sessions we held had the PC's getting some ideas from an openhanded-ism (whatever that is) diamond dwarf they had befriended. It was really neat how powerful enemies suddenly couldn't use magic. More funny was them almost all dying when they had to fight the crabs on the island... We are set to use those same stats for crabs in a new campaign likely in Stonewood - Petrified Forest along the Syphon River, hey its salt water right, all sorts of cool stuff...
  13. I picked it up yesterday and almost, almost took it to the local printer... I didn't read it yet but can't wait to integrate all the nefarious plots cooked up! Bluebird, Runewolf, Aeolians, the Caprati, Halcyon, the Giant's Mill Stone, some great stuff coming up, its like Pavis and Sanctuary combined but on steroids! Might we see an option to POD in the near future!? Was it at Electrum or something, which you must be close...
  14. TotRM 12 p.59 - Curious if you use Raven's Stepladder to get to the Gods World where do you end up if you walk any direction from the orchard. Where are you actually on the Gods Plane, I suppose you could be anywhere but might it place you in or on the edge of a Great-Tree Forest, say at the base of the Spike or would you be maybe is Genert's garden? GtG 02 p.681 Did Aldrya’s tree at the top of the spike die when the spike exploded? GtG 02 p.680
  15. From TotRM 08 p.36 does anyone have a guess as to the year Jaxarte's love Mellissa went to try to convert the Scorpion Queen of Jab to the Seven Mothers cult? I assume it was after his census in Prax having been done in 1617... The MOB story is linked as a refence, it's a nice plot link and as it gives a good reverse side of story on Broo being the victims after saving Jaxarte from the river... https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/mobs-glorantha-page/gloranthan-fiction/jaxarte-and-the-chaos-fiends/
  16. Sorry if this isn't the correct thread for these questions. Mr. West posted a while back on my Backford Thread: There is only one thing you need to know. Do the Aeolian Cataphracts still ride around with form/set lightning lances? Shock cavalry ftw. Would you be able to form-set lightning as a spear tip and if so what damage would it do per intensity? RQ3 Spell Book p.46 Also would any of the living Mostali know the spell form-set adamant? Any thoughts are appreciated.
  17. Its like Jaja's earlier meet a dwarf encounter... too funny.
  18. Likely true but I like dwarves to more creative somehow. The Dwarves land at Sklar and meet with a marine architect from Backford who has several commissions for private yachts being built there... he is then commissioned to improve belt armor and its angle it which shifts to something clunky and Medieval looking to a more aesthetically pleasing turtle or monitor ship... lol.
  19. I thought there would be resentment by the Volsaxiland as they generally would not wish to be lead by an Esvulari but to your point if she's fighting what they don't like, enemy of my enemy might work? I assume this Vingan would need to be anti-Rikard somehow. I'll need to work on that especially when the Volsaxi seemed to have suppressed the Esvulai in the past with foreigner laws of sorts on more than one occasion? The area on the Heortland map 1571-1616 map seems to show closer to Backford but no issue for me to have it at Jansholm. Mentions of the Backford leadership be "hard pressed" makes me think they are strapped for cash, thus the much earlier thoughts on increasing trade centered on or moving through Backford. Oh, knowing that Jansholm is closer to Kitori lands do they happen to have a minor league trollball team? Orngerin the Sophisticate? 1603-1617 did he not die of a strange disease rather than via an outcome of one of Broyan of Whitewall's hero quests? All good stuff and thank you for the info Jaja! (Sorry to see Earl is gone... did you sort out an index yet!?)
  20. Found it by chance under Londra's stats... Urrrggh's treasure was 8,000 wheels... Wyrms Footnotes 11 p.15 Did anyone read where a troll was given the wooden sword after the temple dissolution? I know I read it somewhere, maybe it was given to Taksag by the old man? I thought I bookmarked it but cannot find it or what year.
  21. Interesting, could an air elemental be sent to befuddle the darksence ability of a troll who throws like a football QB? TotRM 04 p.09 I suppose the air elemental would not detect as magic but rather a spirit? How many blogs would it take to get someone with an air elemental to go and risk being eaten by the opposing team or their supports for cheating/influencing the game?
  22. So from the Holy Country notes with maps post on the WoD there are references to the Orshanti Clan, the Gardufar and the Vandarland. From Fandom: Orshanti Clan - A clan of the Hendriki that lived south of the Solthi River. Both Sartar and Colymar came from this clan. It is unclear whether it still exists. What if any ties might still exist between the Orshanti and the Colymar Tribe and Sartar which were formed from this clan. Would Sartar or the Colymar not have relatives still in the Backford area assumingly of the Orshanti even though it would be about 300 years later? Also from Fandom I found that it was an Earl of Gardufar and so can someone tell me how to change my tag to Earl in lieu of Eorl: Andrin the Renewed created the post of Earl to replace the King of Hurlant during the Volsaxi Revolt... HotHP p.86 Both Orshanti and Gardufar are close to Backford and so am curious as to their status about 1600 some 16 years before Belintar died and Broyan and Rikard staked a claim. I suppose the Orshanti is mostly just west of Backford and possibly including Backford? They are on the various maps and hover in about the same location. Are they somewhat anchored by Backford but slightly to its west side both up on the plateau and down in the Syphon Valley? Maybe they knowingly live west of Backford so it will somewhat shield them from anything that comes from the Print? Additionally there is the Vandarland area which I am not finding anything on. It seems that about half the area for them is split between the Hendriki and central sections of the plateau? In the newer 1616 map it seems it has just become part of the Gardufar area which includes Backford as I am able to tell? I also see that from the HotHP p.62 that Leskos is Esvalaring but I thought the Esvalaring were further south, likely they were appointed as administrators of Leskos and some other cities including Backford further north but not as far as Jansholm? Beside the History of the Heortling Peoples is there a source with more information? (Yes waiting for Jaja's Heortland/Hendriki release and I hope it included the Plateau and not just the area around Whitewall!?) The last and perhaps most intriguing query for me would be that if there were to be a Vigan Larnsti, divine tattoos and all, even though born an Esvulari noble, would displaced Uroxi and Hendriki near Backford follow her after the death of Belintar, assuming she was strong and charismatic enough to pull them together of course? Say she is more interested in the fight against the chaos of Jab and the Print than the squabble between Rikard and Broyan... If you have a strong argument as to why or why not please advise and formulate how it might be changed so this Larnsti Vigan Esvulari could be a strong leader of men and women against Chaos and well maybe Lunars too!? Thanks again. Heortland map 1571-1616 https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/holy-country-notes-with-maps HotH People https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-holy-country-after-1616/
  23. TofRM 10 - The turrets and merlons are a bit weird to me on the ship. I'd expect turtle ships or monitors so they couldn't be boarded as easily?
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