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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Yeah, no. We'll have the PC's stir clear of her then... unless disguised?
  2. I hadn't thought about that... could be interesting for role playing? Either kill grandma or take her place? I suppose they'll have to keep looking for a troll ball goalie. Where to recruit trollball players (a goalie) to play on a team with Yelmalians? Maybe the PC's somehow free Willandring the Giant, heal him somehow, he's grateful and thereafter wishes to be on their trollball team. We'd have to make him about 3-4 meters tall in lieu of the 10 he's is supposed to be but it may work out nicely.
  3. Do heardmen wear gold chains and striped suit jackets. Better yet do they smoke hazia?
  4. So we have a PC that is Kralorian, her father is Yomat, Grandmother is Sinjota. What are a few positive and negative traits that would result from having a guardian of hell as a grandmother? Kill your lovers, sometimes? Have skin that appears slightly as scaled in certain light? Need to eat parts of sentient creatures, sometimes? Unaffected by undead? Also I did see that Sinjota actually ate Eurmal? Curious how he came back after being eaten? Would Sinjota be considered a demon? Would Sinjota be considered dead as she lives in hell? Would Sinjota try to eat her granddaughter if they met at the gates of hell? Would Sinjota join her granddaughter's trollball team and be goalie for a season? I realize Sinjota isn't a giant but it says she is twice as tall as the tallest man so extrapolating from giant's stats... Guessing she is about 4m tall then she'd be about 6d6 +12 for size, say about 33 or smaller, maybe 30 as she may not be as thick as a troll? Slightly smaller than the largest great troll, 36. Where is there more info on Yomat (other than he was popular in the east and then that was changed to west some years later by the authors...)? Written in WFN 07:
  5. Does anyone have a lnk to this? Thank you!
  6. Maybe she liked beer so much that after her dad burnt down the Gerydog Inn she left him for Prax and they brew beer with healing properties at Horn Gate? Not a she.. Korlmar the Most White: Prince Argrath's Healing Companion. He was killed at the Battle of Yoran He was succeeded by Heortarl the Lightbringer https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Korlmar_the_Most_White (Battle of Yoran: A battle that Prince Argrath fought in 1638 ST.)
  7. Not sure about canon but mentioned in Drastic Resolution Prax p.6. King of Sartar p. 169 and a few other references... Maybe she was related to King Korlmar of the Colymar, went to Prax after Sartar was invaded?
  8. I agree, really cool but based on my seeing their nesting habits first hand at the Lincoln Park Zoo, they smell as bad or worse then penguins... Along the southern Praxian coastline not far from Sog's Ruins there have been sittings of a 40' electric chaos penguin with tentacles... tears the clothing off your back in the blink of an eye. What some would consider even more gruesome is the projectile vomiting of acidic regurgitated meals its had which sticks to you like pratzim and melts your armor... truely a wicked creature, worse than the Praxian jackalope, with sharp pointy razor sharp teeth and horns like daggers to boot. Even better, our pigmy PC's are developing a Hero Quest so ostrich riders may get their mounts to be able to fly once again. The air-mobile ostrich 1st lancers. Their lances are actually elongated didgeridoo's which they use to announce a charge or send coded messages. They are also able to drop escretment from high elevations very accurately...
  9. That is the worst... worse than Akhôrahil's commnet about finding the invisible sword seems difficult (which I didn't understand... 🤪) Do pigmies wear cowboy hats? Are any Praxians similar to Aborigines in Australia? Why have Kralorelan straw hats not been imported to Prax? It seems they would be ideal for keeping the sun out especially if they were 3-4' in diameter? Do Praxian tribes have wind chimes to give notice of oncoming storms, noted the lacquered bamboo in the sample cowboy hat windchime for sale at Pavis location P6: Goemon's FIne Haberdashery. He is from far away Lur Nop in Wanzow... he has secret ties to the Red Dragon Servant and likely the Black Fang Brotherhood.
  10. We are sorting that out for our campaign, bringing at least one river back for sure, likely from a chaos tainted spring? If they can do it so can we. It's my right! I think we'll like snakes somehow as well... as always great ideas. Heardmen throwing rocks onto large drums and ringing bells. A cacophony of beautiful harmonistic music?
  11. I assume some "eastern" types were imported that would thrive along the rivers as well... thanks for the link as well.
  12. I had just read through the Boat Planet scenario last week and was wondering. Thanks again. So is that the southernmost edge of Pamaltela or beyond in the Sea of Fire, red arrow in clip below? Makes sense to me, I suppose if Glorantha doesn't curve/is flat you see everything higher then the terrain near you so being at the center point of Glorantha is critical. If you were at the center point would Yelm go directly overhead each day no matter the season. Sorry if these are basic questions but I have not thought much about the sky dome, Orlanth's Ring, the Boat Planet, etc until very recently and more so due to your post. Following this rabbit hole I found some of Mr. Richard's nores: Glorantha is a flat world surmounted by a Sky Dome. The Sky Dome itself tilts back and forth, north and south, each year. Lots of stuff on FB which I don't have but am able to see a good portion of thankfully... Thanks again for the video.
  13. From another thread, are heardmen able to be taught to play simple musical interments? Either way what sort of music if any would Morokanth have at a evening heardman BBQ? Wouldn't Morokanth tend to be more on the side of herbivore? Also what vegetables are there in Prax that grow wild? I assume a larger variety along the Zol Fel banks, etc. but are there earthlike equivalents? The same questions go for fruits as well...
  14. D, where is the viewer of this video positioned on Glorantha is there a spot on a map? Does it matter which season it is? I suppose the sky elements move but according to their own travels related to a stationary Glorantha rather than any tilting or rotation of flat Glorantha? This brings a whole new meaning to sitting by the fire at a Praxian Morokanth BBQ eating seasoned herdman skewers on a stick.
  15. I'd go with hyena skins and snakes versus the mass sacrifice. The broo are tainted and you'll likely get sick even being near them let alone herding them to a place with a big stone that has a glue matrix on it for holding them in place before axing them? Yes a dirty business indeed. I wonder what numbers you are talking about when looking at hyena skins or snakes to make up Genert's body? Still wondering about the hidden cave being somewhere in or near the Bog or the Sands? So anyone with silver thread from those special sheep (are they held by a chaos cyclops giant near or in the Tunneled Hills? (sounds fun) and some skill at sewing could actually help restich Genert's skin? It may end up looking like this Artic fur coat on top with snake print leggings. Was Genert a fashionista? Could be his head is earth, rock and plants for hair?
  16. So the PC's get some dwarves or good carpenters with a little knowledge of fluid dynamics to custruct troughs and a whole bunch of purify water spells. Reprime the pump so to speak for Seolinthur as Camenura is his wife... Heart Lake sounds as good as any a place to do CPR on Seolinthur. What happens when you cast purify water on a gorp? How would Camenura be linked to a Hero Quest that would result in Purify Chaos or something like that so the chaos tainted water could be cleansed? No one has commented on bringing the snakes of Prax together to recreate Genert's lower torso and serpentine tail. So we just need to locate Genert's hidden hyena skin cave... I like this a lot as the center point. Thank you Mr. Scott.
  17. Not liking the sound of this brutal as it is but I see it and current world Earth when I think about it... sad either way. Understood but I'd rather gather the snakes and use them!
  18. I rather like the idea that the snakes at Cam's well are somehow parts of Genert and as Seolinthur was her husband she also looked out for his lord, Genert? Maybe the sacrifice isn't really a sacrifice but a gathering of the skins and the snakes (I don't like them anyway). I was reading in Book of Resolutions Prax about Camenura but she isn't mentioned elsewhere that I could find on line unfortunately. (Mr. Stafford's ex wife?) When I think on the mirror and the piper going to Cam's Well and then moving to the hidden cave in the Copper Sands (maybe) to resurrect Genert with all the snakes following, it seems that Genert may not need to flex his muscles but rather take some sort of revenge against Chaos by jumping into the Eternal Battle, tipping the scales and causing it to ultimately by won over Chaos? With 1000's of jars of bones the catacombs must be always increasing in size... From GtG - Cam’s Well: This deep, covered well is the remains of a God Time palace. Inside, it consists of white pearlescent walls with a double helical ramp large enough for herd animals to traverse. Drastic Resolutions and TotRM have more material but where might there be more if any? I also like the idea that Purify Water as a ritual would eliminate chaos for the affected water but the notes in Drastic Resolutions state that is specifically doesn't. YGWV I suppose... Thank you all.
  19. So if a PC were to obtain some special Hero Quest Powers related to snakes, had a special mirror in their pocket (attracts snakes) and a particular flute/pipe that looked like a snake (allows them to command snakes) and went to Cam's Well what sort mischief could they get into? Reading TotRM 15 about Cam's Well there are limited scenarios/plot links besides one for Raus needing holy water and a census. Did anyone try to tie the scenario Hell Hound to Cam's Well or are there other suggestions as to links? How might the snakes at Cam's Well be related to Genert (His lower torso and tail appear to be serpdentine?) and could there be possible clues as to resurrecting Genert in the holy of holies at the temple there? There are a few caravans which could bring the PC's through as guards or apprentice traders, etc. was thinking from Kight's Fort after being posted there for a bit as an ease into Prax? What do the occupants of Cam's Well want that they are to timid to obtain, what helps them become stronger, Genert possibly?
  20. It would need to be 200 farmers and 30 thanes? (from the Well: The average Sartarite clan claims about 55 square kilometers of territory.) Assuming at most 1/4 of the average clan area is arable in Sartar or even higher in the Heortland. A skilled cradler could harvest 1 ½ -2 acres a day of wheat. A clan's arable area would be about 3400 acres. If it were all wheat and 100 farmers did nothing but cut it'd be 17 days to cut the wheat. The others would gather and thrash, etc. I assume they'd bring in the crops in late Fire Season? 10 farmers would have one hell of a time bringing in the wheat? If 5 were cutting it'd be 340 days to get it done... I assume Sun Thanes are 90% farmer and 10% thane? Maybe that's a misprint... With a cooperative effort 10 farmers with three X9 1100's could harvest up to 90 acres an hour in wheat. (I sat in one of these bad boys a few months back at the Deere HQ, truly massive and tracked even.) With these big bad babies the God Learner Orlanthi farmers would done harvesting in just under 5 days. I bet the dwarves could get them built in a few months without supply chain issues? They could then spend more time with the dwarves making Blue Moon beer... There was a new beer at Geo's near the Marsh called Floyds Zombie Dust but its not certain if it really has ashes in it or not? (Thanes do drink beer I assume?)
  21. Orstalor who killed a troll with his bare hands and also slew a member of the Enhyli Clan... (another rabbit hole) Looks like you have a nice antagonist ready and waiting to mug your new Enhyli PC's, evil laughter muahahaha...
  22. So what is the who, where, what ,when, how and why about the Enhyli!? They worship Elmal, they claim descent from Kuschile, they hate the Undead and offer many sacrifices to Humakt, etc. I like very much and will have fun with this, especially when a Elmali PC ends up in Sun County in Prax... Maybe, just maybe there will be some acolytes and one will be named Obsidian? Horsetown, Swan and Apple Lane as well as Runegate seem to be associated? Did you develop any steads, clans, locations etc? Thanks for the content Mr. Svensson!
  23. I was looking for Cam's Well and somehow hit this thread... yes another rabbit hole! I happened to pull out a bunch of old samurai 25mm figs from the closet this past weekend and found these guys from a campaign we ran in the western Tokyo suburbs in the mid 90's in the same container, forgot I had them, set them on the coffee table to reminisce. A bit worn and yes painting minifigs has come a long way since then, almost 30 years ago but they bring fond memories. I think they were working on the Condor Crags. They guy with the spear was an aspiring acolyte of Elmal (yes at that time there was a lot of debate in the temples as to Yelmalio versus Emal but they still liked each other) named Obsidian of all things!? He was from Sartar of course... We played about once a week for like 8 hours a sitting for two years mostly in the Zol Fel Valley and areas around the Sun Dome and never got to the Cradle... Great game no matter the version or what is/isn't canon, you just need some players and a bit of imagination.
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