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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. For sure, I was hasty! I didn't see the statue head...
  2. Is that Herder's Ruins? Hender’s Ruins (ruin): These partly-buried, broken crystalline structures are visible for miles in sunlight. Jaldon Toothmaker once made this his camp for the aid it gave his teeth. Nomads normally avoid it as the weird plants there attract monsters. Monkey's on acid dancing in the moonlight with edible nuts falling from the sky... some party, I think that was from the Travels of Biturian Varosh... Curious where anyone has located the secret cave where the hyena skins are being stitched together?
  3. In TotRM 15 p.43 there is a really good article on Hyena. Wish I saw it a few days ago! Does anyone know who this one armed sage was who travelled throughout Prax and visited the tribes and most of the independents. Maybe his book is on sale at the Borderlands bookstore in Pavis?
  4. I have read so many post initiation scenarios either raiding or guarding against raids that it seems almost as widely used as Apple Lane? Orlanthi/barbarians on horses seems natural. If they have the coin, they ride, if they cannot fly?! Sounds a bit like chasing Erumali spells shrine to shrine across Genertela? Why wouldn't worshipers of the same deity be able to acquire spells available to follw worshipers at another location? Love everything in there, keep going back to it, 100's of plot hooks. 1000's of rabbit holes.
  5. Maybe he'll try to kill him to protect his wife's interests? Likely know one thought it possible.I suppose Genert's supporters died off over time? Mr. Svensson thought this up with a good bit of previous discussion by Mr. Soltakss in other Prax threads. Its al their fault? That's why I was thinking the Eternal Battle should be part of the process somehow, it just seems to need to be included? I didn't scale it but its 100's of kilos... close not really but do I think a chaos surge would be trigger, you betcha, good point. How to defend against it? I guess it'd be lots of small attacks rather than a large well coordinated one, thus is chaos? Is there a source for this? Would like to read up... It's a nice "everyone gets along" scenario but I bet Orlanth Mr. fighting is always an option, doesn't like it and if Genert wants a bit more what happens? Also a source would be nice here. Will check Well and Wiki... so much new material for me. To be disagreeable for discussion, why would she do that, maybe she actually wants to get rid of Orlanth, bored with him, smelly, bad breath, obnoxious, crude and always lecherous whereas Genert is the gentleman, loving, kind, a creator not a destroyer? I bet she'd dump him after centuries of his nonsense? Same potential to be evil/chaotic, how could the worshipers be assured that Genert would come back good? That is freakin funny! Do they also make Nike shoes with little wings on them, oh wait that a different set of myths!? The more I think about this, it's something the PC's would work towards long term, a game time effort of 25-30 years?
  6. Looking at adding detail to the old TotRM 15 Scenario Hell Hound. Heading east and a bit north of Pavis the PC's would pass through Maughry and continuing on along the East Scritha River to about where the X is on the clip below and assume would take about 6-7 days of travel to arrive without hurrying. What are the thoughts on Maughry, its population, does it have a stockade of some sort? Would it be similar to say Garhoud but a bit smaller scale? Also, does anyone have a source for Yeshmars Claw (sounds interesting)... at the right side of the clip. Not seeing any hits for Yeshmar on the Well or Glorantha Wiri.
  7. Any idea as to how the process to bring Genert back could go wrong or be influenced by chaos and or evil, physically or spiritually? Knowing that 100's perhaps 100's or even 1000's of creatures are working to a positive outcome? It'd need to be on a huge scale to have Genert raised as Wakboth, could happen but how do you see it occuring? Sounds pretty interesting and adds sub plotmotives for chaotics anywhere in the Wastes I suppose?
  8. This was discussed and could be really interesting... really bad. How would one prevent the repaired Genert from being an evil twin? I was wondering that, could the repaired Ernalda mirror be brought to the cleansed Bog, along with some/all the other items discussed above, which would attract 1000's of snakes, who are actually small parts of Genert, recreating his lower body skin/scales. Hyena skins for upper torso and snakes for the bottom. Maybe the mirror needs to be at a new Great Earth temple in the cleansed Bog or near there. It's a decade long process? The shining metallic sculpture, roughly a meter in diameter... was always part of our campaigns, even used as a shield at one time... that could easily become part of Genert and a long lead into this campaign. The person carrying it starts to see visions... leans towards becoming a member of the Ernalda or some other earth cult, Babeester Gor, etc. this is a great early plot link. Somewhere per Mr. Scott I think: The "missing" head is effectively the fertility of the Erno Arkozal Grasslands (the yellow centre) which has the best grazing in the Wastes, the same as Sacred Ground in Prax. The Erno Arkozal Grasslands were the site of Genert's Throne. Seolinthur's Fall smashed the throne (a cool looking rock outcrop) with his head. It would of been the same as the other Palace grassland, were it not for this. (red arrow) I do like the tie to the Hills and Platteau however. We have it set that one PC is an actual physical daughter of Pavis and a Pavis Garden Dryad but doesn't know who her father is... Visions and all that, Pavis meets her in her dreams... didn't sort all that out yet. No one will, it will be 1000's of snakes attracted by the repair Ernalda mirror. They are not being sacrificed but rather rejoining Genert's body which they have all been part of... the hyaena skins stitched by silver thread made by forgotten Ty Kora Tek magics to be discovered in the lower levels of some forgotten Wastelands ruins?
  9. Could just be earth made for droppings, buffalo chips, poop... from the hyenas, some special soil, portions dispersed/found all over Prax? Where hyenas would have traveled and how to gather it, not unlike the skins... Some bits would have been metal, bones of Genert as well. Would some sort of divination spell or perhaps a special mirror that shows a begone time would permit visions of the past allowing the portions of Genert, other gods to be seen and tracked? Sort of like a magical Minelab Manticore Metal Detector, could be a Leonardo invention the PC's borrow? In lieu of the Locate Sun Dome spell it'd might be Sense Genert? Where would you find this spell, a forgotten shrine or possibly under Snakepipe Hollow in an old temple we all know and love that partly exists on the Hero Plane? Don't the dwarves have a way to find metal? It'd be like a giant scavenger hunt across Prax and even possibly outside thereof in some instances? Some of the skins would be magical like in the Sandheart Scenarios, and need to obtained, the silver wool thread sounds interesting as well. Possibly some weapons made from Genert's bones need to be obtained and melted down or molded, the gorp mud (keep going back to this) from the throne needs to be cleansed as used... Genert is reconstructed like a giant bronze framed ceramic terracotta anthropomorphic figure fired by Oakfed in a giant kiln made by the dwarves of Pavis? They'd need a lot of wood and pine needles to fire the body and glaze it properly before attaching and then sew the skins on with the silver wool thread... I am guessing the dwarves as part of their rebuilding the world machine project would love to have Genert back on line and ideally would the Pavis Quarry into a giant kiln? Of course this pahse of the project would have a number/pattern/sequence of operation to follow? Some of the original Hero Quests conducted by Pavis during the EWF would need to be investigated and some reenacted, possibly? The elves of the Garden would furnish wood for the kiln... What shape would Genert take and at what scale... still crazy scarry it could turn into a mummified mass of destruction as Mr. Brandi described...
  10. I have had so many questions about this since reading the travels of the merchant Mr. Varosh... To rebuild Genert you need hyena skins which are bad news for Issaries merchants as they become obligated to take the skins into the Wastes to help this effort? How and why, where? How could a Hyena Trickster weigh in here? Maybe they are a shaman who dances around wearing a hyena head. What rituals would be involved to embody the spirit of Hyena and help make Genert again? Theoretically if enough parts of his body are brought back together, Genert can actually be resurrected but how many skins? Why not make this part of a campaign where the PC's become desert trackers after befriending the famous guy in Pavis and actually set up a trader path to the Bog. What portion of Genert wasn't eaten by Hyena if any and where is it, maybe in the Bog itself, so it requires the Bog to be cleansed, resurrecting Seolinthur in the process somehow... lots of giant insects and gorp, a Stormbull shrine is needed and of course a Gorki altar too due to the giant insects? Do the hyena skins need to be stitched to the remaining part of Genert after it is found and cleansed in like a patchwork quilt and if so is it with silver sheep wool thread? Where do you get that? Chaos dwarf herders in the Tunneled Hills I am guessing?
  11. But obviously lots of people ride horses but maybe dismount to do battle? There was another town near Sun Dome that was into horse archery and mounted activities but I can't recall it at a glance. Apple Lane had some know horse trainers as well. So maybe it's closer to Medieval squires and footman around a mounted thane, would the thane tend to dismount or would the thanes gather as cavalry unit? What percentage of Sartarites would be able to afford a horse for riding or combat, if it were trained as a warhorse? Thanks for the insite Mr. Richard.
  12. Somewhere I read his head fell on and smashed genert's throne, he's water Genert is earth... equals mud for me? I'll look for it but the resultant was the Bog. Thanks for keeping me honest but I like that idea and hate gorp so it makes sense to be the mudpie Bog... like stinky river back water sloughs with dead fish smells and huge chaos insects... need Gorki and Stormbull Shrines for sure to help clean that up!?
  13. Maybe not beast riders but rather a ragtag group of displaced PC's from all over, who ride horses of course, think that the mostly outlander civilized folk are the ones who think outside the box and are able to make it happen looking past traditional tribal bickering?
  14. Why not add cleansing and reconnecting Seolinthur after finding or rebuilding their (male/female not sure) head and resurrecting Genert as well. Been looking at that in other threads... should be an epic set of quests with Hero Quests built in, love it. When will it be on DTRPG, get with Soltakss, he has a good start on it already! I am content with the existing gods, especially if you are bring back the departed ones but hey, many smaller local spirts/sub cults could be part of this.. add some Trickster aspects as well?
  15. I like that Seolinthur's head was a pond or spring of life and Genert's throne was earth from what I gather and so, it became a massive mud puddle gorp when his head falls onto the throne? And a river went out of Eden/Genert's Garden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became four heads. Possibly this is Seolinthu's arms and legs were "heads" or branches of the river he was? How to heal/cleanse, will keep working on that. Interesting stuff.
  16. How could everyone not know that who doesn't have a 3' x 5' Beat Pot poster not on their wall? Look at the passion and despair radiating between the two love birds... How do we know his cleaver wasn't the cleaver?
  17. It's always worked best for groups I've played in to have the character start young so there is some real game time growth between party members. When I meet old friends will still bring up fond memories "remember when so and so did..." we still break out the miniatures we used and koke about the next big champaign. It's what I've been working on this past year or so. We never tried that but it might be a great source of fun to have one of the PC's take on the party's and play the "bad guy", great ideas to mess with. What life events drives a PC's actions? Great role playing opportunities. With the PC's starting at age 15 in 1600 we are going to have them in Nochet, meet Blueface, know Gringle and actually be part of the Temple of the Wooden Sword or so we are thinking... maybe, just maybe the The Temple of the Wooden Sword's Trollball team was named Norwegian Wood.
  18. Yellow Bear Hills... Halfbird shows up there at sometime?
  19. Is there a reverse gorp spell and is a Trickster able to enhance a massive swallow spell via Hero Questing like Mike's shovel? Red arrow is location of where Seolinthur's head would have been. Any images for the throne his head smashed besides a giant stone chair?
  20. Like any Hero Quest, danger, excitement, meeting deities, what fun but not stealing, rather borrowing during a Hero Quest to help resurrect a broken god. Was thinking praxian tent camp but in a bizarre way - appearance... like nomads on acid, as many have been described Hero Quests in the past. What other Hero Quests would give you tools to help repair a broken god? Also what pops out if your PC's are chaos creatures? Ankubi Broostalker, Storm Bulls, ZZ Great Trolls etc?
  21. The bottom is from Drastic Resolution I believe... little snake heads thanks!
  22. Last Briefing Camp This is within the Eternal Battle, and is a sacred spot of Storm Bull where he gives away anything that is desired by the combatants who are going with him to face Wakboth. It is a place of great and easy gifting, but the consequences are often more dire than the gift was good. (from the Well) Any thoughts as to the appearance of this knowing the Hero Plane would greatly mutate any sort of pre-battle military encampment? Somehow the giant gorp Sun Dome military tent comes to mind. The Hero Questing PC's sneak in, grab some potent item to help them and get out...
  23. I wonder how somehow rebuilding/resurrecting Seolinthur would reduce this lethargic sate? Maybe it's a part of a long-term process to cleanse the Bog, heal Seolinthur and then raising Genert... how might the Oasis folk help rebuild Genert? If the copper was filtered from the sands could it be molded into parts of Genert? The rivers represented by snakes (Ernalda) on the map in Drastic Resolutions Prax got me thinking that if Ernada's mirror were repaired and were brought to the Bog, the PC's then could use it to determine the course of action via clues it may provide seeing the Storm Age before Seolinthur was killed and Genert's Throne destroyed. As Mr. West noted in another thread what Prax would be like before Genert died: In essence there would be no Praxians as we know them, because there would have been no need for Waha's Covenant. Instead there would be herds of intelligent animals and giants roaming the landscape for a start. They Hero Quest into the Eternal battle and bring someone or something that will help them, maybe a powerful shaman or a tool to help cleanse the Bog? Does anyone have a list of allied spirits and deities that may be involved in the healing of Seolinthur and Genert? Zola Fel, Cleansed One, River Horse, Waha, Eirtha, Dew Maid, Frog Woman, Lucky Star, other oasis spirits, Hunter Dog Brother, Oakfed... Also what happened to the true dragon that lived in Genert's garden?
  24. Does anyone have a really good map of the Krjalki Bog? I am only able to find Drastic Resolutions Prax back cover and book center. (funny the nomad gods new counter stickers with provincial troops and Tada are still in my book...)
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